path: root/Lessons/Lesson_15/README.md
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+Let's print content of variables that define boot options in UEFI.
+To do it, we need to use `GetVariable()` API function from the EFI Runtime Services:
+Returns the value of a variable.
+GetVariable (
+ IN CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid,
+ OUT UINT32 *Attributes OPTIONAL,
+ IN OUT UINTN *DataSize,
+ );
+VariableName A Null-terminated string that is the name of the vendor’s variable.
+VendorGuid A unique identifier for the vendor
+Attributes If not NULL, a pointer to the memory location to return the
+ attributes bitmask for the variable.
+ If not NULL, then Attributes is set on output both when
+ EFI_SUCCESS and when EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned.
+DataSize On input, the size in bytes of the return Data buffer.
+ On output the size of data returned in Data.
+Data The buffer to return the contents of the variable. May be NULL
+ with a zero DataSize in order to determine the size buffer needed.
+Each vendor may create and manage its own variables without the risk of name conflicts by using a
+unique VendorGuid. When a variable is set its Attributes are supplied to indicate how the data variable
+should be stored and maintained by the system. The attributes affect when the variable may be accessed
+and volatility of the data
+If the Data buffer is too small to hold the contents of the variable, the error EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is
+returned and DataSize is set to the required buffer size to obtain the data.
+Status Codes Returned:
+EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully.
+EFI_NOT_FOUND The variable was not found.
+EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The DataSize is too small for the result. DataSize has been
+ updated with the size needed to complete the request. If
+ Attributes is not NULL, then the attributes bitmask for the
+ variable has been stored to the memory location pointed-to by
+ Attributes.
+In previous lesson we've discovered that these options are present in our environment under GUID `EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE` (gEfiGlobalVariableGuid):
+If we look at the UEFI spec for these options description we would find:
+Each Boot#### variable contains an EFI_LOAD_OPTION. Each Boot#### variable is the name “Boot”
+appended with a unique four digit hexadecimal number. For example, Boot0001, Boot0002, Boot0A02,
+The BootOrder variable contains an array of UINT16’s that make up an ordered list of the Boot####
+options. The first element in the array is the value for the first logical boot option, the second element is
+the value for the second logical boot option, etc. The BootOrder order list is used by the firmware’s
+boot manager as the default boot order.
+The BootCurrent variable is a single UINT16 that defines the Boot#### option that was selected on
+the current boot.
+Create `ShowBootVariables` for this lesson.
+First let's try to get simple `UINT16 BootCurrent` option.
+We would be getting variables a lot in this program, so it is best to create a function that abstracts all the necessities of the `GetVariable` API calls:
+GetNvramVariable( CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ EFI_GUID *VariableOwnerGuid,
+ VOID **Buffer,
+ UINTN *BufferSize)
+ UINTN Size = 0;
+ *BufferSize = 0;
+ EFI_STATUS Status = gRT->GetVariable(VariableName, VariableOwnerGuid, NULL, &Size, NULL);
+ if (Status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
+ Print(L"Error! 'gRT->GetVariable' call returned %r\n", Status);
+ return Status;
+ }
+ *Buffer = AllocateZeroPool(Size);
+ if (!Buffer) {
+ Print(L"Error! 'AllocateZeroPool' call returned %r\n", Status);
+ }
+ Status = gRT->GetVariable(VariableName, VariableOwnerGuid, NULL, &Size, *Buffer);
+ if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
+ *BufferSize = Size;
+ } else {
+ FreePool( *Buffer );
+ *Buffer = NULL;
+ }
+ return Status;
+As with many other different UEFI APIs first `GetVariable` call gives us `EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL` error, but fills `Size` variable with the size of the array that we need to allocate and pass to this function for the correct execution.
+We allocate necessary size with the `AllocateZeroPool` edk2 library call, like we did it in previous lesson. After that we call `GetVariable` function for the second time, expecting `EFI_SUCCESS` status.
+The main function would look like this:
+#include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
+#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
+GetNvramVariable( CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ EFI_GUID *VariableOwnerGuid,
+ VOID **Buffer,
+ UINTN *BufferSize)
+ ...
+INTN EFIAPI ShellAppMain(IN UINTN Argc, IN CHAR16 **Argv)
+ UINTN OptionSize;
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ UINT16* BootCurrent;
+ Status = GetNvramVariable(L"BootCurrent", &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, (VOID**)&BootCurrent, &OptionSize);
+ if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
+ Print(L"BootCurrent=%d\n", *BootCurrent);
+ } else {
+ Print(L"Can't get BootCurrent variable\n");
+ }
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+If we execute this code under OVMF we would get:
+FS0:\> ShowBootVariables.efi
+This means that `Boot0003` is active.
+Now let's get `UINT16 BootOrder[]` variable. It is an array of XXXX numbers that describe Boot option priority.
+So `{0,2,4,1,3}` for example would mean this order:
+This is the code to get and print this array:
+UINT16* BootOrderArray;
+Status = GetNvramVariable(L"BootOrder", &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, (VOID**)&BootOrderArray, &OptionSize);
+if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
+ for (UINTN i=0; i<(OptionSize/sizeof(UINT16)); i++) {
+ Print(L"Boot%04d%s\n", BootOrderArray[i], (BootOrderArray[i] == *BootCurrent)? L"*" : L"" );
+ }
+} else {
+ Print(L"Can't get BootOrder variable\n");
+If we execute this code under OVMF we would get:
+Now let's print information about every `Boot####` option.
+According to the UEFI the spec these options are stored in a `EFI_LOAD_OPTION` structure:
+typedef struct _EFI_LOAD_OPTION {
+ UINT32 Attributes;
+ UINT16 FilePathListLength;
+ // CHAR16 Description[];
+ // UINT8 OptionalData[];
+Attributes The attributes for this load option entry. All unused bits must be zero
+ and are reserved by the UEFI specification for future growth.
+FilePathListLength Length in bytes of the FilePathList. OptionalData starts at
+ offset sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof(UINT16) +
+ StrSize(Description) + FilePathListLength of the
+ EFI_LOAD_OPTION descriptor.
+Description The user readable description for the load option. This field ends
+ with a Null character.
+FilePathList A packed array of UEFI device paths. The first element of the array is
+ a device path that describes the device and location of the Image for
+ this load option. The FilePathList[0] is specific to the device
+ type. Other device paths may optionally exist in the FilePathList,
+ but their usage is OSV specific. Each element in the array is variable
+ length, and ends at the device path end structure. Because the size
+ of Description is arbitrary, this data structure is not guaranteed
+ to be aligned on a natural boundary. This data structure may have to
+ be copied to an aligned natural boundary before it is used.
+OptionalData The remaining bytes in the load option descriptor are a binary data
+ buffer that is passed to the loaded image. If the field is zero bytes
+ long, a NULL pointer is passed to the loaded image. The number of
+ bytes in OptionalData can be computed by subtracting the
+ starting offset of OptionalData from total size in bytes of the
+In edk2 it is defined in a file https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/blob/master/MdePkg/Include/Uefi/UefiSpec.h
+Pay attention to the fact that some fields in this structure are commented:
+// CHAR16 Description[];
+// UINT8 OptionalData[];
+It is because these fields are variable size arrays, so we need to calculate offsets to them dynamically.
+Create a function that accepts names of a Boot variable (such as "Boot0003") and outputs all the needed information about it:
+VOID PrintBootOption(CHAR16* BootOptionName)
+ UINTN OptionSize;
+ UINT8* Buffer;
+ EFI_STATUS Status = GetNvramVariable(BootOptionName, &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, (VOID**)&Buffer, &OptionSize);
+ if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
+ EFI_LOAD_OPTION* LoadOption = (EFI_LOAD_OPTION*) Buffer;
+ CHAR16* Description = (CHAR16*)(Buffer + sizeof (EFI_LOAD_OPTION));
+ UINTN DescriptionSize = StrSize(Description);
+ Print(L"%s\n", Description);
+ if (LoadOption->FilePathListLength != 0) {
+ VOID* FilePathList = (UINT8 *)Description + DescriptionSize;
+ CHAR16* DevPathString = ConvertDevicePathToText(FilePathList, TRUE, FALSE);
+ Print(L"%s\n", DevPathString);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Print(L"Can't get %s variable\n", BootOptionName);
+ }
+This code uses pointer arithmetics that we've discussed above. To get `Description` field size we simply use `StrSize(Description)` call as `Description` field always ends with Null.
+To print DevicePath as a string we use `ConvertDevicePathToText` call (we've used it earlier in our `ImageInfo` application). To use it we need to add `#include <Library/DevicePathLib.h>` to our program.
+Now we need to construct "BootXXXX" variables from a `BootOrder` numbers.
+To do so we would use `UnicodeSPrint` function from the https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/blob/master/MdePkg/Include/Library/PrintLib.h
+ Produces a Null-terminated Unicode string in an output buffer based on a Null-terminated
+ Unicode format string and variable argument list.
+ This function is similar as snprintf_s defined in C11.
+ ...
+ @param StartOfBuffer A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated
+ Unicode string.
+ @param BufferSize The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
+ @param FormatString A Null-terminated Unicode format string.
+ @param ... Variable argument list whose contents are accessed based on the
+ format string specified by FormatString.
+ @return The number of Unicode characters in the produced output buffer not including the
+ Null-terminator.
+UnicodeSPrint (
+ OUT CHAR16 *StartOfBuffer,
+ IN UINTN BufferSize,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *FormatString,
+ ...
+ );
+Just in case in the same file there is a similar function for ASCII:
+AsciiSPrint (
+ OUT CHAR8 *StartOfBuffer,
+ IN UINTN BufferSize,
+ IN CONST CHAR8 *FormatString,
+ ...
+ );
+So the code inside BootOrder loop now would look like this:
+CHAR16 BootOptionStr[sizeof("Boot####")+1];
+UnicodeSPrint(BootOptionStr, (sizeof("Boot####")+1)*sizeof(CHAR16), L"Boot%04x", BootOrderArray[i]);
+Print(L"%s%s\n", BootOptionStr, (BootOrderArray[i] == *BootCurrent)? L"*" : L"" );
+Don't forget to add `#include <Library/PrintLib.h>` to the start of the file.
+If we compile our app and execute it under OVMF we would get:
+FS0:\> ShowBootVariables.efi
+EFI Internal Shell
+UEFI PXEv4 (MAC:525400123456)
+We are definitely in the UEFI shell, so the `BootCurrent`(="*") is placed correctly.