In previous lesson we've used `EFI_SHELL_PARAMETERS_PROTOCOL` to get command line parameters to our app. It is a valid method but there is a simpler way to do it for the shell apps. To ease things we can use the entry point in this format: ``` INTN EFIAPI ShellAppMain ( IN UINTN Argc, IN CHAR16 **Argv ); ``` This way `Argc`/`Argv` are passed directly to the app entry point like it is usually happening in C programming. Let's create a `SimpleShellApp` based on our `HelloWorld` app. With the necessary modifications the INF file would look like this: ``` [Defines] INF_VERSION = 1.25 BASE_NAME = SimpleShellApp FILE_GUID = 2afd1202-545e-4f8d-b8fb-bc179e84ddc8 MODULE_TYPE = UEFI_APPLICATION VERSION_STRING = 1.0 ENTRY_POINT = ShellCEntryLib [Sources] SimpleShellApp.c [Packages] MdePkg/MdePkg.dec [LibraryClasses] UefiLib ShellCEntryLib ``` Main changes: - `ENTRY_POINT = ShellCEntryLib` is added to the `[Defines]` section - `ShellCEntryLib` is added to the `[LibraryClasses]` section instead of `UefiApplicationEntryPoint` In the end it works this way. Shell C library is the main UEFI app with the standard entry point: ``` EFI_STATUS EFIAPI UefiMain ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) ``` It parses incoming parameters with the `EFI_SHELL_PARAMETERS_PROTOCOL` like we did it and then calls our app entry point passing all of the parsed parameteres with the call: ``` INTN EFIAPI ShellAppMain ( IN UINTN Argc, IN CHAR16 **Argv ); ``` You can look at the source code of `ShellAppMain` at the If you look at the source you could see that istead of a `HandleProtocol` API that we've used: ``` Status = gBS->HandleProtocol( ImageHandle, &gEfiShellParametersProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &ShellParameters ); ``` it uses `OpenProtocol` API: (I've modified a code a little bit to make it comparable to our version) ``` Status = gBS->OpenProtocol( ImageHandle, &gEfiShellParametersProtocolGuid, (VOID **)&ShellParameters, ImageHandle, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL ); ``` According to the UEFI spec `HandleProtocol` API is outdated and `OpenProtocol` should be used instead. `OpenProtocol` API is a more general call that can cover more cases. It all would matter when you start develop UEFI drivers. You can read UEFI spec for more information. Right now just accept a fact that for the UEFI app these two calls are the same. Let's go back to our code. To find the necessary `ShellCEntryLib` library class search as usual: ``` $ grep ShellCEntryLib -r ./ --include=*.inf | grep LIBRARY_CLASS ./ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellCEntryLib/UefiShellCEntryLib.inf: LIBRARY_CLASS = ShellCEntryLib|UEFI_APPLICATION UEFI_DRIVER ``` Add this library class to our `UefiLessonsPkg/UefiLessonsPkg.dsc`: ``` ShellCEntryLib|ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellCEntryLib/UefiShellCEntryLib.inf ``` Don't forget also to add our new app under the `[Components]` section: ``` UefiLessonsPkg/SimpleShellApp/SimpleShellApp.inf ``` Now let's look at the `*.c` file. We can't use our first print method as `SystemTable` now is unavailable, but we can simply use `SystemTable` with the help of `gST` pointer: ``` #include #include INTN EFIAPI ShellAppMain(IN UINTN Argc, IN CHAR16 **Argv) { Print(L"Argc=%d\n", Argc); // SystemTable->ConOut->OutputString(SystemTable->ConOut, L"Hello World!\n"); gST->ConOut->OutputString(gST->ConOut, L"Hello again!\n"); Print(L"Bye!\n"); return 0; } ``` Let's add some parameters handling code: ``` for (UINTN i=Argc; i>0; i--) { Print(L"Arg[%d]=%s\n", Argc-i, Argv[Argc-i]); } ``` If we test our app under OVMF we would get: ``` FS0:\> SimpleShellApp.efi kkk ggg Hello again! Bye! Arg[0]=FS0:\SimpleShellApp.efi Arg[1]=kkk Arg[2]=ggg FS0:\> SimpleShellApp.efi Hello again! Bye! Arg[0]=FS0:\SimpleShellApp.efi ```