As you remember the entry point for our UEFI programs is: ``` EFI_STATUS EFIAPI UefiMain ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) ``` The passed structure `EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE` looks like this according to UEFI specification: ``` typedef struct { EFI_TABLE_HEADER Hdr; CHAR16 *FirmwareVendor; UINT32 FirmwareRevision; EFI_HANDLE ConsoleInHandle; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_PROTOCOL *ConIn; EFI_HANDLE ConsoleOutHandle; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *ConOut; EFI_HANDLE StandardErrorHandle; EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *StdErr; EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES *RuntimeServices; EFI_BOOT_SERVICES *BootServices; UINTN NumberOfTableEntries; EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE *ConfigurationTable; } EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE; ``` We've already used most of the fields of this structure. Now it is time to peek inside these fields: ``` UINTN NumberOfTableEntries; EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE *ConfigurationTable ``` According to the UEFI spec: ``` NumberOfTableEntries The number of system configuration tables in the buffer ConfigurationTable. ConfigurationTable A pointer to the system configuration tables. The number of entries in the table is NumberOfTableEntries. ``` As for EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE type: ``` EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE Summary: Contains a set of GUID/pointer pairs comprised of the ConfigurationTable field in the EFI System Table. typedef struct{ EFI_GUID VendorGuid; VOID *VendorTable; } EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE; ``` Let's create a simple program `ShowTables` to look at tables referenced by this structure in OVMF: ``` #include #include EFI_STATUS EFIAPI UefiMain ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { for (UINTN i=0; iNumberOfTableEntries; i++) { Print(L"%g, %p\n", SystemTable->ConfigurationTable[i].VendorGuid, SystemTable->ConfigurationTable[i].VendorTable); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } ``` Build and execute it under OVMF: ``` FS0:\> ShowTables.efi EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF, 78EDF98 05AD34BA-6F02-4214-952E-4DA0398E2BB9, 7ED2AC0 7739F24C-93D7-11D4-9A3A-0090273FC14D, 78EA018 4C19049F-4137-4DD3-9C10-8B97A83FFDFA, 7ED3AA0 49152E77-1ADA-4764-B7A2-7AFEFED95E8B, 7ED5F10 060CC026-4C0D-4DDA-8F41-595FEF00A502, 7942018 EB9D2D31-2D88-11D3-9A16-0090273FC14D, 7941000 EB9D2D30-2D88-11D3-9A16-0090273FC14D, 7B7E000 8868E871-E4F1-11D3-BC22-0080C73C8881, 7B7E014 DCFA911D-26EB-469F-A220-38B7DC461220, 6E86018 ``` _______ Let's search edk2 codebase for GUIDs: ``` EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF, 78EDF98 ``` `gLzmaCustomDecompressGuid` LZMA_CUSTOM_DECOMPRESS_GUID GUID indicates the LZMA custom compress/decompress algorithm. The Global ID used to identify a section of an FFS file of type EFI_SECTION_GUID_DEFINED, whose contents have been compressed using LZMA. ``` 05AD34BA-6F02-4214-952E-4DA0398E2BB9, 7ED2AC0 ``` `gEfiDxeServicesTableGuid` DXE_SERVICES_TABLE_GUID (DXE Services Table) ``` 7739F24C-93D7-11D4-9A3A-0090273FC14D, 78EA018 ``` `gEfiHobListGuid` HOB List passed from PEI to DXE ``` 4C19049F-4137-4DD3-9C10-8B97A83FFDFA, 7ED3AA0 ``` `gEfiMemoryTypeInformationGuid` The memory type information HOB ``` 49152E77-1ADA-4764-B7A2-7AFEFED95E8B, 7ED5F10 ``` `gEfiDebugImageInfoTableGuid` ImageInfoTable.h Debug Image Info Table ``` 060CC026-4C0D-4DDA-8F41-595FEF00A502, 7942018 ``` `gMemoryStatusCodeRecordGuid` Status code records HOB that originate from the PEI status code ``` EB9D2D31-2D88-11D3-9A16-0090273FC14D, 7941000 ``` `gEfiSmbiosTableGuid` SMBIOS tables ``` EB9D2D30-2D88-11D3-9A16-0090273FC14D, 7B7E000 ``` `gEfiAcpi10TableGuid` ACPI_10_TABLE_GUID ACPI_TABLE_GUID ACPI tables for old specifications ``` 8868E871-E4F1-11D3-BC22-0080C73C8881, 7B7E014 ``` gEfiAcpiTableGuid/gEfiAcpi20TableGuid EFI_ACPI_20_TABLE_GUID EFI_ACPI_TABLE_GUID ACPI tables for modern specifications ``` DCFA911D-26EB-469F-A220-38B7DC461220, 6E77018 ``` gEfiMemoryAttributesTableGuid UEFI Memory Attributes Table [Defined in UEFI spec]