In this lesson we would talk about the `DEBUG` macro in edk2 codebase. Example of a `DEBUG` macro use: ``` DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Hello Debug! Check this variable: %d\n", MyVar)); ``` So the string formatting is similar to the `Print` function, but there are couple of benefits: - log levels (`EFI_D_*`) help to categorize log messages. With the configuration through PCD we can easily turn on/off different types of debug messages - there can be several implementations of the `DEBUG` functionality. Different UEFI stages/modules can have different `DEBUG` implementations All predefined log message categories are defined in the ``` #define DEBUG_INIT 0x00000001 // Initialization #define DEBUG_WARN 0x00000002 // Warnings #define DEBUG_LOAD 0x00000004 // Load events #define DEBUG_FS 0x00000008 // EFI File system #define DEBUG_POOL 0x00000010 // Alloc & Free (pool) #define DEBUG_PAGE 0x00000020 // Alloc & Free (page) #define DEBUG_INFO 0x00000040 // Informational debug messages #define DEBUG_DISPATCH 0x00000080 // PEI/DXE/SMM Dispatchers #define DEBUG_VARIABLE 0x00000100 // Variable #define DEBUG_BM 0x00000400 // Boot Manager #define DEBUG_BLKIO 0x00001000 // BlkIo Driver #define DEBUG_NET 0x00004000 // Network Io Driver #define DEBUG_UNDI 0x00010000 // UNDI Driver #define DEBUG_LOADFILE 0x00020000 // LoadFile #define DEBUG_EVENT 0x00080000 // Event messages #define DEBUG_GCD 0x00100000 // Global Coherency Database changes #define DEBUG_CACHE 0x00200000 // Memory range cachability changes #define DEBUG_VERBOSE 0x00400000 // Detailed debug messages that may // significantly impact boot performance #define DEBUG_ERROR 0x80000000 // Error ``` But generally these alias values are used: ``` // // Aliases of debug message mask bits // #define EFI_D_INIT DEBUG_INIT #define EFI_D_WARN DEBUG_WARN #define EFI_D_LOAD DEBUG_LOAD #define EFI_D_FS DEBUG_FS #define EFI_D_POOL DEBUG_POOL #define EFI_D_PAGE DEBUG_PAGE #define EFI_D_INFO DEBUG_INFO #define EFI_D_DISPATCH DEBUG_DISPATCH #define EFI_D_VARIABLE DEBUG_VARIABLE #define EFI_D_BM DEBUG_BM #define EFI_D_BLKIO DEBUG_BLKIO #define EFI_D_NET DEBUG_NET #define EFI_D_UNDI DEBUG_UNDI #define EFI_D_LOADFILE DEBUG_LOADFILE #define EFI_D_EVENT DEBUG_EVENT #define EFI_D_VERBOSE DEBUG_VERBOSE #define EFI_D_ERROR DEBUG_ERROR ``` The DEBUG macro itself is also defined in the `DebugLib` library header ( If you'll split all the preprocessing hell it generally looks like this when it is used: ``` if (DebugPrintEnabled ()) { if (DebugPrintLevelEnabled (PrintLevel)) { DebugPrint (PrintLevel, ##__VA_ARGS__); } } ``` The `DEBUG` macro interface is defined in a `DebugLib` header. But for the actual implementation we need to look at a particular library instance that is used. If you look at the you'll see that: - `DebugLib` has different implementations in different UEFI stages - `DebugLib` has different implementations based on a `DEBUG_ON_SERIAL_PORT` definition ``` [LibraryClasses.common.SEC] !ifdef $(DEBUG_ON_SERIAL_PORT) DebugLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibSerialPort/BaseDebugLibSerialPort.inf !else DebugLib|OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformDebugLibIoPort/PlatformRomDebugLibIoPort.inf !endif ``` ``` [LibraryClasses.common.PEI_CORE] # [LibraryClasses.common.PEIM] # [LibraryClasses.common.DXE_CORE] # [LibraryClasses.common.DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER] # [LibraryClasses.common.UEFI_DRIVER] # [LibraryClasses.common.DXE_DRIVER] # [LibraryClasses.common.UEFI_APPLICATION] # [LibraryClasses.common.DXE_SMM_DRIVER] # [LibraryClasses.common.SMM_CORE] !ifdef $(DEBUG_ON_SERIAL_PORT) DebugLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibSerialPort/BaseDebugLibSerialPort.inf !else DebugLib|OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformDebugLibIoPort/PlatformDebugLibIoPort.inf !endif ``` As `DEBUG_ON_SERIAL_PORT` is not defined by default, the main library in our case would be `PlatformDebugLibIoPort` ( ``` DebugLib|OvmfPkg/Library/PlatformDebugLibIoPort/PlatformDebugLibIoPort.inf ``` As you remember `DEBUG` macro gets translated to something like: ``` if (DebugPrintEnabled ()) { if (DebugPrintLevelEnabled (PrintLevel)) { DebugPrint (PrintLevel, ##__VA_ARGS__); } } ``` Let's look at the to see how `DebugPrintEnabled`, `DebugPrintLevelEnabled` and `DebugPrint` are implemented. `DEBUG` macro first checks `DebugPrintEnabled` result. This function checks PCD `PcdDebugPropertyMask` if it has `DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_PRINT_ENABLED` bit set: ``` BOOLEAN EFIAPI DebugPrintEnabled ( VOID ) { return (BOOLEAN) ((PcdGet8(PcdDebugPropertyMask) & DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_PRINT_ENABLED) != 0); } ``` Then `DebugPrintLevelEnabled` function checks if passed `ErrorLevel` is present in the PCD `PcdFixedDebugPrintErrorLevel`: ``` BOOLEAN EFIAPI DebugPrintLevelEnabled ( IN CONST UINTN ErrorLevel ) { return (BOOLEAN) ((ErrorLevel & PcdGet32(PcdFixedDebugPrintErrorLevel)) != 0); } ``` Then actual `DebugPrint` function is executed. It simply passes control to `DebugVPrint`: ``` VOID EFIAPI DebugPrint ( IN UINTN ErrorLevel, IN CONST CHAR8 *Format, ... ) { VA_LIST Marker; VA_START (Marker, Format); DebugVPrint (ErrorLevel, Format, Marker); VA_END (Marker); } ``` And `DebugVPrint` in turn passes control to `DebugPrintMarker`: ``` VOID EFIAPI DebugVPrint ( IN UINTN ErrorLevel, IN CONST CHAR8 *Format, IN VA_LIST VaListMarker ) { DebugPrintMarker (ErrorLevel, Format, VaListMarker, NULL); } ``` `DebugPrintMarker` is the main debug function. It check if passed `ErrorLevel` is present in `GetDebugPrintErrorLevel()` output and in the end performs write of the debug string to the I/O port defined by PCD `PcdDebugIoPort`: ``` VOID DebugPrintMarker ( IN UINTN ErrorLevel, IN CONST CHAR8 *Format, IN VA_LIST VaListMarker, IN BASE_LIST BaseListMarker ) { CHAR8 Buffer[MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; UINTN Length; // // If Format is NULL, then ASSERT(). // ASSERT (Format != NULL); // // Check if the global mask disables this message or the device is inactive // if ((ErrorLevel & GetDebugPrintErrorLevel ()) == 0 || !PlatformDebugLibIoPortFound ()) { return; } // // Convert the DEBUG() message to an ASCII String // if (BaseListMarker == NULL) { Length = AsciiVSPrint (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), Format, VaListMarker); } else { Length = AsciiBSPrint (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), Format, BaseListMarker); } // // Send the print string to the debug I/O port // IoWriteFifo8 (PcdGet16 (PcdDebugIoPort), Length, Buffer); } ``` `GetDebugPrintErrorLevel()` is a function from `DebugPrintErrorLevelLib` library. Our `OvmfPkgX64.dsc` defines this implementation for it: ``` [LibraryClasses] ... DebugPrintErrorLevelLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugPrintErrorLevelLib/BaseDebugPrintErrorLevelLib.inf ``` If you'll look at it sources you'll see that it simply checks for another PCD `PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel` ( ``` UINT32 EFIAPI GetDebugPrintErrorLevel ( VOID ) { // // Retrieve the current debug print error level mask from PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel. // return PcdGet32 (PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel); } ``` ## Summary: The code `DEBUG (( ErrorLevel, String, ... ))` does the following: - checks if `PcdDebugPropertyMask` has `DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_PRINT_ENABLED` - checks if passed `ErrorLevel` is set in `PcdFixedDebugPrintErrorLevel` - checks if passed `ErrorLevel` is set in `PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel` - writes formatted String to I/O port defined by `PcdDebugIoPort` # Check if `PcdDebugPropertyMask` has `DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_PRINT_ENABLED` OVMF DSC file defines this PCD PcdDebugPropertyMask like this ``` [PcdsFixedAtBuild] !if $(SOURCE_DEBUG_ENABLE) == TRUE gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask|0x17 !else gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask|0x2F !endif ``` It also redefines this PCD for Shell: ``` [Components] ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.inf { ... ... gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask|0xFF } ``` You can check bit definitions for this PCD in a ``` ## The mask is used to control DebugLib behavior.

# BIT0 - Enable Debug Assert.
# BIT1 - Enable Debug Print.
# BIT2 - Enable Debug Code.
# BIT3 - Enable Clear Memory.
# BIT4 - Enable BreakPoint as ASSERT.
# BIT5 - Enable DeadLoop as ASSERT.
# @Prompt Debug Property. # @Expression 0x80000002 | (gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask & 0xC0) == 0 gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask|0|UINT8|0x00000005 ``` So if the `SOURCE_DEBUG_ENABLE` is: - TRUE: these features are enabled: Debug Assert/Debug Print/Debug Code/BreakPoint as ASSERT. - FALSE: these features are enabled: Debug Assert/Debug Print/Debug Code/Clear Memory/DeadLoop as ASSERT. In a `DEBUG` macro we compare this PCD aginst `DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_PRINT_ENABLED` ( ``` // // Declare bits for PcdDebugPropertyMask // #define DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_ASSERT_ENABLED 0x01 #define DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_PRINT_ENABLED 0x02 #define DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_CODE_ENABLED 0x04 #define DEBUG_PROPERTY_CLEAR_MEMORY_ENABLED 0x08 #define DEBUG_PROPERTY_ASSERT_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED 0x10 #define DEBUG_PROPERTY_ASSERT_DEADLOOP_ENABLED 0x20 ``` As you can see this check would pass no matter of `SOURCE_DEBUG_ENABLE` setting. # Checks if passed `ErrorLevel` is set in `PcdFixedDebugPrintErrorLevel` This PCD is declared in ``` [PcdsFixedAtBuild] gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFixedDebugPrintErrorLevel|0xFFFFFFFF|UINT32|0x30001016 ``` This PCD is not redefined in the OVMF DSC file, so this is a final value. `0xFFFFFFFF` means that `DEBUG` message would pass this check no matter of its `EFI_D_*` print level. # Checks if passed `ErrorLevel` is set in `PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel` This PCD is declared in a ``` [PcdsFixedAtBuild] gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel|0x80000000|UINT32|0x00000006 ``` By default it is defined in the `MdePkg.dec` and in the `MdePkg.dsc` as `0x80000000` ``` [PcdsFixedAtBuild] gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel|0x80000000 ``` The `0x80000000` value means that only error messages (`EFI_D_ERROR`) would be printed (ErrorLevel bit definitions again are in Although when we compile OVMF our main DSC is `OvmfPkgX64.dsc` And this DSC redefines `PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel` PCD: ``` [PcdsFixedAtBuild] gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel|0x8000004F ``` The `0x8000004F` value is equal to: `EFI_D_ERROR | EFI_D_INFO | EFI_D_FS | EFI_D_LOAD | EFI_D_WARN | EFI_D_INIT`. So it means that when DEBUG statement is enabled, only these categories of messages would be printed. # Writes formatted String to I/O port defined by `PcdDebugIoPort` The `PcdDebugIoPort` PCD is defined in ``` [PcdsFixedAtBuild] gUefiOvmfPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugIoPort|0x402|UINT16|4 ``` This PCD controls the destination I/O port for the debug messages in `PlatformDebugLibIoPort` # Testing To see debug messages we need to recompile OVMF in debug mode. To do this use: ``` build --platform=OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc --arch=X64 --buildtarget=DEBUG --tagname=GCC5 ``` The build results would be in a folder ``` Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC5 ``` Now let's run QEMU with these parameters: ``` qemu-system-x86_64 \ -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly,file=Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/OVMF.fd \ -drive format=raw,file=fat:rw:~/UEFI_disk \ -net none \ -nographic \ -global isa-debugcon.iobase=0x402 \ -debugcon file:debug.log ``` This would create `debug.log` file with all log `DEBUG` messages from OVMF. This file would be recreated every time you run this command. In a separate terminal window you can run: ``` tail -f debug.log ``` to follow this file content runtime. I've included the produced `debug.log` to the current folder. # Replace GUIDs in a log file If you start looking at the `debug.log` file, you'll see that it is full of GUIDs: ``` $ head debug.log SecCoreStartupWithStack(0xFFFCC000, 0x820000) Register PPI Notify: DCD0BE23-9586-40F4-B643-06522CED4EDE Install PPI: 8C8CE578-8A3D-4F1C-9935-896185C32DD3 Install PPI: 5473C07A-3DCB-4DCA-BD6F-1E9689E7349A The 0th FV start address is 0x00000820000, size is 0x000E0000, handle is 0x820000 Register PPI Notify: 49EDB1C1-BF21-4761-BB12-EB0031AABB39 Register PPI Notify: EA7CA24B-DED5-4DAD-A389-BF827E8F9B38 Install PPI: B9E0ABFE-5979-4914-977F-6DEE78C278A6 Install PPI: DBE23AA9-A345-4B97-85B6-B226F1617389 DiscoverPeimsAndOrderWithApriori(): Found 0x7 PEI FFS files in the 0th FV ``` It would be nice to replace them with meaningfull text for readability. Luckily edk2 build system creates a file with names for used GUIDs: ``` $ head Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/Guid.xref 8c1a6b71-0c4b-4497-aaad-07404edf142c PCDLesson 1BA0062E-C779-4582-8566-336AE8F78F09 ResetVector df1ccef6-f301-4a63-9661-fc6030dcc880 SecMain 52C05B14-0B98-496c-BC3B-04B50211D680 PeiCore 9B3ADA4F-AE56-4c24-8DEA-F03B7558AE50 PcdPeim A3610442-E69F-4DF3-82CA-2360C4031A23 ReportStatusCodeRouterPei 9D225237-FA01-464C-A949-BAABC02D31D0 StatusCodeHandlerPei 86D70125-BAA3-4296-A62F-602BEBBB9081 DxeIpl 222c386d-5abc-4fb4-b124-fbb82488acf4 PlatformPei 89E549B0-7CFE-449d-9BA3-10D8B2312D71 S3Resume2Pei ``` Let's create a python app that would parse this file, create a `GUID:NAME` dictionary and use it to replace all GUIDs with their names in a `debug.log` file. The result would be written to the `debug_parsed.log` file: ``` from shutil import copyfile GUIDS_FILE_PATH = "Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/Guid.xref" EXTRA_GUIDS_FILE_PATH = "Guid_extra.xref" LOG_IN_FILE_PATH = "debug.log" LOG_OUT_FILE_PATH = "debug_parsed.log" guids = {} with open(GUIDS_FILE_PATH) as p: for line in p: l = line.split(" ") if len(l)==2: guids[l[0].upper()] = l[1][:-1] if EXTRA_GUIDS_FILE_PATH: with open(EXTRA_GUIDS_FILE_PATH) as p: for line in p: l = line.split(" ") if len(l)==2: guids[l[0].upper()] = l[1][:-1] copyfile(LOG_IN_FILE_PATH, LOG_OUT_FILE_PATH) f = open(LOG_OUT_FILE_PATH, 'r') filedata = f.close() for key,val in guids.items(): filedata = filedata.replace(key, val) f = open(LOG_OUT_FILE_PATH, 'w') f.write(filedata) f.close() ``` I've also added a possibility to include another `GUID:NAME` file with a help of `EXTRA_GUIDS_FILE_PATH` variable. This can be usefull if for some reason any guids are not present in the main `Guid.xref` file. Put this script in edk2 folder and run it with `python` or `python3`: ``` $ python ``` Now look at the created `debug_parsed.log` file: ``` $ head debug_parsed.log SecCoreStartupWithStack(0xFFFCC000, 0x820000) Register PPI Notify: gEfiPeiSecurity2PpiGuid Install PPI: gEfiFirmwareFileSystem2Guid Install PPI: gEfiFirmwareFileSystem3Guid The 0th FV start address is 0x00000820000, size is 0x000E0000, handle is 0x820000 Register PPI Notify: gEfiPeiFirmwareVolumeInfoPpiGuid Register PPI Notify: gEfiPeiFirmwareVolumeInfo2PpiGuid Install PPI: gEfiPeiLoadFilePpiGuid Install PPI: gEfiTemporaryRamSupportPpiGuid DiscoverPeimsAndOrderWithApriori(): Found 0x7 PEI FFS files in the 0th FV ``` It is much easier to read now! As a final step, let's modify our python script to make it more generic, so it would take all variables not from the script defines, but from the command line arguments. Also let's add a possibility to modify log file in place by default: ``` from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description="Convert GUIDs to text identifiers in UEFI firmware boot log") parser.add_argument('-g', '--guids', help="Guid.xref file location", required=True) parser.add_argument('-e', '--guids_extra', help="additional Guid.xref file location") parser.add_argument('-i', '--log_input', help="input log file location", required=True) parser.add_argument('-o', '--log_output', help="output log file location (by default input file is changed in place)") args = parser.parse_args() GUIDS_FILE_PATH = args.guids EXTRA_GUIDS_FILE_PATH = args.guids_extra LOG_IN_FILE_PATH = args.log_input if args.log_output: LOG_OUT_FILE_PATH = args.log_output else: LOG_OUT_FILE_PATH = args.log_input ... if LOG_IN_FILE_PATH != LOG_OUT_FILE_PATH: copyfile(LOG_IN_FILE_PATH, LOG_OUT_FILE_PATH) ... ``` With this version we need to launch our script like this: ``` $ python -g Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/Guid.xref -e Guid_extra.xref -i debug.log -o debug_parsed.log ``` Also now we have a nice help message: ``` $ python --help usage: [-h] -g GUIDS [-e GUIDS_EXTRA] -i LOG_INPUT [-o LOG_OUTPUT] Convert GUIDs to text identifiers in UEFI firmware boot log optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -g GUIDS, --guids GUIDS Guid.xref file location -e GUIDS_EXTRA, --guids_extra GUIDS_EXTRA additional Guid.xref file location -i LOG_INPUT, --log_input LOG_INPUT input log file location -o LOG_OUTPUT, --log_output LOG_OUTPUT output log file location (by default input file is changed in place) ``` # Max string length in `DEBUG` output There is a limitation to the maximum string length that can be outputed with a `DEBUG` statement. ``` #define MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH 0x100 ``` If the printed sting is longer than this limit, the output would be truncated to the first `MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH` symbols. Most probably you would notice this by the fact that `\n` symbol at the end of the string would be lost, and the next printed string wouldn't start from the new line. In this case you might consider increasing the aforementioned limit, for this change the value above and recompile OVMF: ``` build --platform=OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc --arch=X64 --buildtarget=DEBUG --tagname=GCC5 ```