# stringref https://edk2-docs.gitbook.io/edk-ii-vfr-specification/2_vfr_description_in_bnf/212_vfr_expression_statement_definition# `stringref` statement helps to get string values to the VFR code: ``` EFI_IFR_STRING_REF1 Summary: Push a string on the expression stack. Prototype: #define EFI_IFR_STRING_REF1_OP 0x4e typedef struct _EFI_IFR_STRING_REF1 { EFI_IFR_OP_HEADER Header; EFI_STRING_ID StringId; } EFI_IFR_STRING_REF1; Members: Header The byte sequence that defines the type of opcode as well as the length of the opcode being defined. Header.OpCode = EFI_IFR_STRING_REF1_OP. StringId The string’s identifier, which must be unique within the package list. Description: Push the string specified by StringId on to the expression stack. If the string does not exist, then push an empty string. ``` For example this condition in a `suppressif` statement is TRUE only if a string element has a specific data in itself: ``` string name = StringQuestion, ... endstring; suppressif questionref(StringQuestion) == stringref(STRING_TOKEN(TEST_STRING)); ... endif; ``` Off course you need to define this new token that we use here for comparision: ``` #string TEST_STRING #language en-US "EDKII" ``` Another example of potential `stringref` usage: ``` string varid = FormData.StringValue, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STRING_PROMPT), help = STRING_TOKEN(STRING_HELP), minsize = 5, maxsize = 10, warningif prompt = STRING_TOKEN(WARNING_IF_PROMPT), pushthis == stringref(STRING_TOKEN(TEST_STRING)) endif; endstring; ``` This code outputs a warning message if input string is equal to "EDKII". # toupper/tolower https://edk2-docs.gitbook.io/edk-ii-vfr-specification/2_vfr_description_in_bnf/212_vfr_expression_statement_definition# https://edk2-docs.gitbook.io/edk-ii-vfr-specification/2_vfr_description_in_bnf/212_vfr_expression_statement_definition# The `toupper` and `tolower` builtin functions are encoded in `EFI_IFR_TO_UPPER` (=0x21) and `EFI_IFR_TO_LOWER` (=0x20) opcodes and help to change case-register of the string data. For example this code will output warning on "EDKII" input as well as on "Edkii", "EDkii", "EDKii", "eDKii" and so on: ``` string varid = FormData.StringValue, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STRING_PROMPT), help = STRING_TOKEN(STRING_HELP), minsize = 5, maxsize = 10, warningif prompt = STRING_TOKEN(WARNING_IF_PROMPT), toupper(pushthis) == stringref(STRING_TOKEN(TEST_STRING)) endif; endstring; ``` And this code outputs warning only on "edkii" input: ``` string name = StringQuestion, varid = FormData.StringValue, prompt = STRING_TOKEN(STRING_PROMPT), help = STRING_TOKEN(STRING_HELP), minsize = 5, maxsize = 10, warningif prompt = STRING_TOKEN(WARNING_IF_PROMPT), pushthis == tolower(stringref(STRING_TOKEN(TEST_STRING))) endif; endstring; ``` # length https://edk2-docs.gitbook.io/edk-ii-vfr-specification/2_vfr_description_in_bnf/212_vfr_expression_statement_definition# The `length` keyword help get length of a buffer or a string. It is encoded with the `EFI_IFR_LENGTH_OP = 0x56` opcode. For example here the code suppressed only if the string question data is a string exactly of 7 symbols: ``` suppressif length(questionref(StringQuestion)) == 7; ... endif; ``` # More advanced string builtins | keyword | IFR opcode | link | | --------| -----------| ---- | | `catenate` | `EFI_IFR_CATENATE` | https://edk2-docs.gitbook.io/edk-ii-vfr-specification/2_vfr_description_in_bnf/212_vfr_expression_statement_definition# | | `match` | `EFI_IFR_MATCH` | https://edk2-docs.gitbook.io/edk-ii-vfr-specification/2_vfr_description_in_bnf/212_vfr_expression_statement_definition# | | `match2` | `EFI_IFR_MATCH2` | https://edk2-docs.gitbook.io/edk-ii-vfr-specification/2_vfr_description_in_bnf/212_vfr_expression_statement_definition# | | `find` | `EFI_IFR_FIND` | https://edk2-docs.gitbook.io/edk-ii-vfr-specification/2_vfr_description_in_bnf/212_vfr_expression_statement_definition# | | `mid` | `EFI_IFR_MID` | https://edk2-docs.gitbook.io/edk-ii-vfr-specification/2_vfr_description_in_bnf/212_vfr_expression_statement_definition# | | `token` | `EFI_IFR_TOKEN` | https://edk2-docs.gitbook.io/edk-ii-vfr-specification/2_vfr_description_in_bnf/212_vfr_expression_statement_definition# | | `span` | `EFI_IFR_SPAN` | https://edk2-docs.gitbook.io/edk-ii-vfr-specification/2_vfr_description_in_bnf/212_vfr_expression_statement_definition# |