It is almost impossible to find something in the raw output of the `EFI_HII_CONFIG_ROUTING_PROTOCOL.ExportConfig()` function, so let's try prettify it. For this we will write a custom function `PrintConfigString`: ```cpp - gST->ConOut->OutputString(gST->ConOut, Result); + PrintConfigString(Result); ``` In our `PrintConfigString` function we would split the configuration string by the keyword separator `&` and use another `PrintConfigSubString` function to print each `=` pair: ```cpp VOID PrintConfigString( IN EFI_STRING ConfigString ) { UINTN StartIndex=0; for (UINTN i=0; ConfigString[i] != 0; i++) { if (ConfigString[i] == L'&') { ConfigString[i] = 0; <--- we can modify the string as we wouldn't need it after this function PrintConfigSubString(&ConfigString[StartIndex]); StartIndex = i+1; } } PrintConfigSubString(&ConfigString[StartIndex]); } ``` Here is how our `PrintConfigSubString` function would look like: ```cpp VOID PrintConfigSubString( IN EFI_STRING ConfigString ) { EFI_STATUS Status; if (StrStr(ConfigString, L"GUID=")) { <...> // display the full string and actual guid } else if (StrStr(ConfigString, L"NAME=")) { <...> // display the full string and actual name } else if (StrStr(ConfigString, L"PATH=")) { <...> } else if (StrStr(ConfigString, L"VALUE=")) { <...> // display the full string and actual value } else if (StrStr(ConfigString, L"OFFSET=") || StrStr(ConfigString, L"WIDTH=")) { Print(L"%s ", ConfigString); // don't print '\n', so we could see the "OFFSET=<...> WIDTH=<...> VALUE=<...>" on the same string } else { Print(L"%s\n", ConfigString); } } ``` Here you can see, that for each key we would need a special code to print it. If the string starts with a `GUID=`/`NAME=`/`PATH=` we will parse the data and display actual GUID/Name/DevicePath in a readable standard format. If the string starts with `VALUE=` we would display its data as a hex buffer similar to hexdump. If the string starts with `OFFSET=` or `WIDTH=` we would display data as-is and without any carriage return, so the `OFFSET`/`WIDTH`/`VALUE` data would be placed at the same string. ## `GUID=` Let's start with the `GUID=` string handling. First of all we print a new line `Print(L"\n")` as `GUID=` signifies a start of a new configuration header. Next we pass the string key data to our special `GuidFromCfgString` function that creates `EFI_GUID` value on the heap from the string content: ```cpp Print(L"\n"); EFI_GUID* Guid; Status = GuidFromCfgString(&ConfigString[StrLen(L"GUID=")], StrLen(ConfigString) - StrLen(L"GUID="), &Guid); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) Print(L"%s (%g)\n", ConfigString, Guid); else Print(L"%s\n", ConfigString); FreePool(Guid); ``` The `GuidFromCfgString` function in turn uses `ByteCfgStringToBuffer` helper to get `EFI_GUID` data as an array: ```cpp EFI_STATUS GuidFromCfgString(CHAR16* CfgString, UINTN Size, EFI_GUID** Guid) { UINTN GuidSize; ByteCfgStringToBuffer(CfgString, Size, (UINT8**)Guid, &GuidSize); if (GuidSize != sizeof(EFI_GUID)) return EFI_NOT_FOUND; return EFI_SUCCESS; } ``` And here is the `ByteCfgStringToBuffer` function. It receives config string and its length as arguments and returns bytes buffer with its size: ```cpp VOID ByteCfgStringToBuffer(CHAR16* CfgString, UINTN CfgStringLen, UINT8** Buffer, UINTN* BufferSize) { *BufferSize = (CfgStringLen + 1) / 2; *Buffer = (UINT8*)AllocateZeroPool(*BufferSize); UINT8 DigitUint8; CHAR16 TempStr[2] = {0}; for (UINTN Index = 0; Index < CfgStringLen; Index++) { TempStr[0] = CfgString[Index]; DigitUint8 = (UINT8)StrHexToUint64(TempStr); if ((Index & 1) == 0) { (*Buffer)[Index/2] = DigitUint8; } else { (*Buffer)[Index/2] = (UINT8)(((*Buffer)[Index/2] << 4) + DigitUint8); } } } ``` What does this function do? Let's some part from the output as an example: ``` GUID=1cc53572800cab4c87ac3b084a6304b1 ``` In this case `ByteCfgStringToBuffer` function will only receive the string data portion: ``` 1cc53572800cab4c87ac3b084a6304b1 ``` and construct byte array like this: ```cpp {0x1c, 0xc5, 0x35, 0x72, 0x80, 0x0c, 0xab, 0x4c, 0x87, 0xac, 0x3b, 0x08, 0x4a, 0x63, 0x04, 0xb1} ``` Which is the same as: ```cpp {{0x7235c51c}, {0x0c80}, {0x4cab}, {0x87, 0xac, 0x3b, 0x08, 0x4a, 0x63, 0x04, 0xb1}} ``` And this is the GUID `gOvmfPlatformConfigGuid` from the []( ``` [Guids] ... gOvmfPlatformConfigGuid = {0x7235c51c, 0x0c80, 0x4cab, {0x87, 0xac, 0x3b, 0x08, 0x4a, 0x63, 0x04, 0xb1}} ``` So you just need to cast the returned buffer to `EFI_GUID` and you can print it as usual with `%g`. As the `EFI_GUID` was allocated on heap we use the `FreePool` function after the print statement. ## `NAME=` To print `NAME=` data we use the `NameFromCfgString` helper function: ```cpp CHAR16* Name; NameFromCfgString(&ConfigString[StrLen(L"NAME=")], StrLen(ConfigString) - StrLen(L"NAME="), &Name); Print(L"%s (%s)\n", ConfigString, Name); FreePool(Name); ``` This function looks like this: ```cpp EFI_STATUS NameFromCfgString(CHAR16* CfgString, UINTN Size, CHAR16** Name) { *Name = AllocateZeroPool(Size * sizeof(CHAR16)); CHAR16 TempStr[4]; for (UINTN i=0; iType == 0) || (DevicePathTest->SubType == 0) || (DevicePathNodeLength(DevicePathTest) < sizeof(EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL))) return EFI_NOT_FOUND; DevicePathTest = NextDevicePathNode (DevicePathTest); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } ``` As here we use device path library utilities don't forget to add `DevicePathLib` to the `[LibraryClasses]` in the `UefiLessonsPkg/HIIConfig/HIIConfig.inf` file and add its header `#include ` to the `UefiLessonsPkg/HIIConfig/HIIConfig.c` file. ## `VALUE=` Handling code for `VALUE=` key looks like this: ```cpp PrintLongString(ConfigString); Print(L"\n"); UINT8* Buffer; UINTN BufferSize; ByteCfgStringToBufferReversed(&ConfigString[StrLen(L"VALUE=")], StrLen(&ConfigString[StrLen(L"VALUE=")]), &Buffer, &BufferSize); PrintBuffer(Buffer, BufferSize); FreePool(Buffer); ``` In this case we first print data as a string. But because it can be longer than `gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize`, we can't just use ordinary `Print` statement. We use our custom `PrintLongString` function that prints `<...>` at the end of a string that will be truncated on an ordinary print. This way we have a clear way to see if the output is complete or not: ```cpp VOID PrintLongString(CHAR16* Str) { UINT32 MaxPrintBufferSize = PcdGet32(PcdUefiLibMaxPrintBufferSize); if (StrLen(Str) > MaxPrintBufferSize) { EFI_STRING TempStr = (EFI_STRING)AllocateZeroPool(MaxPrintBufferSize * sizeof (CHAR16)); CopyMem(TempStr, Str, MaxPrintBufferSize * sizeof (CHAR16)); TempStr[MaxPrintBufferSize-1]=0; TempStr[MaxPrintBufferSize-2]=L'>'; TempStr[MaxPrintBufferSize-3]=L'.'; TempStr[MaxPrintBufferSize-4]=L'.'; TempStr[MaxPrintBufferSize-5]=L'.'; TempStr[MaxPrintBufferSize-6]=L'<'; Print(L"%s", TempStr); FreePool(TempStr); } else { Print(L"%s", Str); } } ``` Next we want to get the actual data in the array. The data after the `VALUE=` key is encoded in bytes, but the order is reversed. That means that data like this: ``` VALUE=112233445566 ``` actually corresponds to a byte array: ```cpp {0x66, 0x55, 0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11} ``` That is why we use different function to get the byte array than in `GUID=` or `PATH=` cases. `ByteCfgStringToBufferReversed` is a little bit different than `ByteCfgStringToBuffer`: ```cpp VOID ByteCfgStringToBufferReversed(CHAR16* CfgString, UINTN CfgStringLen, UINT8** Buffer, UINTN* BufferSize) { *BufferSize = (CfgStringLen + 1) / 2; *Buffer = (UINT8*)AllocateZeroPool(*BufferSize); UINT8 DigitUint8; CHAR16 TempStr[2] = {0}; for (INTN Index = (CfgStringLen-1); Index >= 0; Index--) { TempStr[0] = CfgString[Index]; DigitUint8 = (UINT8)StrHexToUint64(TempStr); if (((CfgStringLen-1-Index) & 1) == 0) { (*Buffer)[(CfgStringLen-1-Index)/2] = DigitUint8; } else { (*Buffer)[(CfgStringLen-1-Index)/2] = (UINT8)((DigitUint8 << 4) + (*Buffer)[(CfgStringLen-1-Index)/2]); } } } ``` Finally we display the value buffer similar to the Linux `hexdump -C` utility output: ```cpp VOID PrintBuffer(UINT8* Buffer, UINTN Size) { UINTN i = 0; while (i < Size) { Print(L"%02x ", Buffer[i]); i++; if (!(i%16)) { Print(L" | "); for (UINTN j=16; j>0; j--) if ((Buffer[i-j] >= 0x20) && (Buffer[i-j] < 0x7E)) Print(L"%c", Buffer[i-j]); else Print(L"."); Print(L"\n"); } } if (i%16) { for (UINTN j=0; j<=15; j++) { if ((i+j)%16) Print(L" "); else break; } Print(L" | "); for (UINTN j=(i%16); j>0; j--) { if ((Buffer[i-j] >= 0x20) && (Buffer[i-j] < 0x7E)) Print(L"%c", Buffer[i-j]); else Print(L"."); } Print(L"\n"); } } ``` # Putting it all together Now when we have all the parsing code we can finally test it. Here is the output of the `HIIConfig.efi dump` command. I've just truncated the bunch of zeros in the middle for a better readability: ``` FS0:\> HIIConfig.efi dump Full configuration for the HII Database (Size = 42018): GUID=1cc53572800cab4c87ac3b084a6304b1 (7235C51C-0C80-4CAB-87AC-3B084A6304B1) NAME=004d00610069006e0046006f0072006d00530074006100740065 (MainFormState) PATH=01041400dfc5dcd907405e4390988970935504b27fff0400 (VenHw(D9DCC5DF-4007-435E-9098-8970935504B2)) OFFSET=0000 WIDTH=0020 VALUE=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007400650073006e0055 55 00 6E 00 73 00 65 00 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | U.n.s.e.t....... 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................ OFFSET=0020 WIDTH=0004 VALUE=00000000 00 00 00 00 | .... GUID=1cc53572800cab4c87ac3b084a6304b1 (7235C51C-0C80-4CAB-87AC-3B084A6304B1) NAME=004d00610069006e0046006f0072006d00530074006100740065 (MainFormState) PATH=01041400dfc5dcd907405e4390988970935504b27fff0400 (VenHw(D9DCC5DF-4007-435E-9098-8970935504B2)) ALTCFG=0000 OFFSET=0020 WIDTH=0004 VALUE=00000000 00 00 00 00 | .... GUID=1cc53572800cab4c87ac3b084a6304b1 (7235C51C-0C80-4CAB-87AC-3B084A6304B1) NAME=004d00610069006e0046006f0072006d00530074006100740065 (MainFormState) PATH=01041400dfc5dcd907405e4390988970935504b27fff0400 (VenHw(D9DCC5DF-4007-435E-9098-8970935504B2)) ALTCFG=0001 OFFSET=0020 WIDTH=0004 VALUE=00000000 00 00 00 00 | .... GUID=16d6474bd6a852459d44ccad2e0f4cf9 (4B47D616-A8D6-4552-9D44-CCAD2E0F4CF9) NAME=00490053004300530049005f0043004f004e004600490047005f004900460052005f004e00560044004100540041 (ISCSI_CONFIG_IFR_NVDATA) PATH=0104140016d6474bd6a852459d44ccad2e0f4cf97fff0400 (VenHw(4B47D616-A8D6-4552-9D44-CCAD2E0F4CF9)) OFFSET=0 WIDTH=000000000000453c VALUE=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000<...> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................ ... <----- truncated output 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................ 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ............ GUID=16d6474bd6a852459d44ccad2e0f4cf9 (4B47D616-A8D6-4552-9D44-CCAD2E0F4CF9) NAME=00490053004300530049005f0043004f004e004600490047005f004900460052005f004e00560044004100540041 (ISCSI_CONFIG_IFR_NVDATA) PATH=0104140016d6474bd6a852459d44ccad2e0f4cf97fff0400 (VenHw(4B47D616-A8D6-4552-9D44-CCAD2E0F4CF9)) ALTCFG=0000 OFFSET=01d8 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=01d9 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=01da WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=01dc WIDTH=0002 VALUE=03e8 E8 03 | .. OFFSET=01de WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=01df WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=05fe WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=062a WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=062b WIDTH=0001 VALUE=01 01 | . OFFSET=0fd4 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fd5 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fd6 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fd7 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fd8 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fd9 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fda WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fdb WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fdc WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fdd WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fde WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fdf WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe0 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe1 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe2 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe3 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe4 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe5 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe6 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe7 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe8 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe9 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fea WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0feb WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fec WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0fee WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ff0 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ff2 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ff4 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ff6 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ff8 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ffa WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ffc WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0ffd WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0ffe WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fff WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1000 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1001 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1002 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1003 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1004 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1005 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1006 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1007 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1008 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1009 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=100a WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=100b WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=100c WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=100e WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=1010 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=1012 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=1014 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=1016 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=1018 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=101a WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=101c WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=101d WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=101e WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=101f WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1020 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1021 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1022 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1023 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1024 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1025 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1026 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1027 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1028 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1029 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=102a WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=102b WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . GUID=16d6474bd6a852459d44ccad2e0f4cf9 (4B47D616-A8D6-4552-9D44-CCAD2E0F4CF9) NAME=00490053004300530049005f0043004f004e004600490047005f004900460052005f004e00560044004100540041 (ISCSI_CONFIG_IFR_NVDATA) PATH=0104140016d6474bd6a852459d44ccad2e0f4cf97fff0400 (VenHw(4B47D616-A8D6-4552-9D44-CCAD2E0F4CF9)) ALTCFG=0001 OFFSET=01d8 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=01d9 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=01da WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=01dc WIDTH=0002 VALUE=03e8 E8 03 | .. OFFSET=01de WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=01df WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=05fe WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=062a WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=062b WIDTH=0001 VALUE=01 01 | . OFFSET=0fd4 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fd5 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fd6 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fd7 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fd8 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fd9 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fda WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fdb WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fdc WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fdd WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fde WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fdf WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe0 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe1 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe2 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe3 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe4 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe5 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe6 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe7 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe8 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fe9 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fea WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0feb WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fec WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0fee WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ff0 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ff2 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ff4 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ff6 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ff8 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ffa WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0064 64 00 | d. OFFSET=0ffc WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0ffd WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0ffe WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=0fff WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1000 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1001 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1002 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1003 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1004 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1005 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1006 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1007 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1008 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1009 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=100a WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=100b WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=100c WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=100e WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=1010 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=1012 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=1014 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=1016 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=1018 WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=101a WIDTH=0002 VALUE=0000 00 00 | .. OFFSET=101c WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=101d WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=101e WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=101f WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1020 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1021 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1022 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1023 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1024 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1025 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1026 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1027 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1028 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=1029 WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=102a WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . OFFSET=102b WIDTH=0001 VALUE=00 00 | . ```