Now it is time to look at Firmware Volumes (`FV`) and how they are described in the FDF file. `Firmware Volume` is one of the region types in the `Flash Device Image (FD)`. If you declare some region as FV, you must provide its name `` and define a separate section `[FV.]`: ``` [FD.] ... 0xXXXX|0xYYYY FV = [FV.] ... ``` Firmware volume is a region with a special formatting which is defined by the `UEFI Platform Initialization (PI) specification (Volume 3: Shared Architectural Elements)`. At the start of each FV is a special header `EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER` ([]( ``` EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER Summary: Describes the features and layout of the firmware volume. Prototype: typedef struct { UINT8 ZeroVector[16]; EFI_GUID FileSystemGuid; UINT64 FvLength; UINT32 Signature; EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2 Attributes; UINT16 HeaderLength; UINT16 Checksum; UINT16 ExtHeaderOffset; UINT8 Reserved[1]; UINT8 Revision; EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP BlockMap[]; } EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER Parameters: ZeroVector The first 16 bytes are reserved to allow for the reset vector of processors whose reset vector is at address 0 FileSystemGuid Declares the file system with which the firmware volume is formatted FvLength Length in bytes of the complete firmware volume, including the header Signature Set to {'_','F','V','H'} Attributes Declares capabilities and power-on defaults for the firmware volume HeaderLength Length in bytes of the complete firmware volume header Checksum A 16-bit checksum of the firmware volume header. A valid header sums to zero ExtHeaderOffset Offset, relative to the start of the header, of the extended header (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_EXT_HEADER) or zero if there is no extended header Reserved In this version of the specification, this field must always be set to zero Revision Set to 2. Future versions of this specification may define new header fields and will increment the Revision field accordingly FvBlockMap[] An array of run-length encoded FvBlockMapEntry structures. The array is terminated with an entry of {0,0} FvBlockMapEntry.NumBlocks The number of blocks in the run. FvBlockMapEntry.BlockLength The length of each block in the run Description: A firmware volume based on a block device begins with a header that describes the features and layout of the firmware volume. This header includes a description of the capabilities, state, and block map of the device. ``` The rest of the data in the FV region is organized via files in a filesystem. The filesystem in this case is called a `firmware file system (FFS)`. The FFS defines how files are stored in flash. The type of the FFS that is used is defined by the the header GUID field `EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER.FileSystemGuid`. Currently the UEFI Platform Initialization (PI) specification defines two filesystems: ``` #define EFI_FIRMWARE_FILE_SYSTEM2_GUID \ { 0x8c8ce578, 0x8a3d, 0x4f1c, { 0x99, 0x35, 0x89, 0x61, 0x85, 0xc3, 0x2d, 0xd3 } } #define EFI_FIRMWARE_FILE_SYSTEM3_GUID \ { 0x5473c07a, 0x3dcb, 0x4dca, { 0xbd, 0x6f, 0x1e, 0x96, 0x89, 0xe7, 0x34, 0x9a } } ``` The main difference between them is that `EFI_FIRMWARE_FILE_SYSTEM3` supports files with a size `>16MB`. For the rest of the article we would describe `EFI_FIRMWARE_FILE_SYSTEM2`. Each file in the filesystem would have a header `EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER` ([]( ``` EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER Summary: Each file begins with a header that describes the state and contents of the file. The header is 8-byte aligned with respect to the beginning of the firmware volume Prototype: typedef struct { EFI_GUID Name; EFI_FFS_INTEGRITY_CHECK IntegrityCheck; EFI_FV_FILETYPE Type; EFI_FFS_FILE_ATTRIBUTES Attributes; UINT8 Size[3]; EFI_FFS_FILE_STATE State; } EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER; Parameters: Name This GUID is the file name. It is used to uniquely identify the file. There may be only one instance of a file with the file name GUID of Name in any given firmware volume, except if the file type is EFI_FV_FILETYPE_FFS_PAD IntegrityCheck Used to verify the integrity of the file Type Identifies the type of file Attributes Declares various file attribute bits Size The length of the file in bytes, including the FFS header State Used to track the state of the file throughout the life of the file from creation to deletion ``` The data inside the file is formatted with respect to the `EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER.Type` field. Specification defines these file types: | Name | Value | Description | | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW | 0x01 | Binary data | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_FREEFORM | 0x02 | Sectioned data | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_SECURITY_CORE | 0x03 | Platform core code used during the SEC phase | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_PEI_CORE | 0x04 | PEI Foundation | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_DXE_CORE | 0x05 | DXE Foundation | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_PEIM | 0x06 | PEI module (PEIM) | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_DRIVER | 0x07 | DXE driver | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_COMBINED_PEIM_DRIVER | 0x08 | Combined PEIM/DXE driver | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_APPLICATION | 0x09 | Application | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_MM | 0x0A | Contains a PE32+ image that will be loaded into MMRAM in MM Traditional Mode | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_IMAGE | 0x0B | Firmware volume image | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_COMBINED_MM_DXE | 0x0C | Contains PE32+ image that will be dispatched by the DXE Dispatcher and will also be loaded into MMRAM in MM Tradition Mode | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_MM_CORE | 0x0D | MM Foundation that support MM Traditional Mode | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_MM_STANDALONE | 0x0E | Contains a PE32+ image that will be loaded into MMRAM in MM Standalone Mode | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_MM_CORE_STANDALONE | 0x0F | MM Foundation that support MM Tradition Mode and MM Standalone Mode | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_OEM_MIN…EFI_FV_FILETYPE_OEM_MAX | 0xC0-0xDF | OEM File Types | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_DEBUG_MIN…EFI_FV_FILETYPE_DEBUG_MAX | 0xE0-0xEF | Debug/Test File Types | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_FFS_MIN…EFI_FV_FILETYPE_FFS_MAX | 0xF0-0xFF | Firmware File System Specific File Types | | EFI_FV_FILETYPE_FFS_PAD | 0xF0 | Pad File For FFS | Almost each type of file consists of sections, with each section prepended with a header `EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER` ([]( ``` EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER Summary: Defines the common header for all the section types Prototype: typedef struct { UINT8 Size[3]; EFI_SECTION_TYPE Type; } EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER; Parameters: Size A 24-bit unsigned integer that contains the total size of the section in bytes, including the EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER Type Declares the section type Description: The type EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER defines the common header for all the section types ``` Specification defines following sections: | Name | Value | Description | | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | EFI_SECTION_COMPRESSION | 0x01 | Encapsulation section where other sections are compressed | | EFI_SECTION_GUID_DEFINED | 0x02 | Encapsulation section where other sections have format defined by a GUID | | EFI_SECTION_DISPOSABLE | 0x03 | Encapsulation section used during the build process but not required for execution | | EFI_SECTION_PE32 | 0x10 | PE32+ Executable image | | EFI_SECTION_PIC | 0x11 | Position-Independent Code | | EFI_SECTION_TE | 0x12 | Terse Executable image | | EFI_SECTION_DXE_DEPEX | 0x13 | DXE Dependency Expression | | EFI_SECTION_VERSION | 0x14 | Version, Text and Numeric | | EFI_SECTION_USER_INTERFACE | 0x15 | User-Friendly name of the driver | | EFI_SECTION_COMPATIBILITY16 | 0x16 | DOS-style 16-bit EXE | | EFI_SECTION_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_IMAGE | 0x17 | PI Firmware Volume image | | EFI_SECTION_FREEFORM_SUBTYPE_GUID | 0x18 | Raw data with GUID in header to define format | | EFI_SECTION_RAW | 0x19 | Raw data | | EFI_SECTION_PEI_DEPEX | 0x1b | PEI Dependency Expression | | EFI_SECTION_MM_DEPEX | 0x1c | Leaf section type for determining the dispatch order for an MM Traditional driver in MM Traditional Mode or MM Standaline driver in MM Standalone Mode | # Create simple Firmware Volume Now let's try to create the most simple firmware volume which would contain one binary file. Here is code for this structure (`UefiLessonsPkg/UefiLessonsPkg.fdf`): ``` [FD.SimpleImage] BaseAddress = 0x0 Size = 0x1000 ErasePolarity = 1 0x100|0x500 FV = SimpleVolume [FV.SimpleVolume] FvAlignment = 16 FILE RAW = 15c658f6-eb5c-4b8f-b232-d6bd7368a73e { $(WORKDIR)/hello.txt } ``` Like in the FD case, we can set some characteristics of FV via predefined tokens. In this example we have only one token setting `FvAlignment = 16`, which is placed rigth after the `[FV.SimpleVolume]`. It is the only mandatory token for the `Firmware Volume`. We will talk about FV tokens later. Next we define what goes into the FFS of the FV. Here we have one FILE of type `RAW`, which means that the file type `EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER.Type` is equal to `EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW`. And specification defines this type like this: ``` EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW The file type EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW denotes a file that does not contain sections and is treated as a raw data file ``` The GUID value `15c658f6-eb5c-4b8f-b232-d6bd7368a73e` I've generated via `uuidgen` utility. It defines a unique name for our file in the FFS and will be written to the `EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER.Name` field. Inside the brackets we define content for the file. In our case it is our `hello.txt` generated via `echo "hello!" > hello.txt` command. Let's build and check our FD image: ``` $ hexdump Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/SIMPLEIMAGE.fd -C 00000000 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |................| * 00000100 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| 00000110 78 e5 8c 8c 3d 8a 1c 4f 99 35 89 61 85 c3 2d d3 |x...=..O.5.a..-.| 00000120 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 5f 46 56 48 00 08 04 00 |........_FVH....| 00000130 48 00 cd e3 00 00 00 02 00 05 00 00 01 00 00 00 |H...............| 00000140 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f6 58 c6 15 5c eb 8f 4b |.........X..\..K| 00000150 b2 32 d6 bd 73 68 a7 3e 5f aa 01 00 1f 00 00 f8 |>_.......| 00000160 68 65 6c 6c 6f 21 0a ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |hello!..........| 00000170 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |................| * 00000600 ``` Besides FD, EDKII build system also generates images for Firmware Volumes. We've generated our FV with `Offset|Size = 0x100|0x500`, therefore you can see how `SIMPLEIMAGE.fd` has 0x100 bytes of 0xff's at the start of an image, and how `SIMPLEVOLUME.Fv` starts right from its data. ``` $ hexdump Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/SIMPLEVOLUME.Fv -C 00000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| 00000010 78 e5 8c 8c 3d 8a 1c 4f 99 35 89 61 85 c3 2d d3 |x...=..O.5.a..-.| 00000020 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 5f 46 56 48 00 08 04 00 |........_FVH....| 00000030 48 00 cd e3 00 00 00 02 00 05 00 00 01 00 00 00 |H...............| 00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f6 58 c6 15 5c eb 8f 4b |.........X..\..K| 00000050 b2 32 d6 bd 73 68 a7 3e 5f aa 01 00 1f 00 00 f8 |>_.......| 00000060 68 65 6c 6c 6f 21 0a ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |hello!..........| 00000070 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |................| * 00000500 ``` Firmware Volume data starts with a header. In our case: ```cpp typedef struct { UINT8 ZeroVector[16]; = { 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 } EFI_GUID FileSystemGuid; = { 0x8c8ce578, 0x8a3d, 0x4f1c, { 0x99, 0x35, 0x89, 0x61, 0x85, 0xc3, 0x2d, 0xd3 } } = EFI_FIRMWARE_FILE_SYSTEM2_GUID UINT64 FvLength; = 0x0000000000000500 UINT32 Signature; = "_FVH" EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2 Attributes; = 0x00040800 = (EFI_FVB2_ERASE_POLARITY | EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_16) UINT16 HeaderLength; = 0x0048 UINT16 Checksum; = 0xe3cd UINT16 ExtHeaderOffset; = 0x0000 UINT8 Reserved[1]; = 0x00 UINT8 Revision; = 0x02 EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY BlockMap[1]; = [{0x00000500, 0x00000001}, {0x00000000, 0x00000000}] } EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER; ``` Right after the `EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER` we have a header for our only file: ```cpp typedef struct { EFI_GUID Name; = 15c658f6-eb5c-4b8f-b232-d6bd7368a73e EFI_FFS_INTEGRITY_CHECK IntegrityCheck; = 0x5faa EFI_FV_FILETYPE Type; = 0x01 (=EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW) EFI_FFS_FILE_ATTRIBUTES Attributes; = 0x00 UINT8 Size[3]; = 0x00001f EFI_FFS_FILE_STATE State; = 0xf8 } EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER; ``` Right after that we have a content of our file `hello.txt`: ``` $ hexdump hello.txt -C 00000000 68 65 6c 6c 6f 21 0a |hello!.| 0000000 ``` The rest of the FV is filled with `0xff`. # VolInfo There is an utility `BaseTools/BinWrappers/PosixLike/VolInfo` that you can use to dump information about Firmware Volumes. Here is an example how we can use it to dump information about our Formware Volume: ``` $ VolInfo Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/SIMPLEVOLUME.Fv -x Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/Guid.xref VolInfo Version 1.0 Build Developer Build based on Revision: Unknown ParseGuidBaseNameFile: Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/Guid.xref Signature: _FVH (4856465F) Attributes: 40800 EFI_FVB2_ERASE_POLARITY EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_16 Header Length: 0x00000048 File System ID: 8c8ce578-8a3d-4f1c-9935-896185c32dd3 Revision: 0x0002 Number of Blocks: 0x00000500 Block Length: 0x00000001 Total Volume Size: 0x00000500 ============================================================ File Name: 15C658F6-EB5C-4B8F-B232-D6BD7368A73E /<...>/edk2/$(WORKDIR)/hello.txt File Offset: 0x00000048 File Length: 0x0000001F File Attributes: 0x00 File State: 0xF8 EFI_FILE_DATA_VALID File Type: 0x01 EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW There are a total of 1 files in this FV ``` As you can see this utility gives us the same information that we've parsed ourselves. # Another file Let's add another file to our FFS. For a change let's initialize our next file with binary content: ``` $ echo -n -e \\xDE\\xAD\\xBE\\xEF > DEADBEEF.txt $ hexdump DEADBEEF.txt -C 00000000 de ad be ef |....| 00000004 ``` Now let's add it to our FFS: ``` [FD.SimpleImage] BaseAddress = 0x0 Size = 0x1000 ErasePolarity = 1 0x100|0x500 FV = SimpleVolume [FV.SimpleVolume] FvAlignment = 16 FILE RAW = 15c658f6-eb5c-4b8f-b232-d6bd7368a73e { $(WORKDIR)/hello.txt } FILE RAW = dd77425e-d338-43e7-8e94-1a755e0c217d { $(WORKDIR)/DEADBEEF.txt } ``` Build image and look at the Firmware Volume content: ``` $ hexdump /home/aladyshev/tiano/2021/edk2/Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/SIMPLEVOLUME.Fv -C 00000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| 00000010 78 e5 8c 8c 3d 8a 1c 4f 99 35 89 61 85 c3 2d d3 |x...=..O.5.a..-.| 00000020 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 5f 46 56 48 00 08 04 00 |........_FVH....| 00000030 48 00 cd e3 00 00 00 02 00 05 00 00 01 00 00 00 |H...............| 00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f6 58 c6 15 5c eb 8f 4b |.........X..\..K| 00000050 b2 32 d6 bd 73 68 a7 3e 5f aa 01 00 1f 00 00 f8 |>_.......| 00000060 68 65 6c 6c 6f 21 0a ff 5e 42 77 dd 38 d3 e7 43 |hello!..^Bw.8..C| 00000070 8e 94 1a 75 5e 0c 21 7d 01 aa 01 00 1c 00 00 f8 |...u^.!}........| 00000080 de ad be ef ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |................| 00000090 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |................| * 00000500 ``` Here you can see how our files follow each other in the FFS. Each of the files has its own `EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER` with its unique Name (=GUID). The important thing to note that the filesystem is flat, files just follow one another. Therefore to find some file by GUID, we need to traverse FFS from the start. Also here you can see that the padding byte 0xff was inserted between the files. It was inserted because according to the specification each file must start at 8 byte boundary. We can use `VolInfo` to see how it interprets our Firmware Volume: ``` $ VolInfo Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/SIMPLEVOLUME.Fv -x Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/Guid.xref VolInfo Version 1.0 Build Developer Build based on Revision: Unknown ParseGuidBaseNameFile: Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/Guid.xref Signature: _FVH (4856465F) Attributes: 40800 EFI_FVB2_ERASE_POLARITY EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_16 Header Length: 0x00000048 File System ID: 8c8ce578-8a3d-4f1c-9935-896185c32dd3 Revision: 0x0002 Number of Blocks: 0x00000500 Block Length: 0x00000001 Total Volume Size: 0x00000500 ============================================================ File Name: 15C658F6-EB5C-4B8F-B232-D6BD7368A73E /home/aladyshev/tiano/2021/edk2/$(WORKDIR)/hello.txt File Offset: 0x00000048 File Length: 0x0000001F File Attributes: 0x00 File State: 0xF8 EFI_FILE_DATA_VALID File Type: 0x01 EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW ============================================================ File Name: DD77425E-D338-43E7-8E94-1A755E0C217D /home/aladyshev/tiano/2021/edk2/$(WORKDIR)/DEADBEEF.txt File Offset: 0x00000068 File Length: 0x0000001C File Attributes: 0x00 File State: 0xF8 EFI_FILE_DATA_VALID File Type: 0x01 EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW There are a total of 2 files in this FV ``` Indeed the FV contains 2 files of type `EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW`. # Firmware Volume attributes Currently in our `Firmware Volume` we've defined only one attribute `FvAlignment`. Along with these attributes it help to set flags in the `EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER.Attributes` field. ``` FvAlignment = <...> ERASE_POLARITY = 1|0 MEMORY_MAPPED = TRUE|FALSE STICKY_WRITE = TRUE|FALSE LOCK_CAP = TRUE|FALSE LOCK_STATUS = TRUE|FALSE WRITE_DISABLED_CAP = TRUE|FALSE WRITE_ENABLED_CAP = TRUE|FALSE WRITE_STATUS = TRUE|FALSE WRITE_LOCK_CAP = TRUE|FALSE WRITE_LOCK_STATUS = TRUE|FALSE READ_DISABLED_CAP = TRUE|FALSE READ_ENABLED_CAP = TRUE|FALSE READ_STATUS = TRUE|FALSE READ_LOCK_CAP = TRUE|FALSE READ_LOCK_STATUS = TRUE|FALSE ``` The setting of these attributes will set respective `EFI_FVB2_*` flags which are defined in the []( You can read the meaning of these flags in the `UEFI Platform Initialization (PI) specification (Volume 3: Shared Architectural Elements)`. If you look to `VolInfo` output, you'll see that out FV has two attributes set: - `EFI_FVB2_ERASE_POLARITY` (set by default, means that uninitialized data bits in volume are set to 1) - `EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_16` (set by our `FvAlignment=16` setting) Other possible attribute fro FV that you can come across is `FvNameGuid`: ``` FvNameGuid = # Example: # FvNameGuid = 763BED0D-DE9F-48F5-81F1-3E90E1B1A015 ``` This attribute would lead to the creation of a file of type `EFI_FV_FILETYPE_FFS_PAD` (padding file) with a GUID value in its data. This file would be placed first in the FV. And `BlockSize` attribute: ``` BlockSize = <...> ``` This token define flash chip attribute similar to the one in FD. # Links - [\[FV\] Sections]( - [Create the FV Image File(s)](