path: root/man
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authorRafael G. Martins <rafael@rafaelmartins.eng.br>2016-04-29 00:57:10 +0200
committerRafael G. Martins <rafael@rafaelmartins.eng.br>2016-04-29 00:57:18 +0200
commitca6fb024c9632b73713432e30fce978a99f42213 (patch)
tree2271cc5b63a27655ddbeb7256f0e8c364df0fdfe /man
parent4b62c5dbb57fabdf48f72e142442af6c6a3334b9 (diff)
man: added man page for blogc-git-receiver
Diffstat (limited to 'man')
2 files changed, 136 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/man/blogc-git-receiver.1.ronn b/man/blogc-git-receiver.1.ronn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eadece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/blogc-git-receiver.1.ronn
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+blogc-git-receiver(1) -- A simple login shell/git hook to deploy blogc websites
+chsh -s $(command -v `blogc-git-receiver`) <user>
+**blogc-git-receiver** provides a PaaS-like way to deploy blogc(1) websites.
+When used as a login shell, it will accept git payloads, creating bare repositories
+as needed, and installing a hook, that will take care of rebuilding the website each
+time someone push something to the `master` branch.
+The git repository must provide a `Makefile` (or a `GNUMakefile`), that should
+accept the `OUTPUT_DIR` variable, and install built files in the directory pointed
+by this variable.
+`blogc-git-receiver` is part of `blogc` project, but isn't tied to blogc(1). Any
+repository with `Makefile` that builds content and install it to `OUTPUT_DIR`
+should works with `blogc-git-receiver`.
+After creating an user (`blogc` for the examples), change its shell to
+ # chsh -s $(command -v blogc-git-receiver) blogc
+Now add ssh keys to `/home/blogc/.ssh/authorized_keys`. Every key in
+`authorized_keys` will be allowed to push to the git repositories, and even
+create new ones.
+Also, make sure to install all the dependencies required by the websites,
+including a web server. `blogc-git-receiver` can't handle web server virtual hosts.
+To deploy a website (e.g. blogc example repository):
+ $ git clone https://github.com/blogc/blogc-example.git
+ $ cd blogc-example
+ $ git remote add blogc blogc@${SERVER_IP}:blogs/blogc-example.git
+ $ git push blogc master
+This will deploy the example to the server, creating a symlink to the built content
+in `/home/blogc/repos/blogs/blogc-example.git/htdocs`. This symlink should be used
+as the document root for the web server virtual host.
+### Setup with SELinux enabled (Fedora)
+Supposing the usage of nginx as webserver, running as the `nginx` user:
+ # dnf install -y nginx policycoreutils-python-utils
+ # useradd -m -s $(command -v blogc-git-receiver) blogc
+ # gpasswd -a nginx blogc
+ # chmod -R g+rx /home/blogc
+ # su -c "mkdir /home/blogc/{builds,repos}" -s /bin/sh blogc
+ # semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "/home/blogc/(builds|repos)(/.*)?"
+ # restorecon -R -v /home/blogc
+ # systemctl restart nginx
+After running these commands, the machine is ready to be used.
+Users can rely on `blogc-git-receiver` to mirror repositories to a remote Git
+repository (e.g. a free Bitbucket private repository). This feature just requires
+adding a remote called `mirror` to the bare repository in the server. If such remote
+exists, `blogc-git-receiver` will `git push --mirror` to it.
+Please note that the `blogc` user must be able to push to the remote repository, and
+that any content manually pushed to the remote repository is overwritten by
+Some reasonable ways to allow the `blogc` user to push to the remote repository are:
+- Create a password-less SSH key. The key *must* be password-less, because the push
+ is automatic, and remote git hooks can't be interactive.
+- Create an oauth token in the hosting service (if it supports oauth authentication
+ in git, e.g. GitHub) and add it to the git URL.
+The mirroring feature wont't block a `git push`, it will just raise warnings. That
+means that if an error happens when mirroring the repository, the deploy will still
+succeed. Users should pay attention to the git hook logs, to avoid losing data
+due to repositories not being mirrored.
+To add the `mirror` remote:
+ # su -s /bin/bash - blogc
+ $ git remote add --mirror=push mirror $YOUR_GIT_MIRROR_URL
+### Caveats of repository mirroring with SSH
+The authentication must be done with a password-less SSH key created by the `blogc`
+As the `git push --mirror` call is automated, users must disable SSH strict host
+checking in SSH's `~/.ssh/config` file:
+ Host bitbucket.org
+ StrictHostKeyChecking no
+The example uses `bitbucket.org` as remote host, that should be changed if needed.
+To change this file, users must login with `/bin/bash` or any other "real" shell,
+as `root`:
+ # su -s /bin/bash - blogc
+`blogc-git-receiver` will export an environment variable called `BLOGC_GIT_RECEIVER`
+when calling `gmake` to build websites. This variable can be used to enable building
+of content that should only be built when running in production environment, for
+## BUGS
+Please report any issues to: <https://github.com/blogc/blogc>
+Rafael G. Martins &lt;<rafael@rafaelmartins.eng.br>&gt;
+blogc(1), git(7), chsh(1), su(1), make(1)
diff --git a/man/index.txt b/man/index.txt
index a85e2a0..7f78f2a 100644
--- a/man/index.txt
+++ b/man/index.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
# manuals
-blogc(1) blogc.1.ronn
-blogc-source(7) blogc-source.7.ronn
-blogc-template(7) blogc-template.7.ronn
+blogc(1) blogc.1.ronn
+blogc-git-receiver(1) blogc-git-receiver.1.ronn
+blogc-source(7) blogc-source.7.ronn
+blogc-template(7) blogc-template.7.ronn
# external manuals
-make(1) http://man.cx/make(1)
-strcmp(3) http://man.cx/strcmp(3)
-strptime(3) http://man.cx/strptime(3)
+make(1) http://man.cx/make(1)
+chsh(1) http://man.cx/chsh(1)
+su(1) http://man.cx/su(1)
+strcmp(3) http://man.cx/strcmp(3)
+strptime(3) http://man.cx/strptime(3)
+git(7) http://man.cx/git(7)