path: root/src/blogc-make/rules.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/blogc-make/rules.c')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/blogc-make/rules.c b/src/blogc-make/rules.c
index 422f3a4..4d7a43e 100644
--- a/src/blogc-make/rules.c
+++ b/src/blogc-make/rules.c
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
-#include <math.h>
#include "../common/utils.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "ctx.h"
@@ -117,9 +116,8 @@ index_exec(bm_ctx_t *ctx, bc_slist_t *outputs, bc_trie_t *args)
if (bm_rule_need_rebuild(ctx->posts_fctx, ctx->settings_fctx,
ctx->listing_entry_fctx, ctx->main_template_fctx, fctx, false))
- rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, NULL, NULL, true,
- ctx->listing_entry_fctx, ctx->main_template_fctx, fctx,
- ctx->posts_fctx, false);
+ rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, NULL, true, ctx->listing_entry_fctx,
+ ctx->main_template_fctx, fctx, ctx->posts_fctx, false);
if (rv != 0)
@@ -177,8 +175,8 @@ atom_exec(bm_ctx_t *ctx, bc_slist_t *outputs, bc_trie_t *args)
if (bm_rule_need_rebuild(ctx->posts_fctx, ctx->settings_fctx, NULL, NULL,
fctx, false))
- rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, NULL, NULL, true, NULL,
- ctx->atom_template_fctx, fctx, ctx->posts_fctx, false);
+ rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, NULL, true, NULL, ctx->atom_template_fctx,
+ fctx, ctx->posts_fctx, false);
if (rv != 0)
@@ -243,8 +241,8 @@ atom_tags_exec(bm_ctx_t *ctx, bc_slist_t *outputs, bc_trie_t *args)
if (bm_rule_need_rebuild(ctx->posts_fctx, ctx->settings_fctx, NULL, NULL,
fctx, false))
- rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, NULL, NULL, true, NULL,
- ctx->atom_template_fctx, fctx, ctx->posts_fctx, false);
+ rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, NULL, true, NULL, ctx->atom_template_fctx,
+ fctx, ctx->posts_fctx, false);
if (rv != 0)
@@ -264,17 +262,24 @@ pagination_outputlist(bm_ctx_t *ctx)
if (ctx == NULL || ctx->settings->posts == NULL)
return NULL;
- // not using posts_pagination_enabled() here because we need to calculate
- // posts per page here anyway, and the condition is different.
- long posts_per_page = strtol(bm_ctx_settings_lookup_str(ctx, "posts_per_page"),
- NULL, 10);
- if (posts_per_page <= 0)
+ if (!posts_pagination_enabled(ctx, "posts_per_page"))
return NULL;
- bc_slist_t *rv = NULL;
+ bc_trie_t *variables = bc_trie_new(free);
+ posts_pagination(ctx, variables, "posts_per_page");
+ char *last_page = bm_exec_blogc_get_variable(ctx, variables, NULL, "LAST_PAGE",
+ true, ctx->posts_fctx, false);
+ bc_trie_free(variables);
+ if (last_page == NULL)
+ return NULL;
- long num_posts = bc_slist_length(ctx->posts_fctx);
- size_t pages = ceilf(((float) num_posts) / posts_per_page);
+ long pages = strtol(last_page, NULL, 10);
+ free(last_page);
+ bc_slist_t *rv = NULL;
const char *pagination_prefix = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(ctx, "pagination_prefix");
const char *html_ext = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(ctx, "html_ext");
@@ -319,9 +324,142 @@ pagination_exec(bm_ctx_t *ctx, bc_slist_t *outputs, bc_trie_t *args)
if (bm_rule_need_rebuild(ctx->posts_fctx, ctx->settings_fctx,
ctx->listing_entry_fctx, ctx->main_template_fctx, fctx, false))
- rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, NULL, NULL, true,
- ctx->listing_entry_fctx, ctx->main_template_fctx, fctx,
- ctx->posts_fctx, false);
+ rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, NULL, true, ctx->listing_entry_fctx,
+ ctx->main_template_fctx, fctx, ctx->posts_fctx, false);
+ if (rv != 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bc_trie_free(variables);
+ return rv;
+static bc_slist_t*
+pagination_tags_outputlist(bm_ctx_t *ctx)
+ if (ctx == NULL || ctx->settings->posts == NULL || ctx->settings->tags == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!posts_pagination_enabled(ctx, "posts_per_page"))
+ return NULL;
+ bc_trie_t *variables = bc_trie_new(free);
+ posts_pagination(ctx, variables, "posts_per_page");
+ const char *tag_prefix = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(ctx, "tag_prefix");
+ const char *pagination_prefix = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(ctx, "pagination_prefix");
+ const char *html_ext = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(ctx, "html_ext");
+ bc_slist_t *rv = NULL;
+ for (size_t k = 0; ctx->settings->tags[k] != NULL; k++) {
+ bc_trie_t *local = bc_trie_new(free);
+ bc_trie_insert(local, "FILTER_TAG", bc_strdup(ctx->settings->tags[k]));
+ char *last_page = bm_exec_blogc_get_variable(ctx, variables, local,
+ "LAST_PAGE", true, ctx->posts_fctx, false);
+ bc_trie_free(local);
+ if (last_page == NULL)
+ break;
+ long pages = strtol(last_page, NULL, 10);
+ free(last_page);
+ char *prefix = bc_strdup_printf("%s/%s/%s", tag_prefix,
+ ctx->settings->tags[k], pagination_prefix);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pages; i++) {
+ char *j = bc_strdup_printf("%d", i + 1);
+ char *f = bm_generate_filename(ctx->short_output_dir, prefix,
+ j, html_ext);
+ rv = bc_slist_append(rv, bm_filectx_new(ctx, f, NULL, NULL));
+ free(j);
+ free(f);
+ }
+ free(prefix);
+ }
+ bc_trie_free(variables);
+ return rv;
+static int
+pagination_tags_exec(bm_ctx_t *ctx, bc_slist_t *outputs, bc_trie_t *args)
+ if (ctx == NULL || ctx->settings->posts == NULL || ctx->settings->tags == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ int rv = 0;
+ size_t page = 1;
+ bc_trie_t *variables = bc_trie_new(free);
+ // not using posts_pagination because we set FILTER_PAGE anyway, and the
+ // first value inserted in that function would be useless
+ bc_trie_insert(variables, "FILTER_PER_PAGE",
+ bc_strdup(bm_ctx_settings_lookup_str(ctx, "posts_per_page")));
+ posts_ordering(ctx, variables, "html_order");
+ bc_trie_insert(variables, "DATE_FORMAT",
+ bc_strdup(bm_ctx_settings_lookup_str(ctx, "date_format")));
+ bc_trie_insert(variables, "MAKE_RULE", bc_strdup("pagination_tags"));
+ bc_trie_insert(variables, "MAKE_TYPE", bc_strdup("post"));
+ const char *tag_prefix = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(ctx, "tag_prefix");
+ const char *pagination_prefix = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(ctx, "pagination_prefix");
+ const char *html_ext = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(ctx, "html_ext");
+ for (bc_slist_t *l = outputs; l != NULL; l = l->next, page++) {
+ bm_filectx_t *fctx = l->data;
+ if (fctx == NULL)
+ continue;
+ // this is very expensive, but we don't have another way to detect the
+ // tag and page from the file path right now :/
+ char *tag = NULL;
+ for (size_t i = 0; ctx->settings->tags[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ char *prefix = bc_strdup_printf("%s/%s/%s", tag_prefix,
+ ctx->settings->tags[i], pagination_prefix);
+ bool b = false;
+ // it is impossible to have more output files per tag than the whole
+ // amount of output pages
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < bc_slist_length(outputs); k++) {
+ char *j = bc_strdup_printf("%d", k + 1);
+ char *f = bm_generate_filename(ctx->short_output_dir, prefix,
+ j, html_ext);
+ free(j);
+ if (0 == strcmp(fctx->short_path, f)) {
+ tag = ctx->settings->tags[i];
+ page = k + 1;
+ b = true;
+ free(f);
+ break;
+ }
+ free(f);
+ }
+ free(prefix);
+ if (b)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tag == NULL)
+ continue;
+ bc_trie_insert(variables, "FILTER_TAG", bc_strdup(tag));
+ bc_trie_insert(variables, "FILTER_PAGE", bc_strdup_printf("%zu", page));
+ if (bm_rule_need_rebuild(ctx->posts_fctx, ctx->settings_fctx,
+ ctx->listing_entry_fctx, ctx->main_template_fctx, fctx, false))
+ {
+ rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, NULL, true, ctx->listing_entry_fctx,
+ ctx->main_template_fctx, fctx, ctx->posts_fctx, false);
if (rv != 0)
@@ -386,8 +524,8 @@ posts_exec(bm_ctx_t *ctx, bc_slist_t *outputs, bc_trie_t *args)
bc_trie_t *local = bc_trie_new(NULL);
bc_trie_insert(local, "MAKE_SLUG", s_fctx->slug); // no need to copy
- rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, local, NULL, false, NULL,
- ctx->main_template_fctx, o_fctx, s, true);
+ rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, local, false, NULL, ctx->main_template_fctx,
+ o_fctx, s, true);
if (rv != 0)
@@ -454,9 +592,8 @@ tags_exec(bm_ctx_t *ctx, bc_slist_t *outputs, bc_trie_t *args)
if (bm_rule_need_rebuild(ctx->posts_fctx, ctx->settings_fctx,
ctx->listing_entry_fctx, ctx->main_template_fctx, fctx, false))
- rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, NULL, NULL, true,
- ctx->listing_entry_fctx, ctx->main_template_fctx, fctx,
- ctx->posts_fctx, false);
+ rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, NULL, true, ctx->listing_entry_fctx,
+ ctx->main_template_fctx, fctx, ctx->posts_fctx, false);
if (rv != 0)
@@ -518,8 +655,8 @@ pages_exec(bm_ctx_t *ctx, bc_slist_t *outputs, bc_trie_t *args)
bc_trie_t *local = bc_trie_new(NULL);
bc_trie_insert(local, "MAKE_SLUG", s_fctx->slug); // no need to copy
- rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, local, NULL, false, NULL,
- ctx->main_template_fctx, o_fctx, s, true);
+ rv = bm_exec_blogc(ctx, variables, local, false, NULL, ctx->main_template_fctx,
+ o_fctx, s, true);
if (rv != 0)
@@ -687,6 +824,13 @@ const bm_rule_t rules[] = {
.generate_files = true,
+ .name = "pagination_tags",
+ .help = "build pagination pages for each tag from posts",
+ .outputlist_func = pagination_tags_outputlist,
+ .exec_func = pagination_tags_exec,
+ .generate_files = true,
+ },
+ {
.name = "posts",
.help = "build individual pages for each post",
.outputlist_func = posts_outputlist,
@@ -724,8 +868,8 @@ const bm_rule_t rules[] = {
.name = "runserver",
.help = "run blogc-runserver pointing to output directory, if available,\n"
- " rebuilding as needed\n"
- " arguments: host (, port (8080) and threads (20)",
+ " rebuilding as needed\n"
+ " arguments: host (, port (8080) and threads (20)",
.outputlist_func = NULL,
.exec_func = runserver_exec,
.generate_files = false,
@@ -946,13 +1090,13 @@ bm_rule_print_help(void)
printf("\nhelper rules:\n");
for (size_t i = 0; rules[i].name != NULL; i++) {
if (!rules[i].generate_files) {
- printf(" %-12s %s\n", rules[i].name, rules[i].help);
+ printf(" %-15s %s\n", rules[i].name, rules[i].help);
printf("\nbuild rules:\n");
for (size_t i = 0; rules[i].name != NULL; i++) {
if (rules[i].generate_files) {
- printf(" %-12s %s\n", rules[i].name, rules[i].help);
+ printf(" %-15s %s\n", rules[i].name, rules[i].help);