path: root/tests/check_content_parser.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/check_content_parser.c')
1 files changed, 2221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/check_content_parser.c b/tests/check_content_parser.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb43201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/check_content_parser.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2221 @@
+ * blogc: A blog compiler.
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Rafael G. Martins <>
+ *
+ * This program can be distributed under the terms of the BSD License.
+ * See the file LICENSE.
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <cmocka.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "../src/content-parser.h"
+static void
+test_slugify(void **state)
+ char *s = blogc_slugify(NULL);
+ assert_null(s);
+ s = blogc_slugify("bola");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_slugify("bola o");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola-o");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_slugify("Bola O");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola-o");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_slugify("bola 0");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola-0");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_slugify("bola () o");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola-----o");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_slugify("Bola O");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola-o");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_slugify("bolaço");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola--o");
+ free(s);
+static void
+test_htmlentities(void **state)
+ char *s = blogc_htmlentities(NULL);
+ assert_null(s);
+ s = blogc_htmlentities("asdxcv & < > \" 'sfd/gf");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "asdxcv &amp; &lt; &gt; &quot; &#x27;sfd&#x2F;gf");
+ free(s);
+static void
+test_fix_description(void **state)
+ assert_null(blogc_fix_description(NULL));
+ char *s = blogc_fix_description("bola");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_fix_description("bola\n");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_fix_description("bola\r\n");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_fix_description("bola\nguda");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola guda");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_fix_description("bola\nguda\n");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola guda");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_fix_description("bola\r\nguda\r\n");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola guda");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_fix_description("bola\n guda lol\n asd");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola guda lol asd");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_fix_description("bola\n guda lol\n asd\n");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola guda lol asd");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_fix_description("bola\r\n guda lol\r\n asd\r\n");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola guda lol asd");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_fix_description(" bola\n guda lol\n asd");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola guda lol asd");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_fix_description(" bola\n guda lol\n asd\n");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola guda lol asd");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_fix_description(" bola\r\n guda lol\r\n asd\r\n");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "bola guda lol asd");
+ free(s);
+ s = blogc_fix_description("b'o\"l<>a");
+ assert_string_equal(s, "b&#x27;o&quot;l&lt;&gt;a");
+ free(s);
+static void
+test_is_ordered_list_item(void **state)
+ assert_true(blogc_is_ordered_list_item("1.bola", 2));
+ assert_true(blogc_is_ordered_list_item("1. bola", 3));
+ assert_true(blogc_is_ordered_list_item("12. bola", 4));
+ assert_true(blogc_is_ordered_list_item("123. bola", 5));
+ assert_true(blogc_is_ordered_list_item("1. bola", 6));
+ assert_true(blogc_is_ordered_list_item("1. bola", 5));
+ assert_false(blogc_is_ordered_list_item("1bola", 1));
+ assert_false(blogc_is_ordered_list_item("12bola", 2));
+ assert_false(blogc_is_ordered_list_item("1 . bola", 6));
+ assert_false(blogc_is_ordered_list_item("1. bola", 6));
+ assert_false(blogc_is_ordered_list_item("1.", 2));
+ assert_false(blogc_is_ordered_list_item(NULL, 2));
+static void
+test_content_parse(void **state)
+ char *l = NULL;
+ char *d = NULL;
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# um\n"
+ "## dois\n"
+ "### tres\n"
+ "#### quatro\n"
+ "##### cinco\n"
+ "###### seis\n"
+ "\n"
+ "bola\n"
+ "chunda\n"
+ "\n"
+ "> bola \n"
+ "> guda\n"
+ "> buga\n"
+ "> \n"
+ "> asd\n"
+ "\n"
+ " <asd>bola</asd>\n"
+ " asd\n"
+ " qwewer\n"
+ "\n"
+ "+++\n"
+ "1. chunda\n"
+ "3. fuuuu\n"
+ "\n"
+ "- chunda2\n"
+ "- fuuuu2\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<style>\n"
+ " chunda\n"
+ "</style>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "guda\n"
+ "yay\n"
+ "\n"
+ "**bola**\n"
+ "-- foo-bar\n"
+ "--- bar\n"
+ "\n"
+ "-- asd\n"
+ "\n"
+ "--- lol\n", &l, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_null(l);
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "bola chunda");
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"um\">um</h1>\n"
+ "<h2 id=\"dois\">dois</h2>\n"
+ "<h3 id=\"tres\">tres</h3>\n"
+ "<h4 id=\"quatro\">quatro</h4>\n"
+ "<h5 id=\"cinco\">cinco</h5>\n"
+ "<h6 id=\"seis\">seis</h6>\n"
+ "<p>bola\n"
+ "chunda</p>\n"
+ "<blockquote><p>bola<br />\n"
+ "guda\n"
+ "buga</p>\n"
+ "<pre><code>asd</code></pre>\n"
+ "</blockquote>\n"
+ "<pre><code>&lt;asd&gt;bola&lt;&#x2F;asd&gt;\n"
+ " asd\n"
+ "qwewer</code></pre>\n"
+ "<hr />\n"
+ "<ol>\n"
+ "<li>chunda</li>\n"
+ "<li>fuuuu</li>\n"
+ "</ol>\n"
+ "<ul>\n"
+ "<li>chunda2</li>\n"
+ "<li>fuuuu2</li>\n"
+ "</ul>\n"
+ "<style>\n"
+ " chunda\n"
+ "</style>\n"
+ "<p>guda\n"
+ "yay</p>\n"
+ "<p><strong>bola</strong>\n"
+ "&ndash; foo-bar\n"
+ "&mdash; bar</p>\n"
+ "<p>&ndash; asd</p>\n"
+ "<p>&mdash; lol</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+static void
+test_content_parse_crlf(void **state)
+ char *l = NULL;
+ char *d = NULL;
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# um\r\n"
+ "## dois\r\n"
+ "### tres\r\n"
+ "#### quatro\r\n"
+ "##### cinco\r\n"
+ "###### seis\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "bola\r\n"
+ "chunda\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "> bola \r\n"
+ "> guda\r\n"
+ "> buga\r\n"
+ "> \r\n"
+ "> asd\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ " <asd>bola</asd>\r\n"
+ " asd\r\n"
+ " qwewer\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "+++\r\n"
+ "1. chunda\r\n"
+ "3. fuuuu\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "+ chunda2\r\n"
+ "+ fuuuu2\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "<style>\r\n"
+ " chunda\r\n"
+ "</style>\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "guda\r\n"
+ "yay\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "**bola**\r\n"
+ "-- foo-bar\r\n"
+ "--- bar\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "-- asd\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "--- lol\r\n", &l, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_null(l);
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "bola chunda");
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"um\">um</h1>\r\n"
+ "<h2 id=\"dois\">dois</h2>\r\n"
+ "<h3 id=\"tres\">tres</h3>\r\n"
+ "<h4 id=\"quatro\">quatro</h4>\r\n"
+ "<h5 id=\"cinco\">cinco</h5>\r\n"
+ "<h6 id=\"seis\">seis</h6>\r\n"
+ "<p>bola\r\n"
+ "chunda</p>\r\n"
+ "<blockquote><p>bola<br />\r\n"
+ "guda\r\n"
+ "buga</p>\r\n"
+ "<pre><code>asd</code></pre>\r\n"
+ "</blockquote>\r\n"
+ "<pre><code>&lt;asd&gt;bola&lt;&#x2F;asd&gt;\r\n"
+ " asd\r\n"
+ "qwewer</code></pre>\r\n"
+ "<hr />\r\n"
+ "<ol>\r\n"
+ "<li>chunda</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>fuuuu</li>\r\n"
+ "</ol>\r\n"
+ "<ul>\r\n"
+ "<li>chunda2</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>fuuuu2</li>\r\n"
+ "</ul>\r\n"
+ "<style>\r\n"
+ " chunda\r\n"
+ "</style>\r\n"
+ "<p>guda\r\n"
+ "yay</p>\r\n"
+ "<p><strong>bola</strong>\r\n"
+ "&ndash; foo-bar\r\n"
+ "&mdash; bar</p>\r\n"
+ "<p>&ndash; asd</p>\r\n"
+ "<p>&mdash; lol</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+static void
+test_content_parse_with_excerpt(void **state)
+ char *l = NULL;
+ char *d = NULL;
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# test\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chunda\n"
+ "\n"
+ "..\n"
+ "\n"
+ "guda\n"
+ "lol", &l, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_non_null(l);
+ assert_string_equal(l,
+ "<h1 id=\"test\">test</h1>\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "chunda");
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"test\">test</h1>\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n"
+ "<p>guda\n"
+ "lol</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ free(l);
+ l = NULL;
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# test\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chunda\n"
+ "\n"
+ "...\n"
+ "\n"
+ "guda\n"
+ "lol", &l, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_non_null(l);
+ assert_string_equal(l,
+ "<h1 id=\"test\">test</h1>\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "chunda");
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"test\">test</h1>\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n"
+ "<p>guda\n"
+ "lol</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ free(l);
+ free(d);
+static void
+test_content_parse_with_excerpt_crlf(void **state)
+ char *l = NULL;
+ char *d = NULL;
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# test\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "chunda\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "..\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "guda\r\n"
+ "lol", &l, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_non_null(l);
+ assert_string_equal(l,
+ "<h1 id=\"test\">test</h1>\r\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\r\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "chunda");
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"test\">test</h1>\r\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\r\n"
+ "<p>guda\r\n"
+ "lol</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ free(l);
+ l = NULL;
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# test\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "chunda\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "...\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "guda\r\n"
+ "lol", &l, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_non_null(l);
+ assert_string_equal(l,
+ "<h1 id=\"test\">test</h1>\r\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\r\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "chunda");
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"test\">test</h1>\r\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\r\n"
+ "<p>guda\r\n"
+ "lol</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ free(l);
+ free(d);
+static void
+test_content_parse_header(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse("## bola", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<h2 id=\"bola\">bola</h2>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("## bola\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<h2 id=\"bola\">bola</h2>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\n"
+ "\n"
+ "## bola\n"
+ "\n"
+ "guda\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\n"
+ "<h2 id=\"bola\">bola</h2>\n"
+ "<p>guda</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_header_crlf(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse("## bola", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<h2 id=\"bola\">bola</h2>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("## bola\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<h2 id=\"bola\">bola</h2>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "## bola\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "guda\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\r\n"
+ "<h2 id=\"bola\">bola</h2>\r\n"
+ "<p>guda</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_html(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse("<div>\n</div>", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<div>\n</div>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("<div>\n</div>\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<div>\n</div>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\n"
+ "\n"
+ "<div>\n"
+ "</div>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chunda\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\n"
+ "<div>\n</div>\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_html_crlf(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse("<div>\r\n</div>", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<div>\r\n</div>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("<div>\r\n</div>\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<div>\r\n</div>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "<div>\r\n"
+ "</div>\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "chunda\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\r\n"
+ "<div>\r\n</div>\r\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_blockquote(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse("> bola\n> guda", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<blockquote><p>bola\n"
+ "guda</p>\n"
+ "</blockquote>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("> bola\n> guda\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<blockquote><p>bola\n"
+ "guda</p>\n"
+ "</blockquote>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\n"
+ "\n"
+ "> bola\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chunda\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\n"
+ "<blockquote><p>bola</p>\n"
+ "</blockquote>\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\n"
+ "\n"
+ "> bola\n"
+ "> guda\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chunda\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\n"
+ "<blockquote><p>bola\n"
+ "guda</p>\n"
+ "</blockquote>\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_blockquote_crlf(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse("> bola\r\n> guda", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<blockquote><p>bola\r\n"
+ "guda</p>\r\n"
+ "</blockquote>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("> bola\r\n> guda\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<blockquote><p>bola\r\n"
+ "guda</p>\r\n"
+ "</blockquote>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "> bola\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "chunda\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\r\n"
+ "<blockquote><p>bola</p>\r\n"
+ "</blockquote>\r\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "> bola\r\n"
+ "> guda\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "chunda\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\r\n"
+ "<blockquote><p>bola\r\n"
+ "guda</p>\r\n"
+ "</blockquote>\r\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_code(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(" bola\n guda", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<pre><code>bola\n"
+ "guda</code></pre>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(" bola\n guda\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<pre><code>bola\n"
+ "guda</code></pre>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\n"
+ "\n"
+ " bola\n"
+ " guda\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chunda\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\n"
+ "<pre><code>bola\n"
+ "guda</code></pre>\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_code_crlf(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(" bola\r\n guda", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<pre><code>bola\r\n"
+ "guda</code></pre>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(" bola\r\n guda\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<pre><code>bola\r\n"
+ "guda</code></pre>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ " bola\r\n"
+ " guda\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "chunda\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\r\n"
+ "<pre><code>bola\r\n"
+ "guda</code></pre>\r\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_horizontal_rule(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse("bola\nguda\n\n**", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola\n"
+ "guda</p>\n"
+ "<hr />\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("bola\nguda\n\n++++", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola\n"
+ "guda</p>\n"
+ "<hr />\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("bola\nguda\n\n--\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola\n"
+ "guda</p>\n"
+ "<hr />\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("bola\nguda\n\n****\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola\n"
+ "guda</p>\n"
+ "<hr />\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\n"
+ "\n"
+ "**\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chunda\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\n"
+ "<hr />\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\n"
+ "\n"
+ "----\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chunda\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\n"
+ "<hr />\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_horizontal_rule_crlf(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse("bola\r\nguda\r\n\r\n**", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola\r\n"
+ "guda</p>\r\n"
+ "<hr />\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("bola\r\nguda\r\n\r\n++++", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola\r\n"
+ "guda</p>\r\n"
+ "<hr />\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("bola\r\nguda\r\n\r\n--\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola\r\n"
+ "guda</p>\r\n"
+ "<hr />\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("bola\r\nguda\r\n\r\n****\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola\r\n"
+ "guda</p>\r\n"
+ "<hr />\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "**\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "chunda\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\r\n"
+ "<hr />\r\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "bola\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "----\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "chunda\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>bola</p>\r\n"
+ "<hr />\r\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_unordered_list(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\n"
+ "\n"
+ "* asd\n"
+ "* qwe\n"
+ "* zxc", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\n"
+ "<ul>\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\n"
+ "<li>zxc</li>\n"
+ "</ul>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\n"
+ "\n"
+ "* asd\n"
+ "* qwe\n"
+ "* zxc\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\n"
+ "<ul>\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\n"
+ "<li>zxc</li>\n"
+ "</ul>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\n"
+ "\n"
+ "* asd\n"
+ "* qwe\n"
+ "* zxc\n"
+ "\n"
+ "fuuuu\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\n"
+ "<ul>\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\n"
+ "<li>zxc</li>\n"
+ "</ul>\n"
+ "<p>fuuuu</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\n"
+ "\n"
+ "* asd\n"
+ " cvb\n"
+ "* qwe\n"
+ "* zxc\n"
+ " 1234\n"
+ "\n"
+ "fuuuu\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\n"
+ "<ul>\n"
+ "<li>asd\n"
+ "cvb</li>\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\n"
+ "<li>zxc\n"
+ "1234</li>\n"
+ "</ul>\n"
+ "<p>fuuuu</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "* asd\n"
+ "* qwe\n"
+ "* zxc", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<ul>\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\n"
+ "<li> qwe</li>\n"
+ "<li> zxc</li>\n"
+ "</ul>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_unordered_list_crlf(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "* asd\r\n"
+ "* qwe\r\n"
+ "* zxc", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\r\n"
+ "<ul>\r\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>zxc</li>\r\n"
+ "</ul>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "* asd\r\n"
+ "* qwe\r\n"
+ "* zxc\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\r\n"
+ "<ul>\r\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>zxc</li>\r\n"
+ "</ul>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "* asd\r\n"
+ "* qwe\r\n"
+ "* zxc\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "fuuuu\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\r\n"
+ "<ul>\r\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>zxc</li>\r\n"
+ "</ul>\r\n"
+ "<p>fuuuu</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "* asd\r\n"
+ " cvb\r\n"
+ "* qwe\r\n"
+ "* zxc\r\n"
+ " 1234\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "fuuuu\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\r\n"
+ "<ul>\r\n"
+ "<li>asd\r\n"
+ "cvb</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>zxc\r\n"
+ "1234</li>\r\n"
+ "</ul>\r\n"
+ "<p>fuuuu</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "* asd\r\n"
+ "* qwe\r\n"
+ "* zxc", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<ul>\r\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\r\n"
+ "<li> qwe</li>\r\n"
+ "<li> zxc</li>\r\n"
+ "</ul>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_ordered_list(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\n"
+ "\n"
+ "1. asd\n"
+ "2. qwe\n"
+ "3. zxc", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\n"
+ "<ol>\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\n"
+ "<li>zxc</li>\n"
+ "</ol>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\n"
+ "\n"
+ "1. asd\n"
+ "2. qwe\n"
+ "3. zxc\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\n"
+ "<ol>\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\n"
+ "<li>zxc</li>\n"
+ "</ol>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\n"
+ "\n"
+ "1. asd\n"
+ "2. qwe\n"
+ "3. zxc\n"
+ "\n"
+ "fuuuu\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\n"
+ "<ol>\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\n"
+ "<li>zxc</li>\n"
+ "</ol>\n"
+ "<p>fuuuu</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\n"
+ "\n"
+ "1. asd\n"
+ " cvb\n"
+ "2. qwe\n"
+ "3. zxc\n"
+ " 1234\n"
+ "\n"
+ "fuuuu\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\n"
+ "<ol>\n"
+ "<li>asd\n"
+ "cvb</li>\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\n"
+ "<li>zxc\n"
+ "1234</li>\n"
+ "</ol>\n"
+ "<p>fuuuu</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "1. asd\n"
+ "2. qwe\n"
+ "3. zxc", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<ol>\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\n"
+ "<li> qwe</li>\n"
+ "<li> zxc</li>\n"
+ "</ol>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_ordered_list_crlf(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "1. asd\r\n"
+ "2. qwe\r\n"
+ "3. zxc", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\r\n"
+ "<ol>\r\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>zxc</li>\r\n"
+ "</ol>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "1. asd\r\n"
+ "2. qwe\r\n"
+ "3. zxc\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\r\n"
+ "<ol>\r\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>zxc</li>\r\n"
+ "</ol>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "1. asd\r\n"
+ "2. qwe\r\n"
+ "3. zxc\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "fuuuu\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\r\n"
+ "<ol>\r\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>zxc</li>\r\n"
+ "</ol>\r\n"
+ "<p>fuuuu</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "lol\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "1. asd\r\n"
+ " cvb\r\n"
+ "2. qwe\r\n"
+ "3. zxc\r\n"
+ " 1234\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "fuuuu\r\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>lol</p>\r\n"
+ "<ol>\r\n"
+ "<li>asd\r\n"
+ "cvb</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>qwe</li>\r\n"
+ "<li>zxc\r\n"
+ "1234</li>\r\n"
+ "</ol>\r\n"
+ "<p>fuuuu</p>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "1. asd\r\n"
+ "2. qwe\r\n"
+ "3. zxc", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<ol>\r\n"
+ "<li>asd</li>\r\n"
+ "<li> qwe</li>\r\n"
+ "<li> zxc</li>\r\n"
+ "</ol>\r\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_description(void **state)
+ char *d = NULL;
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# foo\n"
+ "\n"
+ "bar", NULL, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"foo\">foo</h1>\n"
+ "<p>bar</p>\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "bar");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# foo\n"
+ "\n"
+ "bar\n", NULL, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"foo\">foo</h1>\n"
+ "<p>bar</p>\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "bar");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# foo\n"
+ "\n"
+ "qwe\n"
+ "bar\n", NULL, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"foo\">foo</h1>\n"
+ "<p>qwe\n"
+ "bar</p>\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "qwe bar");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# foo\n"
+ "\n"
+ "> qwe\n"
+ "\n"
+ "bar\n", NULL, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"foo\">foo</h1>\n"
+ "<blockquote><p>qwe</p>\n"
+ "</blockquote>\n"
+ "<p>bar</p>\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "bar");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# foo\n"
+ "\n"
+ "> qwe\n"
+ "> zxc\n"
+ "\n"
+ "bar\n", NULL, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"foo\">foo</h1>\n"
+ "<blockquote><p>qwe\n"
+ "zxc</p>\n"
+ "</blockquote>\n"
+ "<p>bar</p>\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "bar");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+static void
+test_content_parse_description_crlf(void **state)
+ char *d = NULL;
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# foo\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "bar", NULL, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"foo\">foo</h1>\r\n"
+ "<p>bar</p>\r\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "bar");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# foo\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "bar\r\n", NULL, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"foo\">foo</h1>\r\n"
+ "<p>bar</p>\r\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "bar");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# foo\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "qwe\r\n"
+ "bar\r\n", NULL, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"foo\">foo</h1>\r\n"
+ "<p>qwe\r\n"
+ "bar</p>\r\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "qwe bar");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# foo\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "> qwe\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "bar\r\n", NULL, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"foo\">foo</h1>\r\n"
+ "<blockquote><p>qwe</p>\r\n"
+ "</blockquote>\r\n"
+ "<p>bar</p>\r\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "bar");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# foo\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "> qwe\r\n"
+ "> zxc\r\n"
+ "\r\n"
+ "bar\r\n", NULL, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"foo\">foo</h1>\r\n"
+ "<blockquote><p>qwe\r\n"
+ "zxc</p>\r\n"
+ "</blockquote>\r\n"
+ "<p>bar</p>\r\n");
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "bar");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+static void
+test_content_parse_invalid_excerpt(void **state)
+ char *l = NULL;
+ char *d = NULL;
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# test\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chunda\n"
+ "..\n"
+ "\n"
+ "guda\n"
+ "lol", &l, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_null(l);
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "chunda ..");
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"test\">test</h1>\n"
+ "<p>chunda\n"
+ "..</p>\n"
+ "<p>guda\n"
+ "lol</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# test\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chunda\n"
+ "\n"
+ "...\n"
+ "guda\n"
+ "lol", &l, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_null(l);
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "chunda");
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"test\">test</h1>\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n"
+ "<p>...\n"
+ "guda\n"
+ "lol</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# test\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chunda..\n"
+ "\n"
+ "guda\n"
+ "lol", &l, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_null(l);
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "chunda..");
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"test\">test</h1>\n"
+ "<p>chunda..</p>\n"
+ "<p>guda\n"
+ "lol</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+ d = NULL;
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "# test\n"
+ "\n"
+ "chunda\n"
+ "\n"
+ "...guda\n"
+ "lol", &l, &d);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_null(l);
+ assert_non_null(d);
+ assert_string_equal(d, "chunda");
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<h1 id=\"test\">test</h1>\n"
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n"
+ "<p>...guda\n"
+ "lol</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ free(d);
+static void
+test_content_parse_invalid_header(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "asd\n"
+ "\n"
+ "##bola\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>asd</p>\n"
+ "<p>##bola</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_invalid_header_empty(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "asd\n"
+ "\n"
+ "##\n"
+ "\n"
+ "qwe\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>asd</p>\n"
+ "<p>##\n"
+ "\n"
+ "qwe</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_invalid_blockquote(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "> asd\n"
+ "> bola\n"
+ "> foo\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>&gt; asd\n"
+ "&gt; bola\n"
+ "&gt; foo</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "> asd\n"
+ "> bola", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>&gt; asd\n"
+ "&gt; bola</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_invalid_code(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ " asd\n"
+ " bola\n"
+ " foo\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p> asd\n"
+ " bola\n"
+ " foo</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ " asd\n"
+ " bola\n"
+ " foo", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p> asd\n"
+ " bola\n"
+ " foo</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_invalid_horizontal_rule(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse("** asd", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<p>** asd</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("** asd\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<p>** asd</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_invalid_unordered_list(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "* asd\n"
+ "1. qwe", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>* asd\n"
+ "1. qwe</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "* asd\n"
+ "1. qwe\n"
+ "\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>* asd\n"
+ "1. qwe</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "* asd\n"
+ "1. qwe\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>* asd\n"
+ "1. qwe"
+ "</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "* asd\n"
+ "1. qwe\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>* asd\n"
+ "1. qwe"
+ "</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "chunda\n"
+ "\n"
+ "* asd\n"
+ "1. qwe\n"
+ "\n"
+ "poi\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n"
+ "<p>* asd\n"
+ "1. qwe</p>\n"
+ "<p>poi</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_invalid_ordered_list(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "1. asd\n"
+ "* qwe", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>1. asd\n"
+ "* qwe</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "1. asd\n"
+ "* qwe\n"
+ "\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>1. asd\n"
+ "* qwe</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "1. asd\n"
+ "* qwe\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>1. asd\n"
+ "* qwe"
+ "</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "1. asd\n"
+ "* qwe\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>1. asd\n"
+ "* qwe"
+ "</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "chunda\n"
+ "\n"
+ "1. asd\n"
+ "* qwe\n"
+ "\n"
+ "poi\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>chunda</p>\n"
+ "<p>1. asd\n"
+ "* qwe</p>\n"
+ "<p>poi</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "1 asd\n"
+ "* qwe\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>1 asd\n"
+ "* qwe</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "a. asd\n"
+ "2. qwe\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>a. asd\n"
+ "2. qwe</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse(
+ "1.\nasd\n"
+ "2. qwe\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<p>1.\n"
+ "asd\n"
+ "2. qwe</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("1.\n", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<p>1.</p>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse("1 ", NULL, NULL);
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<p>1 </p>\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_inline(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse_inline(
+ "**bola***asd* [![lol]( **lol** "
+ "\\[asd\\]\\(qwe\\)]( ``chunda`` [[bola]] chunda[9]");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<strong>bola</strong><em>asd</em> "
+ "<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" "
+ "alt=\"lol\"> <strong>lol</strong> [asd](qwe)</a> "
+ "<code>chunda</code> <a href=\"bola\">bola</a> chunda[9]");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("*bola*");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<em>bola</em>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("bola!");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "bola!");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_inline_em(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse_inline("*bola*");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<em>bola</em>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("*bola*\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<em>bola</em>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("*bo\\*la*\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<em>bo*la</em>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("_bola_");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<em>bola</em>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("_bola_\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<em>bola</em>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("_bo\\_la_\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<em>bo_la</em>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("_**bola**_\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<em><strong>bola</strong></em>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("_**bo\\_\\*la**_\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<em><strong>bo_*la</strong></em>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("_**bola\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "_**bola\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("**_bola\\*\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "**_bola*\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_inline_strong(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse_inline("**bola**");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<strong>bola</strong>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("**bola**\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<strong>bola</strong>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("**bo\\*\\*la**\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<strong>bo**la</strong>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("__bola__");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<strong>bola</strong>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("__bola__\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<strong>bola</strong>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("__bo\\_\\_la__\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<strong>bo__la</strong>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("__*bola*__\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<strong><em>bola</em></strong>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("__*bo\\_\\*la*__\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<strong><em>bo_*la</em></strong>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("__*bola\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "__*bola\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("__*bola\\_\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "__*bola_\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_inline_code(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse_inline("``bola``");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<code>bola</code>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("``bola``\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<code>bola</code>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("`bola`");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<code>bola</code>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("`bola`\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<code>bola</code>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("``bo*la``\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<code>bo*la</code>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("``bo<la``\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<code>bo&lt;la</code>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("`bo\\`\\`la`\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<code>bo``la</code>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("``bo\\`\\`la``\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<code>bo``la</code>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("``bola\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "``bola\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("`bola\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "`bola\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("``bola`\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "``bola`\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_inline_link(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[bola](");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"\">bola</a>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[bola](\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"\">bola</a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[bola!](\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"\">bola!</a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[bola]\n(\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"\">bola</a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[bola]\r\n(\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"\">bola</a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[bola] \r\n (\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"\">bola</a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[bo\nla](\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"\">bo\nla</a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[``bola``](\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"\"><code>bola</code></a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[``bola(2)[3]**!\\```](\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"\"><code>bola(2)[3]**!`</code></a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("test suite!)\n"
+ "depends on [cmocka](, though.\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "test suite!)\n"
+ "depends on <a href=\"\">cmocka</a>, though.\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("asd [bola]chunda(1234)");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "asd [bola]chunda(1234)");
+ free(html);
+ // "invalid"
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[bola](\n\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"\n\">bola</a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[bo[]\\[\\]()la](\\(\\))\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"\">bo[][]()la</a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[bola](\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "[bola](http:&#x2F;&#x2F;;\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "[");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "[\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[a");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "[a");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[a\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "[a\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[a]");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "[a]");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[a]\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "[a]\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_inline_link_auto(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[[guda]]");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"guda\">guda</a>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[[guda]]\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"guda\">guda</a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[[\\[\\]]]\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"[]\">[]</a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[[\\[\\]a]]\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<a href=\"[]a\">[]a</a>\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[[guda]asd]");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "[[guda]asd]");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[[guda]asd]\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "[[guda]asd]\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[[guda]asd");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "[[guda]asd");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("[[guda]asd\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "[[guda]asd\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_inline_image(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![bola](");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<img src=\"\" alt=\"bola\">");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![bola](\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<img src=\"\" alt=\"bola\">\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![bola]\n(\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<img src=\"\" alt=\"bola\">\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![bola]\r\n(\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<img src=\"\" alt=\"bola\">\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![bola] \r\n (\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<img src=\"\" alt=\"bola\">\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline(
+ "[![This is the image alt text](picture.jpg)](");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<a href=\"\"><img src=\"picture.jpg\" "
+ "alt=\"This is the image alt text\"></a>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline(
+ "[![This is the image alt text]\n"
+ "(picture.jpg)](");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<a href=\"\"><img src=\"picture.jpg\" "
+ "alt=\"This is the image alt text\"></a>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline(
+ "[![This is the image alt text]\n"
+ "(picture.jpg)]\n"
+ "(");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html,
+ "<a href=\"\"><img src=\"picture.jpg\" "
+ "alt=\"This is the image alt text\"></a>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("asd ![bola]chunda(1234)");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "asd ![bola]chunda(1234)");
+ free(html);
+ // "invalid"
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![bo\nla](\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<img src=\"\" alt=\"bo\nla\">\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![bola](\n\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<img src=\"\n\" alt=\"bola\">\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![bo\\[\\]()la](\\(\\))\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<img src=\"\" alt=\"bo[]()la\">\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![bola](\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "![bola](http:&#x2F;&#x2F;;\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("!");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "!");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "![");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("!\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "!\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "![\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![a");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "![a");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("!a\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "!a\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![a\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "![a\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![a]");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "![a]");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("!a]\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "!a]\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("![a]\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "![a]\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_inline_line_break(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse_inline("asd \n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "asd<br />\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("asd ");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "asd<br />");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("asd ");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "asd<br />");
+ free(html);
+ // invalid
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("asd ");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "asd ");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("asd \n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "asd \n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("asd a\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "asd a\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("asd a\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "asd a\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_inline_line_break_crlf(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse_inline("asd \r\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "asd<br />\r\n");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("asd \r\n");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "asd \r\n");
+ free(html);
+static void
+test_content_parse_inline_endash_emdash(void **state)
+ char *html = blogc_content_parse_inline("foo -- bar");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "foo &ndash; bar");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("foo --- bar");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "foo &mdash; bar");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("foo --");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "foo &ndash;");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("foo ---");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "foo &mdash;");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("foo \\-\\-");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "foo --");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("foo \\-\\-\\-");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "foo ---");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("foo \\---");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "foo -&ndash;");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("foo \\----");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "foo -&mdash;");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("foo \\-\\- bar");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "foo -- bar");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("foo \\-\\-\\- bar");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "foo --- bar");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("foo \\--- bar");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "foo -&ndash; bar");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("foo \\---- bar");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "foo -&mdash; bar");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("`foo -- bar`");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<code>foo -- bar</code>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("`foo --- bar`");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<code>foo --- bar</code>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("``foo -- bar``");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<code>foo -- bar</code>");
+ free(html);
+ html = blogc_content_parse_inline("``foo --- bar``");
+ assert_non_null(html);
+ assert_string_equal(html, "<code>foo --- bar</code>");
+ free(html);
+ const UnitTest tests[] = {
+ unit_test(test_slugify),
+ unit_test(test_htmlentities),
+ unit_test(test_fix_description),
+ unit_test(test_is_ordered_list_item),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_crlf),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_with_excerpt),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_with_excerpt_crlf),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_header),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_header_crlf),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_html),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_html_crlf),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_blockquote),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_blockquote_crlf),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_code),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_code_crlf),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_horizontal_rule),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_horizontal_rule_crlf),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_unordered_list),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_unordered_list_crlf),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_ordered_list),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_ordered_list_crlf),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_description),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_description_crlf),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_invalid_excerpt),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_invalid_header),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_invalid_header_empty),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_invalid_blockquote),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_invalid_code),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_invalid_horizontal_rule),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_invalid_unordered_list),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_invalid_ordered_list),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_inline),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_inline_em),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_inline_strong),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_inline_code),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_inline_link),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_inline_link_auto),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_inline_image),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_inline_line_break),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_inline_line_break_crlf),
+ unit_test(test_content_parse_inline_endash_emdash),
+ };
+ return run_tests(tests);