# blogc A blog compiler. ## Quickstart Clone the [Git repository](https://github.com/blogc/blogc) or grab the [latest release's source tarball](https://github.com/blogc/blogc/releases) and extract it. ### Dependencies Building `blogc` requires: - [CMake](https://cmake.org/) - [Ninja](https://ninja-build.org/) (optional, but recommended) - [ronn-ng](https://github.com/apjanke/ronn-ng) (if configured with `BUILD_MANPAGES=ON`) - [cmocka](https://cmocka.org/) (if configured with `BUILD_TESTING=ON`) - bash, diff and tee (if configured with `BUILD_TESTING=ON`) - git, make and tar (if configured with `BUILD_TESTING=ON` and `BUILD_BLOGC_GIT_RECEIVER=ON`) Running the `blogc-git-receiver` tool requires: - git, make and tar ### Building and installing Inside the source directory, run the following commands: $ mkdir build $ cmake \ -B build \ -S . \ -G Ninja \ [-DBUILD_BLOGC_GIT_RECEIVER=ON] \ [-DBUILD_BLOGC_MAKE=ON] \ [-DBUILD_BLOGC_RUNSERVER=ON] \ [-DBUILD_MANPAGES=ON] \ [-DBUILD_TESTING=ON] $ cmake \ --build build \ --config Release # cmake \ --build build \ --config Release \ --target install To create your first blog, please clone our example repository and adapt it to your needs: $ git clone https://github.com/blogc/blogc-example my-blog $ cd my-blog $ rm -rf .git $ git init $ git commit -am 'initial commit' At this point you'll have an empty blog, that can be customized to suit your needs. You'll want to look at the `content/post/` directory and edit your first post. Each new post, template or asset must be added to the `Makefile`. Please read it carefully. If some unexpected error happened, please [file an issue](https://github.com/blogc/blogc/issues/new). -- Rafael G. Martins