blogc-make(1) -- a simple build tool for blogc


`blogc-make` [`-V`] [`-f` <FILE>] [<RULE> ...]<br>
`blogc-make` [`-h`|`-v`]


**blogc-make** is a simple build tool for blogc websites. It reads a blogcfile(5)
and generates the output files using blogc(1) and some predefined rules, that are
useful enough for most common use cases.

See blogcfile(5) for details on the file format.


  * `-D`:
    Builds for development environment. This option is useful to load local,
    non-optimized assets for development purposes. It adds two global
    variables to all blogc(1) calls: `MAKE_ENV_DEV=1` and `MAKE_ENV=dev`.

  * `-V`:
    Activates verbose mode, that will give more details of commands runs.

  * `-f` <FILE>:
    Reads <FILE> as `blogcfile`.

  * `-v`:
    Show program name, version and exit.

  * `-h`:
    Show help message and exit.


  * `all`:
    Run all build rules. This is the default rule.

  * `clean`:
    Clean built files and empty directories in output directory.

  * `runserver`:
    Run `blogc-runserver(1)` pointing to output directory, if available. This
    rule accepts some arguments, in the following format:


    The values in the example are the default values.


  * `index`:
     Build website index from posts.

  * `atom`:
     Build main atom feed from posts.

  * `atom_tags`:
     Build atom feeds for each tag from posts.

  * `pagination`:
     Build pagination pages from posts.

  * `posts`:
     Build individual pages for each post.

  * `tags`:
     Build post listings for each tag from posts.

  * `pages`:
     Build individual pages for each page.

  * `copy`:
     Copy static files from source directory to output directory.


The `blogc-make` command expects a settings file, called `blogcfile` by default,
or any other file passed to `-f` option. `blogcfile` must have valid UTF-8 content.

The `blogc-make` command will read any files listed on `blogcfile`, and may write
files to the configured output directory.


  * `BLOGC`:
    Path to `blogc(1)` binary. If not provided, the `blogc` binary in `$PATH` will
    be used.

    Path to `blogc-runserver(1)` binary. If not provided, the `blogc-runserver`
    binary in `$PATH` will be used, if available.

    Path to the directory where `blogc-make` should write (or instruct blogc(1) to
    write) output files.

Any other environment variables are inherited by blogc(1) and blogc-runserver(1),
when called by `blogc-make`.


Build all files:

    $ blogc-make


    $ blogc-make all

Clean built files:

    $ blogc-make clean


Please report any issues to: <>


Rafael G. Martins &lt;<>&gt;


blogc(1), blogc-runserver(1), blogcfile(5)