blogc-template(7) -- blogc's template format ============================================ ## DESCRIPTION Template files are used as base to build output files by blogc(1). These files can include variables, blocks and conditionals, that will directly affect the output files. The syntax of the template files is defined to be simple, without affecting the content output. The syntax is somewhat inspired by Jinja2 syntax. This manual describes the basic syntax and functionalities of template files. ## TEMPLATE BLOCKS Template blocks are used to delimit content. The content inside a block will be included in the output file (or not) if the parameters passed to blogc(1) matches the requirements of the given block. Blocks can be defined more than once, but can't be nested. The available blocks are: `entry`, `listing` and `listing_once`. ### entry block The content of an `entry` block is included in the output file when blogc(1) is called without `-l` option, and with only one source file. It is used to render a single entry of your blog/website. All the variables defined in the source file are available inside this block (see blogc-source(7)), and will override global variables (see blogc(1)). This is how an `entry` block is defined: {% block entry %} This content will only be included when rendering a single entry. {% endblock %} ### listing block The content of a `listing` block is included in the output file when blogc(1) is called with `-l` option, and with zero or more source files. It is used to create a listing of entries, and its content will be included once for each given source file (in the order that the source files were provided to blogc(1)). All the variables defined in the source files are available inside this block (see blogc-source(7)), and will override global variables (see blogc(1)). The variables will be provided by each file, when blogc(1) iterates over them. This is how a `listing` block is defined: {% block listing %} This content will be only included when rendering an entry listing, and will be included once for each entry. {% endblock %} ### listing_once block The content of a `listing_once` block is included in the output file when blogc(1) is called with `-l` option, and with zero or more source files. It is like a `listing` block, but is only called once, and does not have access to the local variables defined in the source files. It is useful to add something before an entry listing. The content of a `listing_once` block is included even if no source file is provided. This is how a `listing_once` block is defined: {% block listing_once %} This content will be only included when rendering an entry listing, but will be included only once. {% endblock %} This is a 'real life' usage example of a `listing_once` block, supposing that each source file defines a `TITLE` variable: {% block listing_once %} <ul> {% endblock %} {% block listing %} <li>{{ TITLE }}</li> {% endblock %} {% block listing_once %} </ul> {% endblock %} ## TEMPLATE VARIABLES Template variables are used to provide content to templates from blogc(1) command-line and from source files. This is how a variable is defined in a template: {{ VARIABLE_NAME }} The value of a variable will depends of its scope. Global variables provided to blogc(1) are available everywhere in the templates. Local variables provided in the source files are available only inside `entry` and `listing` blocks, and will override global variables. If a variable is not defined, it will be replaced by an empty string. blogc(1) won't raise any error in this case. Variables are always strings, even if the value of the variable is a number, it is handled as a string by blogc(1). ## TEMPLATE CONDITIONALS Template conditionals are used to include content to the output, or not, based on the value and existence of variables in the current scope. The implementation of conditionals is simple, and each will just evaluate the value of a single variable. The available conditionals are: `ifdef`, `ifndef` and `if`. ### ifdef conditional The content of an `ifdef` conditional is included in the output file when the given variable is defined in the current scope. This is how an `ifdef` conditional is defined in a template: {% ifdef TITLE %} This is title: {{ TITLE }} {% endif %} In this case, if the `TITLE` variable is defined, the content is included. ### ifndef conditional The content of an `ifndef` conditional is included in the output file when the given variable is not defined in the current scope. This is how an `ifndef` conditional is defined in a template: {% ifndef TITLE %} Untitled entry {% endif %} In this case, if the `TITLE` variable is not defined, the content is included. ### if conditional The content of an `if` conditional is included in the output file when the comparision between the given variable and the given static string or variable evaluates to true in the current scope. The left operand of the comparision *must* be a variable. The available operators are: `==`, `!=`, `<`, `>`, `<=` and `>=`. The comparisions are strcmp(3)-like. This is how an `if` conditional is defined in a template: {% if TITLE == "My Title" %} Title is "My Title" {% endif %} Or: {% if TITLE == DEFAULT_TITLE %} Title is the default title {% endif %} ## BUGS The template content is handled by handwritten parsers, that even being well tested, may be subject of parsing bugs. Please report any issues to: <> ## AUTHOR Rafael G. Martins <<>> ## SEE ALSO blogc(1), blogc-source(7), strcmp(3)