blogc(1) -- a blog compiler


`blogc` [`-D` <KEY>=<VALUE> ...] `-t` <TEMPLATE> [`-o` <OUTPUT>] <SOURCE><br>
`blogc` `-l` [`-D` <KEY>=<VALUE> ...] `-t` <TEMPLATE> [`-o` <OUTPUT>] <SOURCE> [<SOURCE> ...]<br>
`blogc` `-l` `-p` <KEY> [`-D` <KEY>=<VALUE> ...] <SOURCE> [<SOURCE> ...]<br>
`blogc` [`-h`|`-v`]


**blogc** converts source files and templates into blog/website resources. It
gets one (or more) source files and a template, and generates an output file,
based on the template and the content read from the source file(s). It was
designed to be used with make(1).

`blogc` works on two modes:

  * `entry`:
    Default mode, first example in [SYNOPSIS][]. Accepts only one source
    file, and process it as a single entry of the blog/website, like a static
    page or a post.

  * `listing`:
    Listing mode, second example in [SYNOPSIS][], activated when
    calling `blogc` with `-l` option. Accepts multiple source files, and allow
    users to iterate over the content of all the source files to produce listing
    pages, like indexes and feeds.


  * `-l`:
    Activates listing mode, allowing user to provide multiple source files. See
    blogc-source(7) for details.

  * `-D` <KEY>=<VALUE>:
    Set global configuration parameter. <KEY> must be an ascii uppercase string,
    with only letters, numbers (after the first letter) and underscores (after
    the first letter). These parameters are available anywhere in templates,
    but may be overridden by local configuration parameters set in source files.
    See blogc-template(7) for details.

  * `-p` <KEY>:
    Show the value of a global configuration parameter right after the source
    parsing and exits. This is useful to get parameters for your `Makefile`,
    like the last page when using pagination.

  * `-t` <TEMPLATE>:
    Template file. It is a required option, if `blogc` needs to render something.
    See blogc-template(7) for details.

  * `-o` <OUTPUT>:
    Output file. If provided this option, save the compiled output to the given
    file. Otherwise, the compiled output is sent to `stdout`.

  * `-v`:
    Show program name, version and exit.

  * `-h`:
    Show help message and exit.


The `blogc` command expects a template file blogc-template(7), one (or more)
source files blogc-source(7) and an output file, if wanted.


No environment variables are required by `blogc`, but global timezone will
be used by locale-dependant datetime input field descriptors (like `%c`), and
can be overridden using environment variables. See strptime(3).


Build index from source files:

    $ blogc -l -t template.tmpl -o index.html source1.txt source2.txt source3.txt

Build entry page from source file:

    $ blogc -t template.tmpl -o entry.html entry.txt


**blogc** is based in handwritten parsers, that even being well tested, may be
subject of parsing bugs. Please report any issues to:


Rafael G. Martins &lt;<>&gt;


blogc-source(7), blogc-template(7), make(1), strptime(3)