// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014-2024 Rafael G. Martins // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/error.h" #include "../common/file.h" #include "../common/utils.h" #include "atom.h" #include "settings.h" #include "exec.h" #include "utils.h" #include "ctx.h" bm_filectx_t* bm_filectx_new(bm_ctx_t *ctx, const char *filename, const char *slug, struct stat *st) { if (ctx == NULL || filename == NULL) return NULL; char *f = filename[0] == '/' ? bc_strdup(filename) : bc_strdup_printf("%s/%s", ctx->root_dir, filename); bm_filectx_t *rv = bc_malloc(sizeof(bm_filectx_t)); rv->path = f; rv->short_path = bc_strdup(filename); rv->slug = bc_strdup(slug); if (st == NULL) { struct stat buf; if (0 != stat(f, &buf)) { rv->tv_sec = 0; rv->tv_nsec = 0; rv->readable = false; return rv; } st = &buf; } // if it isn't NULL the file exists for sure rv->tv_sec = st->st_mtim_tv_sec; rv->tv_nsec = st->st_mtim_tv_nsec; rv->readable = true; return rv; } bc_slist_t* bm_filectx_new_r(bc_slist_t *l, bm_ctx_t *ctx, const char *filename) { if (ctx == NULL || filename == NULL) return NULL; char *f = filename[0] == '/' ? bc_strdup(filename) : bc_strdup_printf("%s/%s", ctx->root_dir, filename); struct stat buf; if (0 != stat(f, &buf)) { free(f); return l; } if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { DIR *dir = opendir(f); if (dir == NULL) { free(f); return l; } struct dirent *e; while (NULL != (e = readdir(dir))) { if ((0 == strcmp(e->d_name, ".")) || (0 == strcmp(e->d_name, ".."))) continue; char *tmp = bc_strdup_printf("%s/%s", filename, e->d_name); l = bm_filectx_new_r(l, ctx, tmp); free(tmp); } closedir(dir); free(f); return l; } l = bc_slist_append(l, bm_filectx_new(ctx, filename, NULL, &buf)); free(f); return l; } bool bm_filectx_changed(bm_filectx_t *ctx, time_t *tv_sec, long *tv_nsec) { if (ctx == NULL) return false; struct stat buf; if (0 == stat(ctx->path, &buf)) { if (buf.st_mtim_tv_sec == ctx->tv_sec) { if (buf.st_mtim_tv_nsec > ctx->tv_nsec) { if (tv_sec != NULL) *tv_sec = buf.st_mtim_tv_sec; if (tv_nsec != NULL) *tv_nsec = buf.st_mtim_tv_nsec; return true; } } else if (buf.st_mtim_tv_sec > ctx->tv_sec) { if (tv_sec != NULL) *tv_sec = buf.st_mtim_tv_sec; if (tv_nsec != NULL) *tv_nsec = buf.st_mtim_tv_nsec; return true; } } return false; } void bm_filectx_reload(bm_filectx_t *ctx) { if (ctx == NULL) return; time_t tv_sec; long tv_nsec; if (!bm_filectx_changed(ctx, &tv_sec, &tv_nsec)) return; ctx->tv_sec = tv_sec; ctx->tv_nsec = tv_nsec; ctx->readable = true; } void bm_filectx_free(bm_filectx_t *fctx) { if (fctx == NULL) return; free(fctx->path); free(fctx->short_path); free(fctx->slug); free(fctx); } bm_ctx_t* bm_ctx_new(bm_ctx_t *base, const char *settings_file, const char *argv0, bc_error_t **err) { if (settings_file == NULL || err == NULL || *err != NULL) return NULL; char *abs_filename = bm_abspath(settings_file, err); if (*err != NULL) return NULL; size_t content_len; char *content = bc_file_get_contents(abs_filename, true, &content_len, err); if (*err != NULL) { free(abs_filename); return NULL; } bm_settings_t *settings = bm_settings_parse(content, content_len, err); if (settings == NULL || *err != NULL) { free(abs_filename); free(content); return NULL; } free(content); const char *template_dir = bc_trie_lookup(settings->settings, "template_dir"); if (template_dir == NULL) template_dir = ""; char *atom_template = NULL; bool atom_template_tmp = false; const char *atom_template_conf = bc_trie_lookup(settings->settings, "atom_template"); if (atom_template_conf != NULL) { atom_template = bc_strdup_printf("%s/%s", template_dir, atom_template_conf); } else { atom_template = bm_atom_deploy(settings, err); atom_template_tmp = true; if (*err != NULL) { free(abs_filename); bm_settings_free(settings); return NULL; } } bm_ctx_t *rv = NULL; if (base == NULL) { rv = bc_malloc(sizeof(bm_ctx_t)); rv->blogc = bm_exec_find_binary(argv0, "blogc", "BLOGC"); rv->blogc_runserver = bm_exec_find_binary(argv0, "blogc-runserver", "BLOGC_RUNSERVER"); rv->dev = false; rv->verbose = false; } else { bm_ctx_free_internal(base); rv = base; } rv->settings = settings; rv->settings_fctx = bm_filectx_new(rv, abs_filename, NULL, NULL); rv->root_dir = bc_strdup(dirname(abs_filename)); free(abs_filename); const char *output_dir = getenv("OUTPUT_DIR"); rv->short_output_dir = bc_strdup(output_dir != NULL ? output_dir : "_build"); if (rv->short_output_dir[0] == '/') { rv->output_dir = bc_strdup(rv->short_output_dir); } else { rv->output_dir = bc_strdup_printf("%s/%s", rv->root_dir, rv->short_output_dir); } // can't return null and set error after this! char *main_template = bc_strdup_printf("%s/%s", template_dir, bm_ctx_settings_lookup(rv, "main_template")); rv->main_template_fctx = bm_filectx_new(rv, main_template, NULL, NULL); free(main_template); rv->atom_template_tmp = atom_template_tmp; rv->atom_template_fctx = bm_filectx_new(rv, atom_template, NULL, NULL); free(atom_template); const char *content_dir = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(rv, "content_dir"); const char *post_prefix = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(rv, "post_prefix"); const char *source_ext = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(rv, "source_ext"); const char *listing_entry = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(rv, "listing_entry"); rv->listing_entry_fctx = NULL; if (listing_entry != NULL) { char *f = bm_generate_filename(content_dir, NULL, listing_entry, source_ext); rv->listing_entry_fctx = bm_filectx_new(rv, f, listing_entry, NULL); free(f); } rv->posts_fctx = NULL; if (settings->posts != NULL) { for (size_t i = 0; settings->posts[i] != NULL; i++) { char *f = bm_generate_filename(content_dir, post_prefix, settings->posts[i], source_ext); rv->posts_fctx = bc_slist_append(rv->posts_fctx, bm_filectx_new(rv, f, settings->posts[i], NULL)); free(f); } } rv->pages_fctx = NULL; if (settings->pages != NULL) { for (size_t i = 0; settings->pages[i] != NULL; i++) { char *f = bm_generate_filename(content_dir, NULL, settings->pages[i], source_ext); rv->pages_fctx = bc_slist_append(rv->pages_fctx, bm_filectx_new(rv, f, settings->pages[i], NULL)); free(f); } } rv->copy_fctx = NULL; if (settings->copy != NULL) { for (size_t i = 0; settings->copy[i] != NULL; i++) { rv->copy_fctx = bm_filectx_new_r(rv->copy_fctx, rv, settings->copy[i]); } } return rv; } bool bm_ctx_reload(bm_ctx_t **ctx) { if (*ctx == NULL || (*ctx)->settings_fctx == NULL) return false; if (bm_filectx_changed((*ctx)->settings_fctx, NULL, NULL)) { // reload everything! we could just reload settings_fctx, as this // would force rebuilding everything, but we need to know new/deleted // files // needs to dup path, because it may be freed when reloading. char *tmp = bc_strdup((*ctx)->settings_fctx->path); bc_error_t *err = NULL; *ctx = bm_ctx_new(*ctx, tmp, NULL, &err); free(tmp); if (err != NULL) { bc_error_print(err, "blogc-make"); bc_error_free(err); return false; } return true; } bm_filectx_reload((*ctx)->main_template_fctx); bm_filectx_reload((*ctx)->atom_template_fctx); bm_filectx_reload((*ctx)->listing_entry_fctx); for (bc_slist_t *tmp = (*ctx)->posts_fctx; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) bm_filectx_reload((bm_filectx_t*) tmp->data); for (bc_slist_t *tmp = (*ctx)->pages_fctx; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) bm_filectx_reload((bm_filectx_t*) tmp->data); for (bc_slist_t *tmp = (*ctx)->copy_fctx; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) bm_filectx_reload((bm_filectx_t*) tmp->data); return true; } void bm_ctx_free_internal(bm_ctx_t *ctx) { if (ctx == NULL) return; bm_settings_free(ctx->settings); ctx->settings = NULL; free(ctx->root_dir); ctx->root_dir = NULL; free(ctx->short_output_dir); ctx->short_output_dir = NULL; free(ctx->output_dir); ctx->output_dir = NULL; if (ctx->atom_template_tmp) bm_atom_destroy(ctx->atom_template_fctx->path); ctx->atom_template_tmp = false; bm_filectx_free(ctx->main_template_fctx); ctx->main_template_fctx = NULL; bm_filectx_free(ctx->atom_template_fctx); ctx->atom_template_fctx = NULL; bm_filectx_free(ctx->settings_fctx); ctx->settings_fctx = NULL; bm_filectx_free(ctx->listing_entry_fctx); ctx->listing_entry_fctx = NULL; bc_slist_free_full(ctx->posts_fctx, (bc_free_func_t) bm_filectx_free); ctx->posts_fctx = NULL; bc_slist_free_full(ctx->pages_fctx, (bc_free_func_t) bm_filectx_free); ctx->pages_fctx = NULL; bc_slist_free_full(ctx->copy_fctx, (bc_free_func_t) bm_filectx_free); ctx->copy_fctx = NULL; } void bm_ctx_free(bm_ctx_t *ctx) { if (ctx == NULL) return; bm_ctx_free_internal(ctx); free(ctx->blogc); free(ctx->blogc_runserver); free(ctx); } const char* bm_ctx_settings_lookup(bm_ctx_t *ctx, const char *key) { if (ctx == NULL || ctx->settings == NULL || ctx->settings->settings == NULL) return NULL; return bc_trie_lookup(ctx->settings->settings, key); } const char* bm_ctx_settings_lookup_str(bm_ctx_t *ctx, const char *key) { const char *rv = bm_ctx_settings_lookup(ctx, key); return rv == NULL ? "" : rv; }