/* * blogc: A blog compiler. * Copyright (C) 2015 Rafael G. Martins * * This program can be distributed under the terms of the BSD License. * See the file COPYING. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #include #include "utils/utils.h" #include "content-parser.h" #include "error.h" // this is a half ass implementation of a markdown-like syntax. bugs are // expected. feel free to improve the parser and and new features. // TODO: inline elements: links, emphasis, code, images, line breaks // TODO: automatic scaping of html entities // TODO: automatic links // TODO: error handling typedef enum { CONTENT_START_LINE = 1, CONTENT_HEADER, CONTENT_HEADER_TITLE_START, CONTENT_HEADER_TITLE, CONTENT_HTML, CONTENT_HTML_END, CONTENT_BLOCKQUOTE, CONTENT_BLOCKQUOTE_START, CONTENT_BLOCKQUOTE_END, CONTENT_CODE, CONTENT_CODE_START, CONTENT_CODE_END, CONTENT_UNORDERED_LIST_OR_HORIZONTAL_RULE, CONTENT_HORIZONTAL_RULE, CONTENT_UNORDERED_LIST_START, CONTENT_UNORDERED_LIST_END, CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST, CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST_SPACE, CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST_START, CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST_END, CONTENT_PARAGRAPH, CONTENT_PARAGRAPH_END, } blogc_content_parser_state_t; char* blogc_content_parse_inline(const char *src) { // this function is always called by blogc_content_parse, then its safe to // assume that src is always nul-terminated. size_t src_len = strlen(src); size_t current = 0; b_string_t *rv = b_string_new(); bool open_em_ast = false; bool open_strong_ast = false; bool open_em_und = false; bool open_strong_und = false; bool open_code = false; bool open_code_double = false; unsigned int link_state = 0; unsigned int image_state = 0; size_t link_start = 0; size_t image_start = 0; char *tmp = NULL; char *title = NULL; while (current < src_len) { char c = src[current]; bool is_last = current == src_len - 1; switch (c) { case '*': case '_': if (!is_last && src[current + 1] == c) { current++; if ((c == '*' && open_strong_ast) || (c == '_' && open_strong_und)) { b_string_append(rv, ""); if (c == '*') open_strong_ast = false; else open_strong_und = false; } else { b_string_append(rv, ""); if (c == '*') open_strong_ast = true; else open_strong_und = true; } } else { if ((c == '*' && open_em_ast) || (c == '_' && open_em_und)) { b_string_append(rv, ""); if (c == '*') open_em_ast = false; else open_em_und = false; } else { b_string_append(rv, ""); if (c == '*') open_em_ast = true; else open_em_und = true; } } break; case '`': if (!is_last && src[current + 1] == c) { current++; if (open_code_double) b_string_append(rv, ""); else b_string_append(rv, ""); open_code_double = !open_code_double; } else { if (open_code) b_string_append(rv, ""); else b_string_append(rv, ""); open_code = !open_code; } break; case '[': if (link_state == 0 && image_state == 0) { tmp = strchr(src + current, ']'); if (tmp != NULL) { if (strlen(tmp) > 1 && tmp[1] == '(') { tmp = strchr(tmp, ')'); if (tmp != NULL) { // this is a link link_start = current + 1; // its safe link_state = 1; break; } } } b_string_append_c(rv, c); } break; case '!': if (link_state == 0 && image_state == 0) { if (!is_last && src[current + 1] == '[') { tmp = strchr(src + current + 1, ']'); if (tmp != NULL) { if (strlen(tmp) > 1 && tmp[1] == '(') { tmp = strchr(tmp, ')'); if (tmp != NULL) { // this is an image image_start = current + 2; // its safe image_state = 1; break; } } } } b_string_append_c(rv, c); } break; case ']': if (link_state == 1) { link_state = 2; title = b_strndup(src + link_start, current - link_start); break; } if (image_state == 1) { image_state = 2; title = b_strndup(src + image_start, current - image_start); break; } b_string_append_c(rv, c); break; case '(': if (link_state == 2) { link_state = 3; link_start = current + 1; // its safe break; } if (image_state == 2) { image_state = 3; image_start = current + 1; // its safe break; } b_string_append_c(rv, c); break; case ')': if (link_state == 3) { link_state = 0; tmp = b_strndup(src + link_start, current - link_start); b_string_append_printf(rv, "%s", tmp, title); free(tmp); tmp = NULL; free(title); title = NULL; break; } if (image_state == 3) { image_state = 0; tmp = b_strndup(src + image_start, current - image_start); b_string_append_printf(rv, "\"%s\"", tmp, title); free(tmp); tmp = NULL; free(title); title = NULL; break; } b_string_append_c(rv, c); break; case '&': b_string_append(rv, "&"); break; case '<': b_string_append(rv, "<"); break; case '>': b_string_append(rv, ">"); break; case '"': b_string_append(rv, """); break; case '\'': b_string_append(rv, "'"); break; case '/': b_string_append(rv, "/"); break; default: if (link_state == 0 && image_state == 0) b_string_append_c(rv, c); } current++; } return b_string_free(rv, false); } char* blogc_content_parse(const char *src, size_t src_len, blogc_error_t **err) { if (err == NULL || *err != NULL) return NULL; size_t current = 0; size_t start = 0; size_t end = 0; unsigned int header_level = 0; char *prefix = NULL; size_t prefix_len = 0; char *tmp = NULL; char *tmp2 = NULL; char *tmp3 = NULL; char *parsed = NULL; char **tmpv = NULL; char d; b_slist_t *lines = NULL; b_string_t *rv = b_string_new(); b_string_t *tmp_str = NULL; blogc_content_parser_state_t state = CONTENT_START_LINE; while (current < src_len) { char c = src[current]; bool is_last = current == src_len - 1; switch (state) { case CONTENT_START_LINE: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) break; if (c == '#') { header_level = 1; state = CONTENT_HEADER; break; } if (c == '*' || c == '+' || c == '-') { state = CONTENT_UNORDERED_LIST_OR_HORIZONTAL_RULE; start = current; d = c; break; } if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { state = CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST; start = current; break; } if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { state = CONTENT_CODE; start = current; break; } if (c == '<') { state = CONTENT_HTML; start = current; break; } if (c == '>') { state = CONTENT_BLOCKQUOTE; start = current; break; } start = current; state = CONTENT_PARAGRAPH; break; case CONTENT_HEADER: if (c == '#') { header_level += 1; break; } if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { state = CONTENT_HEADER_TITLE_START; break; } *err = blogc_error_parser(BLOGC_ERROR_CONTENT_PARSER, src, src_len, current, "Malformed header, no space or tab after '#'"); break; case CONTENT_HEADER_TITLE_START: if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') break; start = current; if (c != '\n' && c != '\r') { state = CONTENT_HEADER_TITLE; break; } case CONTENT_HEADER_TITLE: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { end = is_last && c != '\n' && c != '\r' ? src_len : current; tmp = b_strndup(src + start, end - start); parsed = blogc_content_parse_inline(tmp); b_string_append_printf(rv, "%s\n", header_level, parsed, header_level); free(parsed); parsed = NULL; free(tmp); tmp = NULL; state = CONTENT_START_LINE; start = current; } break; case CONTENT_HTML: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { state = CONTENT_HTML_END; end = is_last && c != '\n' && c != '\r' ? src_len : current; } if (!is_last) break; case CONTENT_HTML_END: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { tmp = b_strndup(src + start, end - start); b_string_append_printf(rv, "%s\n", tmp); free(tmp); tmp = NULL; state = CONTENT_START_LINE; start = current; } else state = CONTENT_HTML; break; case CONTENT_BLOCKQUOTE: if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') break; prefix = b_strndup(src + start, current - start); state = CONTENT_BLOCKQUOTE_START; break; case CONTENT_BLOCKQUOTE_START: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { end = is_last && c != '\n' && c != '\r' ? src_len : current; tmp = b_strndup(src + start, end - start); if (b_str_starts_with(tmp, prefix)) { lines = b_slist_append(lines, b_strdup(tmp + strlen(prefix))); state = CONTENT_BLOCKQUOTE_END; } else { *err = blogc_error_parser(BLOGC_ERROR_CONTENT_PARSER, src, src_len, current, "Malformed blockquote, must use same prefix " "as previous line(s): %s", prefix); free(prefix); prefix = NULL; b_slist_free_full(lines, free); lines = NULL; } free(tmp); tmp = NULL; } if (!is_last) break; case CONTENT_BLOCKQUOTE_END: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { tmp_str = b_string_new(); for (b_slist_t *l = lines; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (l->next == NULL) b_string_append_printf(tmp_str, "%s", l->data); else b_string_append_printf(tmp_str, "%s\n", l->data); } tmp = blogc_content_parse(tmp_str->str, tmp_str->len, err); if (*err == NULL) { b_string_append_printf(rv, "
\n", tmp); } free(tmp); tmp = NULL; b_string_free(tmp_str, true); tmp_str = NULL; b_slist_free_full(lines, free); lines = NULL; free(prefix); prefix = NULL; state = CONTENT_START_LINE; start = current; } else { start = current; state = CONTENT_BLOCKQUOTE_START; } break; case CONTENT_CODE: if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') break; prefix = b_strndup(src + start, current - start); state = CONTENT_CODE_START; break; case CONTENT_CODE_START: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { end = is_last && c != '\n' && c != '\r' ? src_len : current; tmp = b_strndup(src + start, end - start); if (b_str_starts_with(tmp, prefix)) { lines = b_slist_append(lines, b_strdup(tmp + strlen(prefix))); state = CONTENT_CODE_END; } else { *err = blogc_error_parser(BLOGC_ERROR_CONTENT_PARSER, src, src_len, current, "Malformed code block, must use same prefix " "as previous line(s): '%s'", prefix); free(prefix); prefix = NULL; b_slist_free_full(lines, free); lines = NULL; } free(tmp); tmp = NULL; } if (!is_last) break; case CONTENT_CODE_END: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { b_string_append(rv, "
                    for (b_slist_t *l = lines; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
                        if (l->next == NULL)
                            b_string_append_printf(rv, "%s", l->data);
                            b_string_append_printf(rv, "%s\n", l->data);
                    b_string_append(rv, "
\n"); b_slist_free_full(lines, free); lines = NULL; free(prefix); prefix = NULL; state = CONTENT_START_LINE; start = current; } else { start = current; state = CONTENT_CODE_START; } break; case CONTENT_UNORDERED_LIST_OR_HORIZONTAL_RULE: if (c == d) { state = CONTENT_HORIZONTAL_RULE; break; } if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') break; prefix = b_strndup(src + start, current - start); state = CONTENT_UNORDERED_LIST_START; break; case CONTENT_HORIZONTAL_RULE: if (c == d) { break; } if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { b_string_append(rv, "
\n"); state = CONTENT_START_LINE; start = current; d = '\0'; break; } state = CONTENT_PARAGRAPH; break; case CONTENT_UNORDERED_LIST_START: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { end = is_last && c != '\n' && c != '\r' ? src_len : current; tmp = b_strndup(src + start, end - start); if (b_str_starts_with(tmp, prefix)) { tmp3 = b_strdup(tmp + strlen(prefix)); parsed = blogc_content_parse_inline(tmp3); free(tmp3); tmp3 = NULL; lines = b_slist_append(lines, b_strdup(parsed)); free(parsed); parsed = NULL; } else { *err = blogc_error_parser(BLOGC_ERROR_CONTENT_PARSER, src, src_len, current, "Malformed unordered list, must use same prefix " "as previous line(s): %s", prefix); } free(tmp); tmp = NULL; state = CONTENT_UNORDERED_LIST_END; } if (!is_last) break; case CONTENT_UNORDERED_LIST_END: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { b_string_append(rv, "
    \n"); for (b_slist_t *l = lines; l != NULL; l = l->next) b_string_append_printf(rv, "
  • %s
  • \n", l->data); b_string_append(rv, "
\n"); b_slist_free_full(lines, free); lines = NULL; free(prefix); prefix = NULL; state = CONTENT_START_LINE; start = current; } else { start = current; state = CONTENT_UNORDERED_LIST_START; } break; case CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') break; if (c == '.') { state = CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST_SPACE; break; } state = CONTENT_PARAGRAPH; break; case CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST_SPACE: if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') break; prefix_len = current - start; state = CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST_START; break; case CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST_START: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { end = is_last && c != '\n' && c != '\r' ? src_len : current; tmp = b_strndup(src + start, end - start); if (strlen(tmp) >= prefix_len) { tmp2 = b_strndup(tmp, prefix_len); tmpv = b_str_split(tmp2, '.', 2); free(tmp2); tmp2 = NULL; if (b_strv_length(tmpv) != 2) { *err = blogc_error_parser(BLOGC_ERROR_CONTENT_PARSER, src, src_len, current, "Malformed ordered list, prefix must be a " "number, followed by a '.', followed by the content. " "Content must be aligned with content from previous line(s)"); goto err_li; } for (unsigned int i = 0; tmpv[0][i] != '\0'; i++) { if (!(tmpv[0][i] >= '0' && tmpv[0][i] <= '9')) { *err = blogc_error_parser(BLOGC_ERROR_CONTENT_PARSER, src, src_len, current, "Malformed ordered list, prefix must be a " "number, followed by a '.', followed by the content. " "Content must be aligned with content from previous line(s)"); goto err_li; } } for (unsigned int i = 0; tmpv[1][i] != '\0'; i++) { if (!(tmpv[1][i] == ' ' || tmpv[1][i] == '\t')) { *err = blogc_error_parser(BLOGC_ERROR_CONTENT_PARSER, src, src_len, current, "Malformed ordered list, prefix must be a " "number, followed by a '.', followed by the content. " "Content must be aligned with content from previous line(s)"); goto err_li; } } tmp3 = b_strdup(tmp + prefix_len); parsed = blogc_content_parse_inline(tmp3); free(tmp3); tmp3 = NULL; lines = b_slist_append(lines, b_strdup(parsed)); state = CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST_END; free(parsed); parsed = NULL; err_li: b_strv_free(tmpv); tmpv = NULL; } free(tmp); tmp = NULL; } if (!is_last) break; case CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST_END: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { b_string_append(rv, "
    \n"); for (b_slist_t *l = lines; l != NULL; l = l->next) b_string_append_printf(rv, "
  1. %s
  2. \n", l->data); b_string_append(rv, "
\n"); b_slist_free_full(lines, free); lines = NULL; free(prefix); prefix = NULL; state = CONTENT_START_LINE; start = current; } else { start = current; state = CONTENT_ORDERED_LIST_START; } break; case CONTENT_PARAGRAPH: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { state = CONTENT_PARAGRAPH_END; end = is_last && c != '\n' && c != '\r' ? src_len : current; } if (!is_last) break; case CONTENT_PARAGRAPH_END: if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || is_last) { tmp = b_strndup(src + start, end - start); parsed = blogc_content_parse_inline(tmp); b_string_append_printf(rv, "


\n", parsed); free(parsed); parsed = NULL; free(tmp); tmp = NULL; state = CONTENT_START_LINE; start = current; } else state = CONTENT_PARAGRAPH; break; } if (*err != NULL) break; current++; } if (*err != NULL) { b_string_free(rv, true); return NULL; } return b_string_free(rv, false); }