/* * blogc: A blog compiler. * Copyright (C) 2015 Rafael G. Martins * * This program can be distributed under the terms of the BSD License. * See the file LICENSE. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #ifdef HAVE_TIME_H #include #endif /* HAVE_TIME_H */ #include #include #include "error.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "datetime-parser.h" typedef enum { DATETIME_FIRST_YEAR = 1, DATETIME_SECOND_YEAR, DATETIME_THIRD_YEAR, DATETIME_FOURTH_YEAR, DATETIME_FIRST_HYPHEN, DATETIME_FIRST_MONTH, DATETIME_SECOND_MONTH, DATETIME_SECOND_HYPHEN, DATETIME_FIRST_DAY, DATETIME_SECOND_DAY, DATETIME_SPACE, DATETIME_FIRST_HOUR, DATETIME_SECOND_HOUR, DATETIME_FIRST_COLON, DATETIME_FIRST_MINUTE, DATETIME_SECOND_MINUTE, DATETIME_SECOND_COLON, DATETIME_FIRST_SECOND, DATETIME_SECOND_SECOND, DATETIME_DONE, } blogc_datetime_state_t; char* blogc_convert_datetime(const char *orig, const char *format, blogc_error_t **err) { if (err == NULL || *err != NULL) return NULL; struct tm t; memset(&t, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); t.tm_isdst = -1; blogc_datetime_state_t state = DATETIME_FIRST_YEAR; int tmp = 0; int diff = '0'; for (unsigned int i = 0; orig[i] != '\0'; i++) { char c = orig[i]; switch (state) { case DATETIME_FIRST_YEAR: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { tmp += (c - diff) * 1000; state = DATETIME_SECOND_YEAR; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid first digit of year. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 9.", c); break; case DATETIME_SECOND_YEAR: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { tmp += (c - diff) * 100; state = DATETIME_THIRD_YEAR; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid second digit of year. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 9.", c); break; case DATETIME_THIRD_YEAR: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { tmp += (c - diff) * 10; state = DATETIME_FOURTH_YEAR; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid third digit of year. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 9.", c); break; case DATETIME_FOURTH_YEAR: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { tmp += c - diff - 1900; if (tmp < 0) { *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid year. Found %d, must be >= 1900.", tmp + 1900); break; } t.tm_year = tmp; state = DATETIME_FIRST_HYPHEN; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid fourth digit of year. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 9.", c); break; case DATETIME_FIRST_HYPHEN: if (c == '-') { tmp = 0; state = DATETIME_FIRST_MONTH; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid separator between year and month. " "Found '%c', must be '-'.", c); break; case DATETIME_FIRST_MONTH: if (c >= '0' && c <= '1') { tmp += (c - diff) * 10; state = DATETIME_SECOND_MONTH; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid first digit of month. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 1.", c); break; case DATETIME_SECOND_MONTH: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { tmp += c - diff - 1; if (tmp < 0 || tmp > 11) { *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid month. Found %d, must be >= 1 and <= 12.", tmp + 1); break; } t.tm_mon = tmp; state = DATETIME_SECOND_HYPHEN; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid second digit of month. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 9.", c); break; case DATETIME_SECOND_HYPHEN: if (c == '-') { tmp = 0; state = DATETIME_FIRST_DAY; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid separator between month and day. " "Found '%c', must be '-'.", c); break; case DATETIME_FIRST_DAY: if (c >= '0' && c <= '3') { tmp += (c - diff) * 10; state = DATETIME_SECOND_DAY; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid first digit of day. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 3.", c); break; case DATETIME_SECOND_DAY: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { tmp += c - diff; if (tmp < 1 || tmp > 31) { *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid day. Found %d, must be >= 1 and <= 31.", tmp); break; } t.tm_mday = tmp; state = DATETIME_SPACE; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid second digit of day. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 9.", c); break; case DATETIME_SPACE: if (c == ' ') { tmp = 0; state = DATETIME_FIRST_HOUR; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid separator between date and time. " "Found '%c', must be ' ' (empty space).", c); break; case DATETIME_FIRST_HOUR: if (c >= '0' && c <= '2') { tmp += (c - diff) * 10; state = DATETIME_SECOND_HOUR; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid first digit of hours. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 2.", c); break; case DATETIME_SECOND_HOUR: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { tmp += c - diff; if (tmp < 0 || tmp > 23) { *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid hours. Found %d, must be >= 0 and <= 23.", tmp); break; } t.tm_hour = tmp; state = DATETIME_FIRST_COLON; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid second digit of hours. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 9.", c); break; case DATETIME_FIRST_COLON: if (c == ':') { tmp = 0; state = DATETIME_FIRST_MINUTE; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid separator between hours and minutes. " "Found '%c', must be ':'.", c); break; case DATETIME_FIRST_MINUTE: if (c >= '0' && c <= '5') { tmp += (c - diff) * 10; state = DATETIME_SECOND_MINUTE; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid first digit of minutes. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 5.", c); break; case DATETIME_SECOND_MINUTE: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { tmp += c - diff; if (tmp < 0 || tmp > 59) { // this won't happen because we are restricting the digits // to 00-59 already, but lets keep the code here for // reference. *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid minutes. Found %d, must be >= 0 and <= 59.", tmp); break; } t.tm_min = tmp; state = DATETIME_SECOND_COLON; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid second digit of minutes. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 9.", c); break; case DATETIME_SECOND_COLON: if (c == ':') { tmp = 0; state = DATETIME_FIRST_SECOND; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid separator between minutes and seconds. " "Found '%c', must be ':'.", c); break; case DATETIME_FIRST_SECOND: if (c >= '0' && c <= '6') { tmp += (c - diff) * 10; state = DATETIME_SECOND_SECOND; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid first digit of seconds. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 6.", c); break; case DATETIME_SECOND_SECOND: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { tmp += c - diff; if (tmp < 0 || tmp > 60) { *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid seconds. Found %d, must be >= 0 and <= 60.", tmp); break; } t.tm_sec = tmp; state = DATETIME_DONE; break; } *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid second digit of seconds. " "Found '%c', must be integer >= 0 and <= 9.", c); break; case DATETIME_DONE: // well, its done ;) break; } if (*err != NULL) return NULL; } if (*err == NULL) { switch (state) { case DATETIME_FIRST_YEAR: case DATETIME_SECOND_YEAR: case DATETIME_THIRD_YEAR: case DATETIME_FOURTH_YEAR: case DATETIME_FIRST_HYPHEN: case DATETIME_FIRST_MONTH: case DATETIME_SECOND_MONTH: case DATETIME_SECOND_HYPHEN: case DATETIME_FIRST_DAY: case DATETIME_SECOND_DAY: case DATETIME_FIRST_HOUR: case DATETIME_SECOND_HOUR: case DATETIME_FIRST_MINUTE: case DATETIME_SECOND_MINUTE: case DATETIME_FIRST_SECOND: case DATETIME_SECOND_SECOND: *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Invalid datetime string. " "Found '%s', formats allowed are: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss', " "'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ss', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh' and 'yyyy-mm-dd'.", orig); return NULL; case DATETIME_SPACE: case DATETIME_FIRST_COLON: case DATETIME_SECOND_COLON: case DATETIME_DONE: break; // these states are ok } } mktime(&t); char buf[1024]; if (0 == strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), format, &t)) { *err = blogc_error_new_printf(BLOGC_ERROR_DATETIME_PARSER, "Failed to format DATE variable, FORMAT is too long: %s", format); return NULL; } return b_strdup(buf); }