/* * blogc: A blog compiler. * Copyright (C) 2015 Rafael G. Martins <rafael@rafaelmartins.eng.br> * * This program can be distributed under the terms of the BSD License. * See the file COPYING. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include <string.h> #include "utils/utils.h" #include "source-parser.h" #include "template-parser.h" #include "renderer.h" char* blogc_render(b_slist_t *tmpl, b_slist_t *sources) { if (tmpl == NULL || sources == NULL) return NULL; bool single_source = sources->next == NULL; b_slist_t *current_source = NULL; b_slist_t *multiple_sources_start = NULL; b_string_t *str = b_string_new(); b_trie_t *tmp_source = NULL; char *config_value = NULL; unsigned int if_count = 0; unsigned int if_skip = 0; b_slist_t *tmp = tmpl; while (tmp != NULL) { blogc_template_stmt_t *stmt = tmp->data; switch (stmt->type) { case BLOGC_TEMPLATE_CONTENT_STMT: if (stmt->value != NULL) b_string_append(str, stmt->value); break; case BLOGC_TEMPLATE_BLOCK_STMT: if_count = 0; if (0 == strcmp("single_source", stmt->value)) { if (!single_source) { // we can just skip anything and walk until the next // 'endblock' while (stmt->type != BLOGC_TEMPLATE_ENDBLOCK_STMT) { tmp = tmp->next; stmt = tmp->data; } break; } current_source = sources; tmp_source = current_source->data; } else if ((0 == strcmp("multiple_sources", stmt->value)) || (0 == strcmp("multiple_sources_once", stmt->value))) { if (single_source) { // we can just skip anything and walk until the next // 'endblock' while (stmt->type != BLOGC_TEMPLATE_ENDBLOCK_STMT) { tmp = tmp->next; stmt = tmp->data; } break; } } if (0 == strcmp("multiple_sources", stmt->value)) { if (current_source == NULL) { multiple_sources_start = tmp; current_source = sources; } tmp_source = current_source->data; } break; case BLOGC_TEMPLATE_VARIABLE_STMT: if (stmt->value != NULL && tmp_source != NULL) { config_value = b_trie_lookup(tmp_source, stmt->value); if (config_value != NULL) b_string_append(str, config_value); break; } break; case BLOGC_TEMPLATE_ENDBLOCK_STMT: if (multiple_sources_start != NULL && current_source != NULL) { current_source = current_source->next; if (current_source != NULL) { tmp = multiple_sources_start; continue; } else multiple_sources_start = NULL; } break; case BLOGC_TEMPLATE_IF_STMT: if (stmt->value != NULL && tmp_source != NULL) { if (b_trie_lookup(tmp_source, stmt->value) == NULL) { if_skip = if_count; // at this point we can just skip anything, counting the // number of 'if's, to know how many 'endif's we need to // skip as well. while (1) { tmp = tmp->next; stmt = tmp->data; if (stmt->type == BLOGC_TEMPLATE_IF_STMT) { if_count++; continue; } if (stmt->type == BLOGC_TEMPLATE_ENDIF_STMT) { if (if_count > if_skip) { if_count--; continue; } if (if_count == if_skip) break; } } } } break; case BLOGC_TEMPLATE_ENDIF_STMT: if_count--; break; } tmp = tmp->next; } return b_string_free(str, false); }