/* * blogc: A blog compiler. * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Rafael G. Martins <rafael@rafaelmartins.eng.br> * * This program can be distributed under the terms of the BSD License. * See the file LICENSE. */ #include <stdarg.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <cmocka.h> #include <string.h> #include "../../src/common/error.h" static void test_error_new(void **state) { bc_error_t *error = bc_error_new(1, "bola %s"); assert_non_null(error); assert_int_equal(error->type, 1); assert_string_equal(error->msg, "bola %s"); bc_error_free(error); } static void test_error_new_printf(void **state) { bc_error_t *error = bc_error_new_printf(2, "bola %s", "guda"); assert_non_null(error); assert_int_equal(error->type, 2); assert_string_equal(error->msg, "bola guda"); bc_error_free(error); } static void test_error_parser(void **state) { const char *a = "bola\nguda\nchunda\n"; bc_error_t *error = bc_error_parser(1, a, strlen(a), 11, "asd %d", 10); assert_non_null(error); assert_int_equal(error->type, 1); assert_string_equal(error->msg, "asd 10\nError occurred near line 3, position 2: chunda"); bc_error_free(error); a = "bola\nguda\nchunda"; error = bc_error_parser(1, a, strlen(a), 11, "asd %d", 10); assert_non_null(error); assert_int_equal(error->type, 1); assert_string_equal(error->msg, "asd 10\nError occurred near line 3, position 2: chunda"); bc_error_free(error); a = "bola\nguda\nchunda"; error = bc_error_parser(1, a, strlen(a), 0, "asd %d", 10); assert_non_null(error); assert_int_equal(error->type, 1); assert_string_equal(error->msg, "asd 10\nError occurred near line 1, position 1: bola"); bc_error_free(error); a = ""; error = bc_error_parser(1, a, strlen(a), 0, "asd %d", 10); assert_non_null(error); assert_int_equal(error->type, 1); assert_string_equal(error->msg, "asd 10"); bc_error_free(error); } static void test_error_parser_crlf(void **state) { const char *a = "bola\r\nguda\r\nchunda\r\n"; bc_error_t *error = bc_error_parser(1, a, strlen(a), 13, "asd %d", 10); assert_non_null(error); assert_int_equal(error->type, 1); assert_string_equal(error->msg, "asd 10\nError occurred near line 3, position 2: chunda"); bc_error_free(error); a = "bola\r\nguda\r\nchunda"; error = bc_error_parser(1, a, strlen(a), 13, "asd %d", 10); assert_non_null(error); assert_int_equal(error->type, 1); assert_string_equal(error->msg, "asd 10\nError occurred near line 3, position 2: chunda"); bc_error_free(error); a = "bola\r\nguda\r\nchunda"; error = bc_error_parser(1, a, strlen(a), 0, "asd %d", 10); assert_non_null(error); assert_int_equal(error->type, 1); assert_string_equal(error->msg, "asd 10\nError occurred near line 1, position 1: bola"); bc_error_free(error); } int main(void) { const UnitTest tests[] = { unit_test(test_error_new), unit_test(test_error_new_printf), unit_test(test_error_parser), unit_test(test_error_parser_crlf), }; return run_tests(tests); }