#include #include #include #include #include "ctimeline.h" #include "ui-common.h" #define COMMENT_CHAR '#' #define INIT_CAPACITY_LIST 8 struct ctimeline_context ctx; // from ctimeline.h static void prepare_context() { memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); ctx.head_title = "Timeline browser"; ctx.css = "static/ctimeline.css"; ctx.header_title = "CTimeline"; ctx.header_desc = "Web frontend for timelines written in C"; ctx.branches.list = NULL; ctx.branches.count = 0; ctx.branches.capacity = 0; ctx.cur_branch = NULL; } /* * The function lies. * It doesn't forget the context, just frees dynamic memory */ static void forget_context() { free(ctx.branches.list); } void sort_branches_by_age() { int i, j; struct ctimeline_branch *i_ptr, *j_ptr; struct ctimeline_branch tmp; for(i = 0; i < ctx.branches.count; i++) { i_ptr = &ctx.branches.list[i]; for(j = i+1; j < ctx.branches.count; j++) { j_ptr = &ctx.branches.list[j]; if((j_ptr->age_from > i_ptr->age_from) || (j_ptr->age_to > i_ptr->age_to) ) { tmp = *i_ptr; *i_ptr = *j_ptr; *j_ptr = tmp; } } } } struct ctimeline_branch *add_branch(const char *name) { struct ctimeline_branch *br; ctx.branches.count++; if(ctx.branches.count > ctx.branches.capacity) { if(ctx.branches.capacity == 0) ctx.branches.capacity = INIT_CAPACITY_LIST; else ctx.branches.capacity *= 2; ctx.branches.list = realloc(ctx.branches.list, sizeof(struct ctimeline_branch) * ctx.branches.capacity); } br = &ctx.branches.list[ctx.branches.count-1]; br->name = string_alloc(NULL, name); br->age_from = 0; br->age_to = 0; br->desc = string_alloc(NULL, "No description"); return br; } void handle_config_context(const char *name, const char *value) { if(strcmp(name, "branch.name") == 0) { ctx.cur_branch = add_branch(value); } else if(!ctx.cur_branch) { return; } else if(strcmp(name, "branch.age_from") == 0) { ctx.cur_branch->age_from = atoi(value); } else if(strcmp(name, "branch.age_to") == 0) { ctx.cur_branch->age_to = atoi(value); } else if(strcmp(name, "branch.desc") == 0) { ctx.cur_branch->desc = string_alloc( ctx.cur_branch->desc, value); } } void skip_line(FILE *f) { int c; while( (c = fgetc(f)) && c != '\n' && c != EOF ) ; } int read_config_line(FILE *f, string *name, string *value) { int c; // skip comments and white spaces for(;;) { c = fgetc(f); if(c == EOF) return 1; else if(c == COMMENT_CHAR) skip_line(f); else if(!isspace(c)) break; } // read variable name while(c != '=') { if(isspace(c) || c == EOF) return 1; string_addch(name, c); c = fgetc(f); } // read variable value c = fgetc(f); while(c != '\n' && c != EOF) { string_addch(value, c); c = fgetc(f); } return 0; } void parse_config_file(FILE *f) { string *name = string_alloc(NULL); string *value = string_alloc(NULL); while(read_config_line(f, name, value) == 0) { // printf("name: %s; value: %s\n", name->s, value->s); handle_config_context(name->s, value->s); string_reset(name); string_reset(value); } string_release(name); string_release(value); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { prepare_context(); parse_config_file(CTIMELINE_CONFIG); print_http_headers(); print_document_start(); print_document_header(); print_timelines(); print_document_end(); forget_context(); return 0; }