Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* dotconfig/polybar: move bars to the left side of the screenJoursoir2022-06-162-10/+10
* dotconfig/polybar: swap workspaces and network modulesJoursoir2022-05-022-2/+2
* dotconfig/polybar: set the type of interface using a environment variableJoursoir2022-05-022-5/+5
* bashrc: configure ssh agentJoursoir2022-04-281-0/+10
* dotconfig/polybar: add launch scriptJoursoir2022-03-231-0/+12
* add polybar configJoursoir2022-03-223-0/+500
* add i3 configJoursoir2022-03-201-0/+161
* add .aliasesJoursoir2022-03-141-0/+24
* add .bash_promptJoursoir2022-03-141-0/+42
* add conf file for grubJoursoir2022-03-121-0/+40
* bin: add scregcp.shJoursoir2022-03-111-0/+39
* add .bash_profileJoursoir2022-03-081-0/+7
* add .bashrcJoursoir2022-03-081-0/+20
* add keyboard settingsJoursoir2022-03-071-0/+23