#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "easydir.h" #include "handerror.h" //#define DEBUG #define MAXLEN_PASSWORD 128 #define STANDARD_AMOUNT_GENERATE_SYMBOLS 10 #define FULLNAMEFILE "/.lock-password/Password-Bank" #define TREENAMEFILE "/.lock-password" #define ADDNAMETOFULL "/Password-Bank" #define NAMEFILE "Password-Bank" static void clearStdinBuff() { char garbage; while( (garbage = fgetc(stdin)) != '\n' && garbage != EOF ) ; } static char* get_password(char *path, char *password) { FILE *filePass; filePass = fopen(path, "r"); if(filePass == NULL) { call_error(110); } char sign[MAXLEN_PASSWORD]; if(!fgets(sign, sizeof(sign), filePass)) { call_error(111); } strcpy(password, sign); fclose(filePass); return password; } static void show_tree(char *path) { if(opendir(path) != NULL) { // if it's directory int pid; pid = fork(); if(pid == -1) call_error(101); if(pid == 0) { /* new process */ execlp("tree", "tree", "-C", "--noreport", path, NULL); perror("tree"); exit(4); } wait(&pid); } else { char password[MAXLEN_PASSWORD]; get_password(path, password); printf("%s\n", password); } } static void changePass(char *root_path, char *add_path, char *password) { /* root_path = /home/[username]/ add_path = banks/france/[number] main_path = banks/france file_path = [number] */ char *main_path = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(add_path) + 1); char *file_path = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(add_path) + 1); if(splitPath(add_path, main_path, file_path) == NULL) { print_error("[Error] The path you specified is incorrect\n"); } int pass_buf = strlen(root_path) + strlen(add_path); char *final_path = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * pass_buf + 1); strcpy(final_path, root_path); strcat(final_path, "/"); strcat(final_path, main_path); if(chdir(final_path) != 0) { call_error(107); } FILE *filePass; filePass = fopen(file_path, "w"); if(filePass == NULL) { if(errno == ENOENT) { // file doesn't exist print_error("Error: No such file exists\n"); } call_error(114); } fputs(password, filePass); free(main_path); free(file_path); fclose(filePass); } static void insertPass(char *root_path, char *add_path, char *password) { /* root_path = /home/[username]/ add_path = banks/france/[number] main_path = banks/france file_path = [number] */ char *main_path = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(add_path) + 1); char *file_path = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(add_path) + 1); if(splitPath(add_path, main_path, file_path) == NULL) { print_error("[Error] The path you specified is incorrect\n"); } int pass_buf = strlen(root_path) + strlen(add_path); char *final_path = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * pass_buf + 1); strcpy(final_path, root_path); strcat(final_path, "/"); strcat(final_path, main_path); int pid = fork(); if(pid == -1) call_error(103); if(pid == 0) { /* new process */ execlp("mkdir", "mkdir", "-p", main_path, NULL); perror("mkdir"); exit(4); } wait(&pid); if(chdir(final_path) != 0) { call_error(107); } // create file, copy password there FILE *filePass; filePass = fopen(file_path, "w"); if(filePass == NULL) { call_error(108); } fputs(password, filePass); free(main_path); free(file_path); fclose(filePass); } static char *generate_password(char *dest, int amount) { char allowed_symbols[] = { 'A','E','I','J','O','U','B','C','D','F','G','H', 'K','L','M','N','P','Q','R','S','T','V','W','X', 'Y','Z','a','e','i','j','o','u','b','c','d','f', 'g','h','k','l','m','n','p','q','r','s','t','v', 'w','x','y','z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8', '9','0','!','#','$',';','%','^',':','&','?','*', '(',')','-','_','+','=','<', '>' }; int max = sizeof(allowed_symbols); srand(time(NULL)); char password[MAXLEN_PASSWORD]; for(int i=0; i < amount; i++) { char c = allowed_symbols[rand() % max]; password[i] = c; password[i+1] = '\0'; } strcpy(dest, password); return dest; } static void nonvisible_enter(int status) { struct termios term_settings; tcgetattr(0, &term_settings); // get current settings if(status == 1) { term_settings.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; // flag reset } else { term_settings.c_lflag |= ECHO; } tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &term_settings); } static int get_answer(char *text) { char answer; printf("%s\n", text); while( (answer = fgetc(stdin)) ) { clearStdinBuff(); switch(answer) { case 'Y': case 'y': { return 1; } case 'N': case 'n': { return 0; } case EOF: { print_error("Unexpected end of file\n"); } default: { printf("%s\n", text); break; } } } return -1; } static char *typePass(char *text, char *dest) { printf("%s", text); if(fgets(dest, (sizeof(char)*MAXLEN_PASSWORD + 1), stdin) == NULL) { nonvisible_enter(0); print_error("Unexpected end of file\n"); } int len = strlen(dest); if(len < 2) { nonvisible_enter(0); print_error("Error: uncorrect password\n"); } if(dest[len-1] == '\n') { dest[len-1] = '\0'; } #if defined(DEBUG) printf("%s", dest); #endif printf("\n"); // for new line return dest; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(!isatty(0)) { // stdin print_error("Please, use a terminal to run this program\n"); } #if defined(DEBUG) char* short_options = "c:e:g:i:R:t"; #else char* short_options = "c:e:g:i:R:"; #endif struct option long_options[] = { {"init", no_argument, NULL, 'I'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; int rootBuf = strlen(getenv("HOME")) + strlen(FULLNAMEFILE); char *rootPath = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * rootBuf + 1); // +1 for '\0' int path_init = 0; strcpy(rootPath, getenv("HOME")); strcat(rootPath, TREENAMEFILE); if(chdir(rootPath) == 0) path_init = 1; int option_index = -1, result = -1; result = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &option_index); if(!path_init) { if(result != 'I') // if doesn't init { if(errno == ENOENT) { // file doesn't exist print_error("Before starting work, you must initialize LockPassword\n\ Use: lpass --init\n"); } call_error(102); } } else { if(result == 'I') { print_error("You already initialized LockPassword\n"); } else if(result != -1) { strcat(rootPath, ADDNAMETOFULL); // complements to full path if(chdir(rootPath) != 0) { call_error(112); } } } if(result != -1) { switch(result) { case 'c': { printf("Coming soon...\n"); break; } case 'e': { char *passPath = optarg; if(checkFileExist(passPath) == 0) { print_error("Error: No such file exists\n"); } /* ask user about change pass */ int buffSize = (strlen("Do you want edit password in '' (Y/N)?") + strlen(passPath)) * sizeof(char) + 1; char *str = malloc(buffSize); snprintf(str, buffSize, "Do you want edit password in '%s' (Y/N)?", passPath); if(get_answer(str) != 1) { // free(str); return 0; } free(str); /* enter password */ nonvisible_enter(1); // change terminal work char pass_one[MAXLEN_PASSWORD], pass_two[MAXLEN_PASSWORD]; typePass("Please type your new password: ", pass_one); typePass("Please type your new password again: ", pass_two); nonvisible_enter(0); if(strcmp(pass_one, pass_two) == 0) { printf("Password correct\n"); changePass(rootPath, passPath, pass_one); printf("Password updated successfully for %s\n", passPath); } else printf("Passwords do not match\n"); break; } case 'g': { char *passPath = argv[argc-1]; char *lenPass = optarg; if(checkFileExist(passPath) == 0) { /* ask user about change pass */ int buffSize = (strlen("Do you want generate new password and paste it in '' (Y/N)?") + strlen(passPath)) * sizeof(char) + 1; char *str = malloc(buffSize); snprintf(str, buffSize, "Do you want generate new password and paste it in '%s' (Y/N)?", passPath); if(get_answer(str) != 1) { // free(str); return 0; } free(str); } int n_symbols = 0; if(strcmp(lenPass, passPath) == 0) n_symbols = STANDARD_AMOUNT_GENERATE_SYMBOLS; else n_symbols = atoi(lenPass); if(n_symbols < 1 || n_symbols > 127) { print_error("Error: you typed an incorrect number"); } /* generate password */ char gpass[MAXLEN_PASSWORD]; generate_password(gpass, n_symbols); insertPass(rootPath, passPath, gpass); printf("Generated password: %s\n", gpass); printf("Password added successfully for %s\n", passPath); break; } case 'i': { if(checkFileExist(optarg) == 1) { printf("To change pass use lpass -e\n"); return 0; } /* enter password */ nonvisible_enter(1); // change terminal work char pass_one[MAXLEN_PASSWORD], pass_two[MAXLEN_PASSWORD]; typePass("Please type your password: ", pass_one); typePass("Please type your password again: ", pass_two); nonvisible_enter(0); if(strcmp(pass_one, pass_two) == 0) { printf("Password correct\n"); insertPass(rootPath, optarg, pass_one); printf("Password added successfully for %s\n", optarg); } else printf("Passwords do not match\n"); break; } case 'R': { if(checkFileExist(optarg) == 0) { print_error("Error: No such file exists\n"); } char *main_path = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(optarg) + 1); char *file_path = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(optarg) + 1); if(splitPath(optarg, main_path, file_path) == NULL) { // check correct input print_error("[Error] The path you specified is incorrect\n"); } if(delete_file(optarg)) { delete_emptydir(main_path); } free(main_path); free(file_path); break; } case 'I': { int pid; // create direction: pid = fork(); if(pid == -1) call_error(100); if(pid == 0) { /* new process */ execlp("mkdir", "mkdir", "-vp", rootPath, NULL); perror("mkdir"); exit(4); } wait(&pid); printf("LockPassword initialized\n"); break; } #if defined(DEBUG) case 't': { char *main_path = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(optarg) + 1); char *file_path = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(optarg) + 1); if(splitPath(optarg, main_path, file_path) == NULL) printf("NULL\n"); break; } #endif default: break; } } else { char *ptr; if(strcmp(argv[argc-1], argv[0]) == 0) { ptr = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(NAMEFILE) + 1); strcpy(ptr, NAMEFILE); } else { int buff_tree = strlen(NAMEFILE) + strlen(argv[argc-1]); ptr = malloc(sizeof(char) * buff_tree + 1 + 1); strcpy(ptr, NAMEFILE); strcat(ptr, "/"); strcat(ptr, argv[argc-1]); } show_tree(ptr); free(ptr); } return 0; }