.TH "LPASS" "1" "6\ \&MARCH\ \&2021" "LPASS v1.1b" "LockPassword" .SH "NAME" LockPassword - a password manager. .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBlpass\fR [command] [options] .SH "DESCRIPTION" \fBlpass\fR - a simple terminal password manager, using GnuPG to encrypt passwords. .SH "COMMANDS" \fBinit \fIgpg-key\fR .RS 4 Initialize the password manager using the passed \fIgpg-key\fR as the encryption key. This command must be run first before you start working with LockPassword. .RE .PP \fBinsert\fR [-e, --echo] [-c, --copy] [-f, --force] \fIpassname\fR .RS 4 Add the specified \fIpassname\fR to the password manager. The password will be read interactively using standard input, character display is hidden. The \fB-e, --echo\fR argument enable the show of characters when typing a password; \fB-c, --copy\fR write password to clipboard; \fB-f, --force\fR ignore exist of \fIpassname\fR, overwrites it without prompt. .RE .PP \fBedit \fIpassname\fR .RS 4 Open the specified \fIpassname\fR in a text editor, waiting for changes. The text editor specified in the environment variable EDITOR or \fBvi\fR(1) is used. Temporary file for password editing locate in tmpfs / ramfs (we expect that it to be mounted at /dev/shm). .RE .PP \fBgenerate\fR [-l, --length=pass-length] [-c, --copy] [-f, --force] \fIpassname\fR .RS 4 Generate a random password and write it in \fIpassname\fR. The \fB-l, --length = pass-length\fR argument allow you to specify the desired password length. Without this argument, a 14 character password will be generated. \fB-c, --copy\fR write password to clipboard; \fB-f, --force\fR ignore exist of \fIpassname\fR, overwrites it without prompt. .RE .PP \fBmv\fR [-f, --force] \fIold-path new-path\fR .RS 4 Move/rename \fIold-path\fR to \fInew-path\fR. \fIold-path\fR must be an exist file, \fInew-path\fR can be a file/directory. The \fB-f, --force\fR argument ignore exist of \fInew-path\fR (if it's a file), overwrites it without prompt. .RE .PP \fBrm \fIpassname\fR .RS 4 Remove the \fIpassname\fR you specified from the password manager. If the directories where your \fIpassname\fR was nested became empty after deletion, then they are also deleted. .RE .PP \fBhelp\fR .RS 4 Print help information about commands and the application itself. .RE .PP \fBversion\fR .RS 4 Print information about the version, release date, and license of the application. .RE .PP .SH "EXAMPLES" Initialize the password manager: .RS 4 \fB$ lpass init joursoir@joursoir.net\fR .br LockPassword initialized for joursoir@joursoir.net .br .RE .PP Add password in the password manager: .RS 4 \fB$ lpass insert games/chess/user\fR .br Please type your new password: [invisible input] .br Please type your new password again: [invisible input] .br Password added successfully for games/chess/user .RE .PP Print a list of exists password: .RS 4 \fB$ lpass\fR .br Password Manager .br |-- banks .br | |-- abankpro .br | | `-- phone_number .br | `-- ubank .br | `-- phone_number .br `-- games .br `-- chess .br |-- site.com .br `-- user .RE .PP Print a list of exists password in some directory: .RS 4 \fB$ lpass banks\fR .br Password Manager/banks .br |-- abankpro .br | `-- phone_number .br `-- ubank .br `-- phone_number .RE .PP Show password: .RS 4 \fB$ lpass games/iko/LordOfNight\fR .br helloitismypassword123 .RE .PP Copy password to clipboard: .RS 4 \fB$ lpass -c games/iko/LordOfNight .RE .PP Generate password: .RS 4 \fB$ lpass generate bank/sbank/phone_number\fR .br Generated password: NsNu:+^Re(cshW .br Password added successfully for bank/sbank/phone_number .RE .PP .SH "COPYING" Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Aleksandr D. Goncharov (Joursoir) .br License: GNU GPL version 3 .br This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.