From 894e61508a09841f9b4a8e81fdd265b2a9eef1fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joursoir <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 00:35:39 +0000
Subject: x86/boot: transform one-stage to two-stage bootloader

bootsect.s is first stage bootloader, it loads setup.s
setup.s is second stage bootloader, it saves system data and loads kernel
to $KERNADDR, then jump to 32-bit startup code
 arch/x86/boot/bootsect.s | 128 +++++++++--------------------------------------
 arch/x86/boot/setup.s    | 111 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/boot/setup.s

diff --git a/arch/x86/boot/bootsect.s b/arch/x86/boot/bootsect.s
index 3410131..a6e274e 100644
--- a/arch/x86/boot/bootsect.s
+++ b/arch/x86/boot/bootsect.s
@@ -1,137 +1,57 @@
-.code16							# Tell GAS to generate 16 bit code
+	bootsect.s is loaded at 0x7c00 (BIOS likes always to load the boot
+	sector to this address). It is first stage bootloader, it has one
+	task - loads setup.s (second stage) to 0x90000 and jumps there.
+*/ _start					# Make the symbol visible to ld
+.code16							# Tell GAS to generate 16 bit code
 .include ""
+.include ""
-# Define some constants for the GDT segment descriptor offsets
-.set CODESEG, gdt_code - gdt_start
-.set DATASEG, gdt_data - gdt_start
-.set SYSSEG, 0x1000				# Historical load address
-.set MAGIC, 0xAA55
-.section .text.bootentry		# Code that will start executing at
-								# special address (specified in linker) _start					# Make the symbol visible to ld
 	jmp $0x0, $_start2			# Normalize the start address
 								# CS = 0 and IP = _start2
-	mov %cs, %ax				# AX = CS = 0 (see above)
-	mov %ax, %ds				# Zero segment registers
+	mov $SDATASEG, %ax			# We will store the boot drive at
+	mov %ax, %ds				# $SDATASEG in the first byte
+	mov $SETUPSEG, %ax			# Do it for disk read routine (see below)
 	mov %ax, %es
-	mov %ax, %ss
-	mov %ax, %sp
 	cld							# Set direction flag for incrementing
-	mov %dl, boot_drive			# BIOS stores our boot drive in DL,
+	mov %dl, (0)				# BIOS stores our boot drive in DL,
 								# so we remember it
+	mov %cs, %ax				# AX = CS = 0 (see above)
+	mov %ax, %ds				# Zero data segment register
-	BIOS_PRINT $boot_real_mode_msg
-load_kernel:					# Load our kernel
-	BIOS_PRINT $boot_load_kern_msg
+	BIOS_PRINT $load_setup_msg	# The routine uses only AX register
 	mov $0x02, %ah				# Set BIOS read sector routine
-	mov boot_drive, %dl			# Read drive number from $boot_drive
 	mov $0x00, %ch				# Select cylinder 0
 	mov $0x00, %dh				# Select head 0 [has a base of 0]
 	mov $0x02, %cl				# Select sector 2 (next after the
 								# boot sector) [has a base of 1]
-	mov $0x01, %al				# Read 1 sectors
-	mov $SYSSEG, %bx			# Load sectors to ES:BX (0:$SYSSEG)
+	mov $SETUPLEN, %al			# Read $SETUPLEN sectors
+	mov $0x0, %bx				# Load sectors to ES:BX ($SETUPSEG:0)
 	int $0x13					# Start reading from drive
 	jc disk_error				# If carry flag set, bios failed to read
-	# FIXME: we must compare different register
-	cmp %al, %al				# If AL(sect. read) != <>(sect. expected)
-	jne disk_error				# then return disk error
-	BIOS_PRINT $boot_prot_mode_msg
-	cli							# Switch of interrupt until we have set
-								# up the protected mode interrupt vector
-	lgdt gdt_descriptor			# Load our global descriptor table
-	mov %cr0, %eax				# Set the first bit of CR0
-	or $0x01, %eax				# to make the switch to protected mode
-	mov %eax, %cr0
-	# Make a far jump to our 32-bit code.
-	# This also forces the CPU to flush its cache of pre-fetched
-	# and real-mode decoded instructions, which can cause problems
-	jmp $CODESEG, $init_pm
+	# Make a far jump to our setup code
+	jmp $SETUPSEG, $0x0
 	BIOS_PRINT $disk_error_msg
 	jmp .
-	mov $DATASEG, %ax			# Point segment registers to the
-	mov %ax, %ds				# data selector we defined in our GDT
-	mov %ax, %es
-	mov %ax, %ss
-	mov %ax, %fs
-	mov %ax, %gs
-	mov $0x90000, %ebp			# Update stack position so it is right
-	mov %ebp, %esp				# at the top of the free space.
-	jmp . 						# infinite loop
-# Global Descriptor Table (contains 8-byte entries)
-gdt_null:						# The mandatory null descriptor
-	.quad 0x0
-gdt_code:						# The code segment descriptor
-	# Base = 0x0, limit = 0xfffff
-	# 1st flags: (present)1 (privilege)00 (descriptor type)1 -> b1001
-	# Type flags: (code)1 (conforming)0 (readable)1 (accessed)0 -> b1010
-	# 2nd flags: (granularity)1 (size)1 (64-bit seg)0 (AVL)0 -> b1100
-	.word 0xffff				# Limit (bits 0-15)
-	.word 0x0					# Base (bits 0-15)
-	.byte 0x0					# Base (bits 16-23)
-	.byte 0b10011010			# 1st flags, type flags
-	.byte 0b11001111			# 2nd flags, limit (bits 16-19)
-	.byte 0x0					# Base (bits 24-31)
-gdt_data: 						# the data segment descriptor
-	# Same as code segment except for the type flags:
-	# Type flags: (code)0 (direction)0 (writable)1, (accessed)0 -> b0010
-	# P.S: direction bit: 0 the segment grows up
-	.word 0xffff				# Limit (bits 0-15)
-	.word 0x0					# Base (bits 0-15)
-	.byte 0x0					# Base (bits 16-23)
-	.byte 0b10010010			# 1st flags, type flags
-	.byte 0b11001111			# 2nd flags, limit (bits 16-19)
-	.byte 0x0					# Base (bits 24-31)
-# Global variables
-	.byte 0
-	# The 6-byte GDT structure containing:
-	# - GDT size, 2 bytes (size always less one of the real size):
-	.word gdt_end - gdt_start - 1
-	# - GDT address, 4 bytes:
-	.long gdt_start
-	.asciz "Started mfsos in 16-bit real mode\r\n"
-	.asciz "Entering 32-bit protected mode\r\n"
-	.asciz "Loading kernel into memory\r\n"
+	.asciz "Loading setup sectors\r\n"
 	.asciz "Disk read error!"
 # Bootsector padding
 .space 512 - 2 - (. - _start), 0
-.word MAGIC
+	.word 0xAA55
diff --git a/arch/x86/boot/setup.s b/arch/x86/boot/setup.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a0ab15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/boot/setup.s
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+	setup.s is second stage bootloader loaded at 0x90200 (by 
+	first stage), is responsible for getting the system data
+	from the BIOS.
+	System data puts at special place: 0x90000-0x901FF.
+.code16							# Tell GAS to generate 16 bit code
+.include ""
+.include ""
+# Define some constants for the GDT segment descriptor offsets
+.set CODESEG, gdt_code - gdt_start
+.set DATASEG, gdt_data - gdt_start
+ _start					# Make the symbol visible to ld
+	mov $SDATASEG, %ax
+	mov %ax, %ds
+	mov $KERNSEG, %ax
+	mov %ax, %es
+	BIOS_PRINT $get_data_msg
+	# TODO: get memory size
+	# TODO: get video infos
+load_kernel:					# Load our kernel
+	BIOS_PRINT $boot_load_kern_msg
+	mov $0x02, %ah				# Set BIOS read sector routine
+	mov (0), %dl				# Read drive boot
+	mov $0x00, %ch				# Select cylinder 0
+	mov $0x00, %dh				# Select head 0 [has a base of 0]
+	mov $0x02+SETUPLEN, %cl		# Select sector 2 (next after the
+								# boot sector) [has a base of 1]
+	mov $0x10, %al				# Read 16 sectors
+	mov $0x00, %bx				# Load sectors to ES:BX ($KERNSEG:0)
+	int $0x13					# Start reading from drive
+	jc disk_error				# If carry flag set, bios failed to read
+	BIOS_PRINT $boot_prot_mode_msg
+	cli							# Switch of interrupt until we have set
+								# up the protected mode interrupt vector
+	lgdt gdt_descriptor			# Load our global descriptor table
+	mov %cr0, %eax				# Set the first bit of CR0
+	or $0x01, %eax				# to make the switch to protected mode
+	mov %eax, %cr0
+	# Make a far jump to our 32-bit code.
+	# This also forces the CPU to flush its cache of pre-fetched
+	# and real-mode decoded instructions, which can cause problems
+	BIOS_PRINT $disk_error_msg
+	jmp .
+# Global Descriptor Table (contains 8-byte entries)
+gdt_null:						# The mandatory null descriptor
+	.quad 0x0
+gdt_code:						# The code segment descriptor
+	# Base = 0x0, limit = 0xfffff
+	# 1st flags: (present)1 (privilege)00 (descriptor type)1 -> b1001
+	# Type flags: (code)1 (conforming)0 (readable)1 (accessed)0 -> b1010
+	# 2nd flags: (granularity)1 (size)1 (64-bit seg)0 (AVL)0 -> b1100
+	.word 0xffff				# Limit (bits 0-15)
+	.word 0x0					# Base (bits 0-15)
+	.byte 0x0					# Base (bits 16-23)
+	.byte 0b10011010			# 1st flags, type flags
+	.byte 0b11001111			# 2nd flags, limit (bits 16-19)
+	.byte 0x0					# Base (bits 24-31)
+gdt_data: 						# the data segment descriptor
+	# Same as code segment except for the type flags:
+	# Type flags: (code)0 (direction)0 (writable)1, (accessed)0 -> b0010
+	# P.S: direction bit: 0 the segment grows up
+	.word 0xffff				# Limit (bits 0-15)
+	.word 0x0					# Base (bits 0-15)
+	.byte 0x0					# Base (bits 16-23)
+	.byte 0b10010010			# 1st flags, type flags
+	.byte 0b11001111			# 2nd flags, limit (bits 16-19)
+	.byte 0x0					# Base (bits 24-31)
+# Global variables
+	# The 6-byte GDT structure containing:
+	# - GDT size, 2 bytes (size always less one of the real size):
+	.word gdt_end - gdt_start - 1
+	# - GDT address, 4 bytes:
+	.word gdt_start, 0x9
+	.asciz "Getting the system data from the BIOS\r\n"
+	.asciz "Entering 32-bit protected mode\r\n"
+	.asciz "Loading kernel into memory\r\n"
+	.asciz "Disk read error!"
+ (512 * SETUPLEN) - (. - _start), 0
cgit v1.2.3-18-g5258