	Window - rectangular area of the screen with which you can work as a separate
	screen (display text, clear, etc). The output should be carried out only in
	the specified rectangular area of the screen

	NOTE: SimpleTextOut.h has defined box-drawing character ("BOXDRAW_*", for

#include <Uefi.h>

struct screen;

struct window {
	struct screen *scr; // parent screen

	INT32 curx, cury; // current cursor position
	INT32 begx, begy; // screen coords of upper left corner
	INT32 width, height; // window size

	CHAR16 **text; // the actual text of whole screen
	Bits 0..3 are the foreground color.
	Bits 4..6 are the background color.
	ALl other bits are undefined and must be zero */
	INT32 **attr;

	INT32 cur_attr;
	BOOLEAN echo;

 * Creates a window with given parameters
 * s: the information of the screen
 * ncols: the number of columns
 * nlines: the number of lines
 * begin_x: the column coordinate (starts from 0) of upper left corner of the window
 * begin_y: the line coordinate (starts from 0) of upper left corner of the window
 * return: A pointer to the allocated structure or NULL if allocation fails
struct window *newwin(struct screen *s,
	INT32 ncols, INT32 nlines, INT32 begin_x, INT32 begin_y);

 * Deletes the window, frees the structure
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * return: VOID
VOID delwin(struct window *w);

 * Sets the current attributes of the given window
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * attr: the attributes
 * return: VOID
VOID wattrset(struct window *w, INT32 attr);

 * Resets the current attributes of the given window to standard screen
 * attributes
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * return: VOID
VOID wattroff(struct window *w);

 * Changes the echo state. Echoing is disabled by default.
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * state: TRUE if the echo should be activated. FALSE if the
 *        echo should be disabled
 * return: VOID
VOID echo(struct window *w, BOOLEAN state);

 * Gets character from the input device.
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * return: A pointer to a buffer that is filled in with the keystroke
 *         information for the key that was pressed.
EFI_INPUT_KEY wgetch(struct window *w);

 * Moves cursor position to specified coordinates
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * x: the X(column) coordinate
 * y: the Y(row) coordinate
 * return: FALSE upon failure and TRUE upon successful completion
BOOLEAN wmove(struct window *w, INT32 x, INT32 y);

 * Draws a box around the edges of a window
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * ls: the left side character
 * rs: the right side character
 * ts: the top side character
 * bs: the bottom side character
 * tl: the top left corner character
 * tr: the top right corner character
 * bl: the bottom left corner character
 * br: the bottom right corner character
 * return: FALSE upon failure and TRUE upon successful completion
BOOLEAN wborder(struct window *w, CHAR16 ls, CHAR16 rs, CHAR16 ts,
	CHAR16 bs, CHAR16 tl, CHAR16 tr, CHAR16 bl, CHAR16 br);

 * Draws a vertical line using ch and attr starting at (x, y) in the window.
 * The current cursor position is not changed.
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * x: the X(column) coordinate for the start of the line
 * y: the Y(row) coordinate for the start of the line
 * ch: the character used to draw the line. If 0, then chars won't changed
 * attr: the attributes used to draw the line. If -1, then attrs won't changed
 * n: the maximum number of chars to draw. if 0, then the number of chars to
      the end of the line
 * return: FALSE upon failure and TRUE upon successful completion
BOOLEAN wvline(struct window *w, INT32 x, INT32 y, CHAR16 ch, INT32 attr, UINTN n);

 * Draws a horizontal line using ch and attr starting at (x, y) in the window.
 * The current cursor position is not changed.
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * x: the X(column) coordinate for the start of the line
 * y: the Y(row) coordinate for the start of the line
 * ch: the character used to draw the line. If 0, then chars won't changed
 * attr: the attributes used to draw the line. If -1, then attrs won't changed
 * n: the maximum number of chars to draw. if 0, then the number of chars to
      the end of the line
 * return: FALSE upon failure and TRUE upon successful completion
BOOLEAN whline(struct window *w, INT32 x, INT32 y, CHAR16 ch, INT32 attr, UINTN n);

 * Puts the character and attributes on the cursor coordinates of the
 * given window. Doesn't support control characters
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * ch: the character used to print. If 0, then a char won't changed
 * attr: the attributes used to print. If -1, then attrs won't changed
 * return: FALSE upon failure and TRUE upon successful completion
VOID waddch(struct window *w, CHAR16 ch, INT32 attr);

 * Moves to specified coordinates, puts the character and attributes into the
 * given window. Doesn't support control characters
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * x: the X(column) coordinate to move
 * y: the Y(row) coordinate to move
 * ch: the character used to print. If 0, then a char won't changed
 * attr: the attributes used to print. If -1, then attrs won't changed
 * return: FALSE upon failure and TRUE upon successful completion
BOOLEAN mvwaddch(struct window *w, INT32 x, INT32 y, CHAR16 ch, INT32 attr);

 * Prints formatted output on the cursor coordinates
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * fmt: a null-terminated unicode format string
 * ...: variable arguments list whose contents are accessed based on the
        fmt string specified by FormatString
 * return: the number of unicode chars in the produced output buffer
           not including the null-terminator
UINTN EFIAPI wprintf(struct window *w, CONST CHAR16 *fmt, ...);

 * Moves to specified coordinates, prints formatted output
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * x: the X(column) coordinate to move
 * y: the Y(row) coordinate to move
 * fmt: a null-terminated unicode format string
 * ...: variable arguments list whose contents are accessed based on the
        fmt string specified by FormatString
 * return: the number of unicode chars in the produced output buffer
           not including the null-terminator
UINTN EFIAPI mvwprintf(struct window *w, INT32 x, INT32 y, CONST CHAR16 *fmt, ...);

 * Prints output based on a null-terminated unicode format string
   and a arguments list
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * fmt: a null-terminated unicode format string
 * arg: the variable argument list
 * return: the number of unicode chars in the produced output buffer
           not including the null-terminator
UINTN EFIAPI wvprintf(struct window *w, CONST CHAR16 *fmt, VA_LIST args);

 * Does the output of window to the terminal
 * w: the window on which to operate
 * return: VOID
VOID wrefresh(struct window *w);

#endif /* UFM_TBI_WINDOW_H */