# UEFI Monitor Test A monitor diagnostic and testing tool. It includes several tests that should allow you to diagnose any potential problems with your monitor. The application is based on the [TianoCore EDK II](https://www.tianocore.org/) development environment. Distributed under the BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent License. ## Tests * Solid colors * Grayscale * Gradients * Chess board ## Compilation 1. Move `UefiMonitorTest` directory to a desired EDK II *Package* 2. Add the following line to *Package*.dsc, section "Components": ``` [Components] ... Package/UefiMonitorTest/UefiMonitorTest.inf .. ``` That's all. You can compile the application. ## Binary release Compiling programs for UEFI is not always convenient, especially for an application. Therefore, precompiled application is distributed. You can find binaries (for x86_64) at [joursoir.net/binaries/umt](http://joursoir.net/binaries/umt/). ## Usage Move the generated `UefiMonitorTest.efi` to some file system and run it via Uefi Shell: ``` Shell> UefiMonitorTest.efi ``` The app doesn't currently support command line arguments. ### Controls You can only use your keyboard to navigate through the application. ``` - UP ARROW / DOWN ARROW: change the parameter - LEFT ARROW / RIGHT ARROW: change the value of the parameter - SPACE: show or hide all additional information - F1-F11: choose the test - F12: open the monitor settings menu - ESC: end the test or exit from the application ``` ## Screenshots ![](umt-mainmenu.png) ![](umt-gradients.png)