#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Graphics.h" #include "fonts/System-8x16.h" #define UMT_MAXPRINT_BUFFER_SIZE 6400 // TODO: Use Pcd #define SWAP(A, B, C) \ C = A; \ A = B; \ B = C CONST EFI_PIXEL_BITMASK mRgbPixelMasks = { 0x000000ff, 0x0000ff00, 0x00ff0000, 0xff000000 }; CONST EFI_PIXEL_BITMASK mBgrPixelMasks = { 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000 }; CONST GRAPHICS_PIXEL_COLOR gUmtColors[UMT_COLOR_END] = { { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x00 }, { 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00 }, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00 }, { 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00 }, { 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00 }, { 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 }, { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } }; STATIC VOID ParseGraphicsPixelFormat ( IN CONST EFI_PIXEL_BITMASK *BitMask, OUT UINT32 *PixelWidth, OUT INT8 *PixelShl, OUT INT8 *PixelShr ) { UINT8 Index; UINT32 *Masks; UINT32 MergedMasks; MergedMasks = 0; Masks = (UINT32 *)BitMask; for (Index = 0; Index < 3; Index++) { ASSERT ((MergedMasks & Masks[Index]) == 0); PixelShl[Index] = (INT8)HighBitSet32 (Masks[Index]) - 23 + (Index * 8); if (PixelShl[Index] < 0) { PixelShr[Index] = -PixelShl[Index]; PixelShl[Index] = 0; } else { PixelShr[Index] = 0; } DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "Index %d: shl:%d shr:%d mask:%08x\n", Index, PixelShl[Index], PixelShr[Index], Masks[Index] )); MergedMasks = (UINT32)(MergedMasks | Masks[Index]); } MergedMasks = (UINT32)(MergedMasks | Masks[3]); ASSERT (MergedMasks != 0); *PixelWidth = (UINT32)((HighBitSet32 (MergedMasks) + 7) / 8); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Bytes per pixel: %d\n", *PixelWidth)); } EFI_STATUS PrepareGraphicsInfo ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics, IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *Gop ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CONST EFI_PIXEL_BITMASK *BitMask; UINT32 PixelWidth; INT8 PixelShl[4]; INT8 PixelShr[4]; EFI_HANDLE *HandleBuffer; UINTN HandleCount; UINTN Index; ASSERT (Graphics != NULL); ASSERT (Gop != NULL); switch (Gop->Mode->Info->PixelFormat) { case PixelRedGreenBlueReserved8BitPerColor: BitMask = &mRgbPixelMasks; break; case PixelBlueGreenRedReserved8BitPerColor: BitMask = &mBgrPixelMasks; break; case PixelBitMask: BitMask = &Gop->Mode->Info->PixelInformation; break; case PixelBltOnly: ASSERT (FALSE); return RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; default: ASSERT (FALSE); return RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; } DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "GOP information:\n" "Mode: %d\n" "Framebuffer address, size: %x, %d\n" "Screen width x height: %d x %d\n", Gop->Mode->Mode, Gop->Mode->FrameBufferBase, Gop->Mode->FrameBufferSize, Gop->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution, Gop->Mode->Info->VerticalResolution )); ParseGraphicsPixelFormat (BitMask, &PixelWidth, PixelShl, PixelShr); ASSERT (PixelWidth == 4); Graphics->Gop = Gop; Graphics->FrontBuffer = (UINT32 *)Gop->Mode->FrameBufferBase; Graphics->BufferSize = Gop->Mode->FrameBufferSize; Graphics->BackBuffer = AllocateCopyPool (Graphics->BufferSize, Graphics->FrontBuffer); if (Graphics->BackBuffer == NULL) return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; Graphics->Width = Gop->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution; Graphics->Height = Gop->Mode->Info->VerticalResolution; CopyMem (&Graphics->PixelMasks, BitMask, sizeof (*BitMask)); CopyMem (Graphics->PixelShl, PixelShl, sizeof (PixelShl)); CopyMem (Graphics->PixelShr, PixelShr, sizeof (PixelShr)); Graphics->PixelWidth = PixelWidth; Graphics->Pitch = Gop->Mode->Info->PixelsPerScanLine; // Find TextInEx in System Table ConsoleInHandle Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( gST->ConsoleInHandle, &gEfiSimpleTextInputExProtocolGuid, (VOID **)&Graphics->TextInputEx ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (Graphics->BackBuffer); return Status; } // Find mouse in System Table ConsoleInHandle Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( gST->ConsoleInHandle, &gEfiSimplePointerProtocolGuid, (VOID **)&Graphics->MouseInterface ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { HandleBuffer = NULL; Graphics->MouseInterface = NULL; Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer ( ByProtocol, &gEfiSimplePointerProtocolGuid, NULL, &HandleCount, &HandleBuffer ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { for (Index = 0; Index < HandleCount; Index++) { Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( HandleBuffer[Index], &gEfiSimplePointerProtocolGuid, (VOID **)&Graphics->MouseInterface ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { break; } } } if (HandleBuffer != NULL) { FreePool (HandleBuffer); } } if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && (Graphics->MouseInterface != NULL)) { Graphics->MouseSupported = TRUE; } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Mouse support: %s\n\n", Graphics->MouseSupported ? L"Yes" : L"No")); return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID ForgetGraphicsInfo ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics ) { ASSERT (Graphics != NULL); // Should we zero all the data structure? FreePool (Graphics->BackBuffer); } /** Get a color that doesn't depend on pixel format, i.e. independent color. @param[in] Graphics A graphics context. @param[in] Ucolor A GRAPHICS_PIXEL_COLOR, which is represented as unsigned 32-bit. @retval UINT32 A color in independent format. **/ UINT32 GetIcolor ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics, IN UINT32 Ucolor ) { return (UINT32)( (((Ucolor << Graphics->PixelShl[0]) >> Graphics->PixelShr[0]) & Graphics->PixelMasks.RedMask) | (((Ucolor << Graphics->PixelShl[1]) >> Graphics->PixelShr[1]) & Graphics->PixelMasks.GreenMask) | (((Ucolor << Graphics->PixelShl[2]) >> Graphics->PixelShr[2]) & Graphics->PixelMasks.BlueMask) ); } /** Draw a line using Bresenham's algorithm @retval VOID **/ VOID DrawLine ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics, IN UINTN X0, IN UINTN Y0, IN UINTN X1, IN UINTN Y1, IN CONST GRAPHICS_PIXEL_COLOR *Color ) { INTN DeltaX; INTN DeltaY; INTN AbsDeltaX; INTN AbsDeltaY; INTN Correction; INT8 Direction; UINTN X, Y, Z; BOOLEAN Reverse; UINT32 Icolor; ASSERT (X0 >= 0 && X0 < Graphics->Width); ASSERT (Y0 >= 0 && Y0 < Graphics->Height); ASSERT (X1 >= 0 && X1 < Graphics->Width); ASSERT (Y1 >= 0 && Y1 < Graphics->Height); DeltaX = X1 - X0; DeltaY = Y1 - Y0; AbsDeltaX = ABS (DeltaX); AbsDeltaY = ABS (DeltaY); Reverse = FALSE; if (AbsDeltaX < AbsDeltaY) { SWAP (X0, Y0, Z); SWAP (X1, Y1, Z); Reverse = TRUE; } if (X0 > X1) { SWAP (X0, X1, Z); SWAP (Y0, Y1, Z); } DeltaX = X1 - X0; DeltaY = Y1 - Y0; AbsDeltaY = ABS (DeltaY) * 2; Correction = 0; Direction = (Y1 > Y0) ? 1 : -1; Icolor = GetIcolor (Graphics, GET_UCOLOR (Color)); Y = Y0; for (X = X0; X <= X1; X++) { if (Reverse) { PUT_PUXEL (Graphics, Y, X, Icolor); } else { PUT_PUXEL (Graphics, X, Y, Icolor); } Correction += AbsDeltaY; if (Correction > DeltaX) { Y += Direction; Correction -= DeltaX * 2; } } } VOID PutRect ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics, IN UINTN X0, IN UINTN Y0, IN UINTN X1, IN UINTN Y1, IN CONST GRAPHICS_PIXEL_COLOR *Color ) { UINT32 *Buffer; UINT32 Icolor; UINT32 I, J; ASSERT (X0 >= 0 && X0 <= Graphics->Width); ASSERT (Y0 >= 0 && Y0 <= Graphics->Height); ASSERT (X1 >= 0 && X1 <= Graphics->Width && X1 >= X0); ASSERT (Y1 >= 0 && Y1 <= Graphics->Height && Y1 >= Y0); Buffer = Graphics->BackBuffer + Y0 * Graphics->Pitch; Icolor = GetIcolor (Graphics, GET_UCOLOR (Color)); for (J = Y0; J < Y1; J++) { for (I = X0; I < X1; I++) { Buffer[I] = Icolor; } Buffer += Graphics->Pitch; } } VOID DrawRectWithBorder ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics, IN UINTN X0, IN UINTN Y0, IN UINTN X1, IN UINTN Y1, IN UINTN BorderSize, IN CONST GRAPHICS_PIXEL_COLOR *MainColor, IN CONST GRAPHICS_PIXEL_COLOR *BorderColor ) { UINT8 Index; for (Index = 0; Index < BorderSize; Index++) { DrawLine (Graphics, X0 , Y0 + Index , X1 - 1 , Y0 + Index , BorderColor); DrawLine (Graphics, X0 + Index , Y0 , X0 + Index , Y1 - 1 , BorderColor); DrawLine (Graphics, X1 - 1 - Index, Y0 , X1 - 1 - Index, Y1 - 1 , BorderColor); DrawLine (Graphics, X0 , Y1 - 1 - Index, X1 - 1 , Y1 - 1 - Index, BorderColor); } PutRect (Graphics, X0 + BorderSize, Y0 + BorderSize, X1 - BorderSize, Y1 - BorderSize, MainColor); } VOID DrawRoundedRect ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics, IN UINTN X0, IN UINTN Y0, IN UINTN X1, IN UINTN Y1, IN UINTN CornerRadius, IN CONST GRAPHICS_PIXEL_COLOR *Color ) { UINT8 Index; DrawCircle (Graphics, X0 + CornerRadius, Y0 + CornerRadius, CornerRadius, Color); DrawCircle (Graphics, X1 - CornerRadius, Y0 + CornerRadius, CornerRadius, Color); DrawCircle (Graphics, X0 + CornerRadius, Y1 - CornerRadius, CornerRadius, Color); DrawCircle (Graphics, X1 - CornerRadius, Y1 - CornerRadius, CornerRadius, Color); for (Index = 0; Index < CornerRadius; Index++) { DrawLine (Graphics, X0 + CornerRadius, Y0 + Index , X1 - 1 - CornerRadius, Y0 + Index, Color); DrawLine (Graphics, X0 + Index , Y0 + CornerRadius, X0 + Index , Y1 - 1 - CornerRadius, Color); DrawLine (Graphics, X1 - 1 - Index , Y0 + CornerRadius, X1 - 1 - Index , Y1 - 1 - CornerRadius, Color); DrawLine (Graphics, X0 + CornerRadius, Y1 - 1 - Index , X1 - 1 - CornerRadius, Y1 - 1 - Index, Color); } PutRect (Graphics, X0 + CornerRadius, Y0 + CornerRadius, X1 - CornerRadius, Y1 - CornerRadius, Color); } VOID DrawCircle ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics, IN UINTN X0, IN UINTN Y0, IN UINTN R, IN CONST GRAPHICS_PIXEL_COLOR *Color ) { UINT32 *Buffer; UINT32 Icolor; UINT32 I, J; ASSERT (X0 >= 0 && X0 < Graphics->Width); ASSERT (Y0 >= 0 && Y0 < Graphics->Height); ASSERT (R > 0); ASSERT ((X0 + R) < Graphics->Width && X0 >= R); ASSERT ((Y0 + R) < Graphics->Height && Y0 >= R); Icolor = GetIcolor (Graphics, GET_UCOLOR (Color)); Buffer = Graphics->BackBuffer + (Y0 - R) * Graphics->Pitch; for (J = (Y0 - R); J <= (Y0 + R); J++) { for (I = (X0 - R); I <= (X0 + R); I++) { if ((J - Y0) * (J - Y0) + (I - X0) * (I - X0) <= (R * R)) { Buffer[I] = Icolor; } } Buffer += Graphics->Pitch; } } /** Draws a character to the screen @retval VOID **/ VOID DrawChar ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics, IN UINTN X, IN UINTN Y, IN UINT32 Icolor, IN CHAR16 Char ) { UINTN Index; UINTN l, c; Index = Char * (SYSTEM8X16_FONT_WIDTH * SYSTEM8X16_FONT_HEIGHT) - (SYSTEM8X16_FONT_WIDTH * SYSTEM8X16_FONT_HEIGHT); for (l = 0; l < SYSTEM8X16_FONT_HEIGHT; l++) { for (c = 0; c < SYSTEM8X16_FONT_WIDTH; c++) { if (gFontSystem8x16[Index] == 1) { PUT_PUXEL (Graphics, (X + c), (Y + l), Icolor); } Index++; } } } EFI_STATUS GetFontParameters ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics, OUT UINTN *FontWidth, OUT UINTN *FontHeight ) { ASSERT (FontWidth != NULL); ASSERT (FontHeight != NULL); *FontWidth = SYSTEM8X16_FONT_WIDTH; *FontHeight = SYSTEM8X16_FONT_HEIGHT; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Draws output based on a null-terminated Unicode format string and a arguments list to the screen @retval The number of Unicode characters drawn **/ UINTN EFIAPI DrawStringVF ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics, IN UINTN X, IN UINTN Y, IN CONST GRAPHICS_PIXEL_COLOR *Color, IN CONST CHAR16 *FormatString, IN VA_LIST Marker ) { UINTN WalkerSize; CHAR16 *FormatWalker; UINTN Length; UINTN Index; UINTN OldX; UINT32 Icolor; ASSERT(FormatString != NULL); WalkerSize = (UMT_MAXPRINT_BUFFER_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(CHAR16); FormatWalker = AllocateZeroPool(WalkerSize); if (FormatWalker == NULL) return 0; Length = UnicodeVSPrint(FormatWalker, WalkerSize, FormatString, Marker); Index = 0; OldX = X; Icolor = GetIcolor (Graphics, GET_UCOLOR (Color)); while (FormatWalker[Index] != '\0' && Index < Length) { switch (FormatWalker[Index]) { case L'\n': X = OldX; Y += SYSTEM8X16_FONT_HEIGHT; break; case L'\t': X += SYSTEM8X16_FONT_WIDTH * 4; break; default: DrawChar (Graphics, X, Y, Icolor, FormatWalker[Index]); X += SYSTEM8X16_FONT_WIDTH; if (X > Graphics->Width) break; } Index++; } FreePool(FormatWalker); return Index; } /** Draws a null-terminated formatted Unicode string to the screen @retval The number of Unicode characters drawn **/ UINTN EFIAPI DrawStringF ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics, IN UINTN X, IN UINTN Y, IN CONST GRAPHICS_PIXEL_COLOR *Color, IN CONST CHAR16 *FormatString, ... ) { VA_LIST Marker; UINTN NumberOfPrinted; VA_START (Marker, FormatString); NumberOfPrinted = DrawStringVF(Graphics, X, Y, Color, FormatString, Marker); VA_END (Marker); return NumberOfPrinted; } UINTN EFIAPI DrawHiiStringF ( IN GRAPHICS_CONTEXT *Graphics, IN UINTN X, IN UINTN Y, IN CONST GRAPHICS_PIXEL_COLOR *Color, IN CONST EFI_STRING_ID HiiFormatStringId, IN CONST EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiFormatHandle, ... ) { VA_LIST Marker; CHAR16 *HiiFormatString; UINTN NumberOfPrinted; NumberOfPrinted = 0; VA_START (Marker, HiiFormatHandle); HiiFormatString = HiiGetString (HiiFormatHandle, HiiFormatStringId, NULL); if (HiiFormatString != NULL) { NumberOfPrinted = DrawStringVF(Graphics, X, Y, Color, HiiFormatString, Marker); FreePool (HiiFormatString); } VA_END (Marker); return NumberOfPrinted; }