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+In this lesson we are going to look how to embed content in HII forms dynamically.
+For example it can help to display things like:
+- current possible boot sources
+- currently present PCI devices
+- currently present memory
+- ...
+All these things are determined in the UEFI boot process, and can differ from boot to boot depending on the current hardware configuration. Therefore if you want to add such information to the HII Forms you need to do it dynamically.
+For this operation EDKII uses labels mechanics.
+But first let's create `HIIFormLabel` application with an empty form. For simplicity we wouldn't use any storage in this example (as we would embed simple elements that don't use storage at all).
+# Initial code
+Here is code for the driver that adds an empty form.
+ INF_VERSION = 1.25
+ BASE_NAME = HIIFormLabel
+ FILE_GUID = a869c42c-fd49-469d-b6ab-b37569c0e90d
+ ENTRY_POINT = HIIFormLabelEntryPoint
+ UNLOAD_IMAGE = HIIFormLabelUnload
+ HIIFormLabel.c
+ Strings.uni
+ Form.vfr
+ MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
+ MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
+ UefiDriverEntryPoint
+ UefiLib
+ HiiLib
+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
+#include <Library/HiiLib.h>
+#include "Data.h"
+#include <Guid/MdeModuleHii.h>
+extern UINT8 FormBin[];
+HIIFormLabelUnload (
+ EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle
+ )
+ if (mHiiHandle != NULL)
+ HiiRemovePackages(mHiiHandle);
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+HIIFormLabelEntryPoint (
+ IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
+ )
+ mHiiHandle = HiiAddPackages(
+ &gEfiCallerIdGuid,
+ HIIFormLabelStrings,
+ FormBin,
+ );
+ if (mHiiHandle == NULL) {
+ }
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+#ifndef _DATA_H_
+#define _DATA_H_
+#define FORMSET_GUID {0x29caf8e0, 0x2788, 0x4e1c, {0xb6, 0x15, 0x5b, 0xf8, 0x2f, 0x06, 0x7a, 0xa5}}
+#include "Data.h"
+ guid = FORMSET_GUID,
+ form
+ formid = 1,
+ endform;
+#langdef en-US "English"
+#string FORMSET_TITLE #language en-US "Simple Formset"
+#string FORMSET_HELP #language en-US "This is a very simple formset"
+#string FORMID1_TITLE #language en-US "Simple Form"
+All this code would give us this form:
+![Before](Before.png?raw=true "Before")
+# Add label
+Now let's try add content dynamically to our form.
+Add 2 `label` elements to our form in `UefiLessonsPkg/HIIFormDataElements/Form.vfr`:
+ guid = FORMSET_GUID,
+ form
+ formid = 1,
+ label LABEL_START;
+ label LABEL_END;
+ endform;
+These two elements define a start and end of the section for the dynamic content.
+Values under `LABEL_START` and `LABEL_END` are just `UINT16` numbers. Place some defines for them to the `UefiLessonsPkg/HIIFormDataElements/Data.h`:
+#define LABEL_START 0x1111
+#define LABEL_END 0x2222
+The actual label numbers are not important. The only limitation is that label numers must be unique in a scope of a target form.
+# IFR
+Build module and look at the IFR `Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/X64/UefiLessonsPkg/HIIFormDataElements/HIIFormDataElements/DEBUG/Form.lst`:
+ label 0x1111;
+>00000117: 5F 15 35 17 0B 0F A0 87 93 41 B2 66 53 8C 38 AF 48 CE 00 11 11
+ label 0x2222;
+>0000012C: 5F 15 35 17 0B 0F A0 87 93 41 B2 66 53 8C 38 AF 48 CE 00 22 22
+Labels are encoded with a help of `EFI_IFR_GUID_OP` opcode. This opcode helps vendors to add new IFR opcodes that are not defined in the UEFI specification. This is a method for UEFI specification extension.
+A GUIDed operation. This op-code serves as an extensible op-code which can be defined by the Guid value to have various functionality. It should be noted that IFR browsers or scripts which cannot interpret the meaning of this GUIDed op-code will skip it.
+#define EFI_IFR_GUID_OP 0x5F
+typedef struct _EFI_IFR_GUID {
+ EFI_GUID Guid;
+//Optional Data Follows
+Header The sequence that defines the type of opcode as well as the length of the opcode being defined.
+ For this tag, Header.OpCode = EFI_IFR_GUID_OP
+Guid The GUID value for this op-code. This field is intended to define a particular type of special-purpose function,
+ and the format of the data which immediately follows the Guid field (if any) is defined by that particular GUID.
+If you parse our binary data you could see that in our case `Guid` is equal to:
+35 17 0B 0F A0 87 93 41 B2 66 53 8C 38 AF 48 CE
+This value defines a format of all the rest of the opcode data that follows next until the opcode end (which is determined by `Header.Length`). In this case it is `00 11 11` or `00 22 22`.
+The GUID in the IFR is defined in the `./MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec`:
+gEfiIfrTianoGuid = { 0xf0b1735, 0x87a0, 0x4193, {0xb2, 0x66, 0x53, 0x8c, 0x38, 0xaf, 0x48, 0xce }}
+Or in the `./MdeModulePkg/Include/Guid/MdeModuleHii.h`:
+ { 0xf0b1735, 0x87a0, 0x4193, {0xb2, 0x66, 0x53, 0x8c, 0x38, 0xaf, 0x48, 0xce} }
+EDKII has several special IFR opcodes. All of them are defined under the same `EFI_IFR_TIANO_GUID`. To differ them between each other the first byte after the GUID defines an opcode:
+/// EDKII implementation extension opcodes, new extension can be added here later.
+In our case the next byte is `0x00` which corresponds to the `EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL`.
+In this case the full opcode is defined with this structure:
+/// Label opcode.
+typedef struct _EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL {
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ UINT8 ExtendOpCode; // EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL = 0x0
+ ///
+ /// Label Number.
+ ///
+ UINT16 Number;
+# C code
+To insert content from the C code into section defined by labels we need to utilize `HiiUpdateForm` function from the `HiiLib`
+ This function updates a form that has previously been registered with the HII
+ Database. This function will perform at most one update operation.
+ The form to update is specified by Handle, FormSetGuid, and FormId. Binary
+ comparisons of IFR opcodes are performed from the beginning of the form being
+ updated until an IFR opcode is found that exactly matches the first IFR opcode
+ specified by StartOpCodeHandle. The following rules are used to determine if
+ an insert, replace, or delete operation is performed:
+ 1) If no matches are found, then NULL is returned.
+ 2) If a match is found, and EndOpCodeHandle is NULL, then all of the IFR opcodes
+ from StartOpCodeHandle except the first opcode are inserted immediately after
+ the matching IFR opcode in the form to be updated.
+ 3) If a match is found, and EndOpCodeHandle is not NULL, then a search is made
+ from the matching IFR opcode until an IFR opcode exactly matches the first
+ IFR opcode specified by EndOpCodeHandle. If no match is found for the first
+ IFR opcode specified by EndOpCodeHandle, then NULL is returned. If a match
+ is found, then all of the IFR opcodes between the start match and the end
+ match are deleted from the form being updated and all of the IFR opcodes
+ from StartOpCodeHandle except the first opcode are inserted immediately after
+ the matching start IFR opcode. If StartOpCcodeHandle only contains one
+ IFR instruction, then the result of this operation will delete all of the IFR
+ opcodes between the start end matches.
+ If HiiHandle is NULL, then ASSERT().
+ If StartOpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT().
+ @param[in] HiiHandle The HII Handle of the form to update.
+ @param[in] FormSetGuid The Formset GUID of the form to update. This
+ is an optional parameter that may be NULL.
+ If it is NULL, all FormSet will be updated.
+ @param[in] FormId The ID of the form to update.
+ @param[in] StartOpCodeHandle An OpCode Handle that contains the set of IFR
+ opcodes to be inserted or replaced in the form.
+ The first IFR instruction in StartOpCodeHandle
+ is used to find matching IFR opcode in the
+ form.
+ @param[in] EndOpCodeHandle An OpCcode Handle that contains the IFR opcode
+ that marks the end of a replace operation in
+ the form. This is an optional parameter that
+ may be NULL. If it is NULL, then the IFR
+ opcodes specified by StartOpCodeHandle are
+ inserted into the form.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough memory resources are allocated.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The following cases will return EFI_NOT_FOUND:
+ 1) The form specified by HiiHandle, FormSetGuid,
+ and FormId could not be found in the HII Database.
+ 2) No IFR opcodes in the target form match the first
+ IFR opcode in StartOpCodeHandle.
+ 3) EndOpCOde is not NULL, and no IFR opcodes in the
+ target form following a matching start opcode match
+ the first IFR opcode in EndOpCodeHandle.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The matched form is updated by StartOpcode.
+HiiUpdateForm (
+ IN VOID *StartOpCodeHandle,
+ );
+As you can see this function needs two opcode handles:
+- `StartOpCodeHandle` - handle that contains IFR that marks a start of a replace section + all the opcodes that are needed to be inserted,
+- `EndOpCodeHandle` - handle that contains IFR that marks an end of a replace section
+How to create these OpCode Handles? `HiiLib` has a special function for that:
+ Allocates and returns a new OpCode Handle. OpCode Handles must be freed with
+ HiiFreeOpCodeHandle().
+ @retval NULL There are not enough resources to allocate a new OpCode Handle.
+ @retval Other A new OpCode handle.
+HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle (
+ );
+The important thing to note here, is that this function doesn't accept any size. Because in this operation the buffer is always fixed. `HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle` returns a pointer to the newly allocated structure `HII_LIB_OPCODE_BUFFER` that is defined as follow:
+#define HII_LIB_OPCODE_ALLOCATION_SIZE 0x200 // (=512)
+typedef struct {
+ UINT8 *Buffer; // Pointer to newly allocated buffer of HII_LIB_OPCODE_ALLOCATION_SIZE bytes
+ UINTN BufferSize;
+ UINTN Position;
+All our dynamically allocated opcodes should fit into the preallocated buffer.
+Off course we need to free all the buffers allocated with `HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle`:
+ Frees an OpCode Handle that was previously allocated with HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle().
+ When an OpCode Handle is freed, all of the opcodes associated with the OpCode
+ Handle are also freed.
+ If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT().
+ @param[in] OpCodeHandle The handle to the buffer of opcodes.
+HiiFreeOpCodeHandle (
+ VOID *OpCodeHandle
+ );
+So in our driver we should add this code:
+VOID* StartOpCodeHandle = HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle();
+VOID* EndOpCodeHandle = HiiAllocateOpCodeHandle();
+<...> // fill OpCode Handles
+EFI_STATUS Status = HiiUpdateForm(
+ mHiiHandle,
+ &formsetGuid,
+ 0x1,
+ StartOpCodeHandle,
+ EndOpCodeHandle
+ );
+if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ Print(L"Error! HiiUpdateForm returned = %r\n", Status);
+return Status;
+Now we need to create correct data under `StartOpCodeHandle` and `EndOpCodeHandle`. First we need to add `label` IFR to them. For this task we can utilize `HiiCreateGuidOpCode` function:
+ Create EFI_IFR_GUID opcode.
+ If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT().
+ If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
+ If OpCodeSize < sizeof (EFI_IFR_GUID), then ASSERT().
+ @param[in] OpCodeHandle Handle to the buffer of opcodes.
+ @param[in] Guid Pointer to EFI_GUID of this guided opcode.
+ @param[in] GuidOpCode Pointer to an EFI_IFR_GUID opcode. This is an
+ optional parameter that may be NULL. If this
+ parameter is NULL, then the GUID extension
+ region of the created opcode is filled with zeros.
+ If this parameter is not NULL, then the GUID
+ extension region of GuidData will be copied to
+ the GUID extension region of the created opcode.
+ @param[in] OpCodeSize The size, in bytes, of created opcode. This value
+ must be >= sizeof(EFI_IFR_GUID).
+ @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode.
+ @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode.
+UINT8 *
+HiiCreateGuidOpCode (
+ IN VOID *OpCodeHandle,
+ IN UINTN OpCodeSize
+ )
+This function returns a pointer to the opcode buffer. In our case it is a buffer for the `EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL` opcode. So we need to cast the buffer to the `EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL` structure and fill it with correct data. If `HiiCreateGuidOpCode` returns `NULL` we need to report an error and free all the previously allocated resources:
+EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL* StartLabel = (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL*) HiiCreateGuidOpCode(StartOpCodeHandle,
+ &gEfiIfrTianoGuid,
+ );
+if (StartLabel == NULL) {
+ Print(L"Error! Can't create StartLabel opcode, not enough space\n");
+ HiiRemovePackages(mHiiHandle);
+StartLabel->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL;
+StartLabel->Number = LABEL_START;
+EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL* EndLabel = (EFI_IFR_GUID_LABEL*) HiiCreateGuidOpCode(EndOpCodeHandle,
+ &gEfiIfrTianoGuid,
+ );
+if (EndLabel == NULL) {
+ Print(L"Error! Can't create Text opcode, not enough space\n");
+ HiiFreeOpCodeHandle(StartOpCodeHandle);
+ HiiRemovePackages(mHiiHandle);
+EndLabel->ExtendOpCode = EFI_IFR_EXTEND_OP_LABEL;
+EndLabel->Number = LABEL_END;
+We doing all of this to embed new code to the IFR. So besides the markers (=labels) we need to add new IFR codes to the buffer refernced by the `StartOpCodeHandle`. Let's add a VFR `text` element with a help of a `HiiCreateTextOpCode` function:
+ Create EFI_IFR_TEXT_OP opcode.
+ If OpCodeHandle is NULL, then ASSERT().
+ @param[in] OpCodeHandle Handle to the buffer of opcodes.
+ @param[in] Prompt String ID for Prompt.
+ @param[in] Help String ID for Help.
+ @param[in] TextTwo String ID for TextTwo.
+ @retval NULL There is not enough space left in Buffer to add the opcode.
+ @retval Other A pointer to the created opcode.
+UINT8 *
+HiiCreateTextOpCode (
+ IN VOID *OpCodeHandle,
+ );
+As you can see this function needs `EFI_STRING_ID` for the new `text` element. As we are generating our new element dynamically, let's also add new strings dynamically to the HII database:
+For this task we can utilize `HiiSetString` function from the `https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/blob/master/MdeModulePkg/Library/UefiHiiLib/HiiString.c`:
+ This function create a new string in String Package or updates an existing
+ string in a String Package. If StringId is 0, then a new string is added to
+ a String Package. If StringId is not zero, then a string in String Package is
+ updated. If SupportedLanguages is NULL, then the string is added or updated
+ for all the languages that the String Package supports. If SupportedLanguages
+ is not NULL, then the string is added or updated for the set of languages
+ specified by SupportedLanguages.
+ If HiiHandle is NULL, then ASSERT().
+ If String is NULL, then ASSERT().
+ @param[in] HiiHandle A handle that was previously registered in the
+ HII Database.
+ @param[in] StringId If zero, then a new string is created in the
+ String Package associated with HiiHandle. If
+ non-zero, then the string specified by StringId
+ is updated in the String Package associated
+ with HiiHandle.
+ @param[in] String A pointer to the Null-terminated Unicode string
+ to add or update in the String Package associated
+ with HiiHandle.
+ @param[in] SupportedLanguages A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string of
+ language codes. If this parameter is NULL, then
+ String is added or updated in the String Package
+ associated with HiiHandle for all the languages
+ that the String Package supports. If this
+ parameter is not NULL, then then String is added
+ or updated in the String Package associated with
+ HiiHandle for the set oflanguages specified by
+ SupportedLanguages. The format of
+ SupportedLanguages must follow the language
+ format assumed the HII Database.
+ @retval 0 The string could not be added or updated in the String Package.
+ @retval Other The EFI_STRING_ID of the newly added or updated string.
+HiiSetString (
+ IN CONST CHAR8 *SupportedLanguages OPTIONAL
+ )
+With this function we can create new strings as simple as this:
+EFI_STRING_ID text_prompt = HiiSetString(mHiiHandle,
+ 0,
+ L"Text prompt",
+ NULL);
+EFI_STRING_ID text_help = HiiSetString(mHiiHandle,
+ 0,
+ L"Text help",
+ NULL);
+Now we can use `HiiCreateTextOpCode` function:
+UINT8* Result = HiiCreateTextOpCode(StartOpCodeHandle,
+ text_prompt,
+ text_help,
+ 0);
+if (Result == NULL) {
+ Print(L"Error! Can't create Text opcode, not enough space\n");
+ HiiFreeOpCodeHandle(StartOpCodeHandle);
+ HiiFreeOpCodeHandle(EndOpCodeHandle);
+ HiiRemovePackages(mHiiHandle);
+text_prompt = HiiSetString(mHiiHandle,
+ 0,
+ L"Another text prompt",
+ NULL);
+text_help = HiiSetString(mHiiHandle,
+ 0,
+ L"Another text help",
+ NULL);
+Result = HiiCreateTextOpCode(StartOpCodeHandle,
+ text_prompt,
+ text_help,
+ 0);
+if (Result == NULL) {
+ Print(L"Error! Can't create Text opcode, not enough space\n");
+ HiiFreeOpCodeHandle(StartOpCodeHandle);
+ HiiFreeOpCodeHandle(EndOpCodeHandle);
+ HiiRemovePackages(mHiiHandle);